Miller / Deace this morning

+1 I usually don't disagree with what Deace has to say, or get upset by it, but to say that Iowa BBall is the worst in the history of the Big Ten? Come on.

Deace's specialty is spewing a vast amount of facts at a mind numbing rate. Why would anyone waste their time disagreeing with facts? It is when he offers his opinion as fact that he becomes vulnerable and often VERY funny. Today was a very good example. If you let his foolishness upset you, you will miss a great opportunity to enjoy a truly unique individual.

The "who's on second (Cully Payne)" skit he and Jon put on today was pure, unitended genius.
Here is how it happens:

Iowa wins 2 of 3 in the Virgin Isles tourny.
Iowa wins all three instate games with UNI and ISU in CHA and Drake not great.
Iowa wins all the cupcakes, and only loses in the ACC Challenge on the road.

That puts Iowa at 11-2 going into league play.
Iowa beats everyone at home cept for OSU,MSU,Ill,and at home.
Iowa beats PSU,IU,NW,and Mich on the road...going 4-5...9-9 overall...
Iowa is the 6th seed in the BTT and beats the 11th seed(mich) on day one...and then upsets Ill on the second day of the tourny...then lose in the semis...which leaves them at 22-12...and they sneak into the Big Dance as the 6th Big Ten team in a year that the league is top 2 in overall RPI...easy peasy,japaneasy...
Put down the bong and step back...Now way Iowa beats UNI, ISU and Drake that is just crazy to think that. This team will win maybe 2 more B10 games...hell they couldn't beat the cupcakes this year....
Put down the bong and step back...Now way Iowa beats UNI, ISU and Drake that is just crazy to think that. This team will win maybe 2 more B10 games...hell they couldn't beat the cupcakes this year....

UNi loses their entire starting lineup to graduation, ISU is going to suck and can't win on the theres two. Drake should be better next year, but there isn't any reason to think that Iowa won't take care of ISU and UNI at home next year.
It is pretty sad when Iowa BB fans have to hope for even a "sniff" at the NIT.

It used to be a letdown if Iowa played in the NIT.
how about if deace and miller just stop talking about iowa and iowa state bball after each lose?? We all know that they both suck. They ramble and say the same crap every morning. i like the show but the same topics come up on a regular basis and it turns into the same chorus different verse! btw - stop talking about LOST that show blows and is annoying like the radio show currently is!
It is pretty sad when Iowa BB fans have to hope for even a "sniff" at the NIT.

It used to be a letdown if Iowa played in the NIT.

It has been pretty sad for a long, long time. We have now hit rock bottom and the hope is not to sniff the NIT but to show steady improvement from year to year. Being considered for the NIT would just be the result of that steady improvement. If Lick can't get to that level of improvement in 2011, it will be time to move on.
how about if deace and miller just stop talking about iowa and iowa state bball after each lose?? We all know that they both suck. They ramble and say the same crap every morning. i like the show but the same topics come up on a regular basis and it turns into the same chorus different verse! btw - stop talking about LOST that show blows and is annoying like the radio show currently is!

Being a LOST fan, I actually really enjoy their takes on it. Since they usually do that in the first half hour, I doubt it affects their ratings too much.
Iowa will have a difficult time on the road again next year and will win one or two games tops, if that. They will do ok at home but will lose to the upper division teams again.

Is Iowa the only team that will improve next year? Will Iowa players suddenly become quicker and faster? Is that what happens when a team gets more depth? They still will only match up well against teams like Penn St and NW. Purdue, MSU, and other upper division teams will still have the same quick players so unless we get quicker and faster on defense, what changes...especially on the road?

At home teams tend to shoot better so we will play better but the upper division teams will still have better talent and thus can play better defense and force us out on the perimeter further to shoot like Purdue did. The only thing that might change is that those teams might take us more seriously and play us for a full 40 minutes instead of 20 or 25 minutes.

Wins in the Big 10 next year... perhaps 5.

