Mike Meyer > Nate Kaeding ???

Meyer is good but he's not even in the same league as Kaeding was. Meyer is accurate but he doesn't have the leg that Kaeding had. I don't know if Iowa will ever see a kicker better than him.

Meyer has been fantastic but it's like compairing someone to Tim Dwight or Chuck Long.

Like has already been mentioned, but deserves mentioning again.....Kaeding was pretty ordinary in his first 2 years. It was his last 2 years that he shot through the roof. I think Meyer definitely has that potential. How can you say that Meyer doesn't have a good leg? That field goal he hit at Solider Field was sick and, frankly, he hasn't had many chances to kick 50+ yard field goals. I think Meyer definitely has a shot to be special before it's all said and done.
Meyer is good but he's not even in the same league as Kaeding was. Meyer is accurate but he doesn't have the leg that Kaeding had. I don't know if Iowa will ever see a kicker better than him.

Meyer has been fantastic but it's like compairing someone to Tim Dwight or Chuck Long.

kaeding was/is a great kicker, but we remember him from his last 2 years at Iowa and more specifically his last year. It could be agrued that Meyer actually has better numbers through this point in his career

These stats exclude Kaeding's senior year so we are comparing career to date.

PATs - Meyer broke Kaeding's record for consecutive PATs.

Field goals inside 40 yards:

Kaeding 27 of 37 (73%)
Meyer 31 of 34 (91%)

Field goals 40 yards or longer:

Kaeding 20 of 25 (80%)
Meyer 11 of 17 (64%) - Meyer has made 4 out of 5 so far this year.

So yeah Kaeding was more accurate from 40+ but Meyer has a clear advantage inside 40.
On how many attempts and from what distance (range), Jon? Some context is required.

FR: 14/22
SO: 8/11
JR: 21/24
SR: 20/21

Don't know about distances, but hawkinaclownhouse said Kaeding had the edge in distance in his first two years (80-64% in favor of NK), but Meyer had the edge from inside 40 (91-73%).
Moar liek Mike Meyer>Kyle Schlicher?

Definitely. Schlicher was 8-19 for his career from 40+ yards and had a very disappointing senior year (13-20 after being named preseason All-American). He never missed a field goal under 30 yards on 20 career attempts. But anything outside of 37/38 yards was a coin toss at best.
Meyer is good but he's not even in the same league as Kaeding was. Meyer is accurate but he doesn't have the leg that Kaeding had. I don't know if Iowa will ever see a kicker better than him.

Meyer has been fantastic but it's like compairing someone to Tim Dwight or Chuck Long.

Hi Nate.
On how many attempts and from what distance (range), Jon? Some context is required.

Nate's totals by year. Notice he was 0-1 from 50+ under his junior year.

1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+

Freshman 0-1 2-3 4-8 8-11 0-0
Sophomore 1-1 1-2 6-8 4-4 0-1
Junior 1-1 6-8 6-6 5-6 3-3
Senior 1-1 8-8 7-8 2-2 2-2

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