But couple that with a better preseason with more cupcakes and Barta says Iowa is making improvements and keeps Lickliter when Iowa is still a basement dweller in the Big 10.
Iowa will have a difficult time on the road again next year and will win one or two games tops, if that. They will do ok at home but will lose to the upper division teams again.

Is Iowa the only team that will improve next year? Will Iowa players suddenly become quicker and faster? Is that what happens when a team gets more depth? They still will only match up well against teams like Penn St and NW. Purdue, MSU, and other upper division teams will still have the same quick players so unless we get quicker and faster on defense, what changes...especially on the road?

At home teams tend to shoot better so we will play better but the upper division teams will still have better talent and thus can play better defense and force us out on the perimeter further to shoot like Purdue did. The only thing that might change is that those teams might take us more seriously and play us for a full 40 minutes instead of 20 or 25 minutes.

Wins in the Big 10 next year... perhaps 5.

But couple that with a better preseason with more cupcakes and Barta says Iowa is making improvements and keeps Lickliter when Iowa is still a basement dweller in the Big 10.

I would take over 5 BT wins. My guess is 7 or 8.
add Bergrenn,Wilson,Evans, and some good recruits.

Just because teams are not starting sophs this year does not mean they do not have very good sophs sitting and learning...behind very good upperclassmen.

The fact that they're sitting and learning means that they aren't as good right now. In other words, the guys Iowa players are playing against now are better than the guys Iowa players will be playing in two years when those same Iowa players have 2 more years experience. Put another way, Iowa may be struggling now, but they will be competitive again soon.

Not only will Payne, Gatens, May and Fuller be very solid Big Ten starters, but Iowa will be developing their younger players and grooming them to take over as upperclassmen graduate. That's the way it's supposed to work. Cully Payne and Eric May should not be thrown into the fire the way they have been. They should be learning the system from upperclassmen, earning their playing time slowly as they prove themselves in practice, and not be relied on as core players and leaders of the team as true freshman. Payne and May aren't one and done type players.

Lick is almost finished building the foundation. Starting in the 2011-2012 season, I think Iowa will be back to consistently making the NCAAs and competing for Big Ten championships.

Nobody expected Iowa to make the NCAAs this year and that's not because of Iowa's coach. The cupboard was bare, it may be taking a little longer than some would've hoped but when you do things the right way, sometime it takes a little more time. (See e.g., Kirk Ferentz).
The fact that they're sitting and learning means that they aren't as good right now. In other words, the guys Iowa players are playing against now are better than the guys Iowa players will be playing in two years when those same Iowa players have 2 more years experience. Put another way, Iowa may be struggling now, but they will be competitive again soon.

Not only will Payne, Gatens, May and Fuller be very solid Big Ten starters, but Iowa will be developing their younger players and grooming them to take over as upperclassmen graduate. That's the way it's supposed to work. Cully Payne and Eric May should not be thrown into the fire the way they have been. They should be learning the system from upperclassmen, earning their playing time slowly as they prove themselves in practice, and not be relied on as core players and leaders of the team as true freshman. Payne and May aren't one and done type players.

Lick is almost finished building the foundation. Starting in the 2011-2012 season, I think Iowa will be back to consistently making the NCAAs and competing for Big Ten championships.

Nobody expected Iowa to make the NCAAs this year and that's not because of Iowa's coach. The cupboard was bare, it may be taking a little longer than some would've hoped but when you do things the right way, sometime it takes a little more time. (See e.g., Kirk Ferentz).

I hope you are right. Lets see how the offseason goes. The pattern has been that Iowa loses their top scorer...Smith, Freeman,Kelly/Peterson, Tucker...and again...KF had us beating the crap outta Big Ten champ NW in his 2nd year...and going bowling in his third year. We are buried in 10th place again in licks 3rd year. If we are going to constantly drag out the KF comparisons...then lets this point in his third year KF had us in 4th place in the league...not 10th.

BB is not football...only 13 schollys vs 80. Only 5 can start ...not 24.
Maybe we should wait until lick leads us out of 10th place before we start comparing him to KF,ok?

As for those sophs on other teams Jordan Taylor..who was pressed into starting for wisky after Leuer went down...Taylor leads the nation in assist to turnover ratio...but could not beat out JaBo and hughes...we will see how our guards match up in wisky later in the year.
You kidding me Bucky will beat us by 30 in won't even be close. I think it is realistic to sniff a winning season that's it...which I guess means the NIT would give us a look see. NCAA in two seasons or walk the plank Lickloser. If we don't have a winning season next year I'm starting a new website
I am watching a great game between Minny and Wisky right now,and late in the half Wisky had 2 frosh(evans,brueswitz) a soph (Taylor) a junior(leuer) and a senior,(hughes) on the floor....add in a jr in Jarmauz who starts....and Bergrenn off the bench,and you have a very tough team for next year already.

Meanwhile,Minny had Cobbs (fr),Iverson,Hoffbarger,Sampson and Joseph -all sophs ,on the floor...these teams are almost as young as Iowa.
I hope you are right. Lets see how the offseason goes. The pattern has been that Iowa loses their top scorer...Smith, Freeman,Kelly/Peterson, Tucker...and again...KF had us beating the crap outta Big Ten champ NW in his 2nd year...and going bowling in his third year. We are buried in 10th place again in licks 3rd year. If we are going to constantly drag out the KF comparisons...then lets this point in his third year KF had us in 4th place in the league...not 10th.

BB is not football...only 13 schollys vs 80. Only 5 can start ...not 24.
Maybe we should wait until lick leads us out of 10th place before we start comparing him to KF,ok?

As for those sophs on other teams Jordan Taylor..who was pressed into starting for wisky after Leuer went down...Taylor leads the nation in assist to turnover ratio...but could not beat out JaBo and hughes...we will see how our guards match up in wisky later in the year.

I wasn't comparing Lick to KF, I said it takes time to build a program the right way. Ferentz was merely an example of a coach who built a program the right way, an example that an Iowa fan would understand. It is certainly premature to compare KF's success with Lick's time at Iowa, even if I end up being right in predicting that Iowa is headed in the right direction and will be in the NCAA tourney in 2011-2012. KF not only built a solid program, he has sustained it. We're still waiting to see if Lick can build a winner, let alone sustain it once he gets there.

With regard to the transfers, it is somewhat concerning but you can't blame Smith or Kelly on Lick; Freeman and Palmer weren't Lick recruits; and Peterson and Tucker saw the writing on the wall (i.e., diminishing roles due to missing so many Big Ten games (Peterson's injuries and Tucker's ineligibility/suspension) while other players stepped up and did a better job (Kelly for Peterson and May for Tucker)). Jermaine Davis was just a low risk gamble that lost. The only situation I thought Lick mishandled was the Freeman situation (and even Freeman couldn't have saved us last year).

With regard to players sitting on other teams' benches or their incomining recruits, I'm sure those teams have some talent in the wings. But Iowa's frosh and soph have shown they can put up solid numbers on guys starting over the talent waiting in the wings, so why won't they be able to do the same in 2 years when they has even more experience? We're seeing glimpses the time they are competing against the talent in the wings of other teams, I think these Iowa players will be consistently playing very good basketball.

We'll just have to wait and see. To be clear, Lick hasn't accomplished anything yet, I just think he deserves some time because of what he had to start with and what he has now (and on the way).

I want Iowa to get back to playing in the NCAA tourney on a regular basis. I think we'll get there faster if we let Lick finish the rebuilding process.
I am watching a great game between Minny and Wisky right now,and late in the half Wisky had 2 frosh(evans,brueswitz) a soph (Taylor) a junior(leuer) and a senior,(hughes) on the floor....add in a jr in Jarmauz who starts....and Bergrenn off the bench,and you have a very tough team for next year already.

Meanwhile,Minny had Cobbs (fr),Iverson,Hoffbarger,Sampson and Joseph -all sophs ,on the floor...these teams are almost as young as Iowa.

Hoffbarger is a junior. Wisky's combined frosh soph line is currently 1 for 13, 6 points, 7 fouls.

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