This is what's hilarious. You speak from a white lower middle class perspective and you talk about Democrats shipping jobs overseas. You've got it wrong. Businesses ship jobs overseas...the Republican Party is the party of big business. They are the ones giving these corporations all the tax breaks with no requirements for job creation. All they are concerned about is profits...not the working class or lower level employee.
This is just blind ignorance. Absolutely blind. Both parties are absolutely the party of big business, it's just that the Democrats have a really, really, really good marketing machine to make you think they are not. On taxes, I disagree with Trump's cuts to personal rates, but think Trump got it right on corporate taxes because what happened is our tax rates were sofaking high that a shitload of companies either re-domiciled or engaged in activities where they domiciled all of their intellectual property in Ireland, Singapore or Luxembourg and then shifted a huge chunk of profits overseas through intercompany licenses. The corporate rate should be low enough to be competitive globally and avoid that shit and the personal rates should probably be Clinton-era levels across the board (with adjustments for inflation) because the federal government deficit is just too damned big. You claw the tax out of the companies when they make dividends or distributions and they show up on personal returns.
The oligarchs and senior brass at big businesses overwhelming favor Democrats. Buffett, Gates, Bezos. There are definitely rich guys who back the GOP like in ag and everyone's favorite boogeyman, the Koch Brothers, but at the end of the day, the true elite (who skew heavily toward California and NYC) favor the DNC by a WIDE margin.
We had what, 30 years of lip service on immigration? Both parties talked tough, but at the end of the day, the folks stroking the checks with access have them both captive on immigration. Big business wants two huge things out of government: (1) cheap labor, and (2) domestic population growth to expand their consumer base. Companies like Apple don't give a shit what the tax rate is because they just ship their IP to Ireland and license it back, so they pay their income tax in fucking Ireland. That's been going on for years. Did the DNC control of the legislative and executive branches end that? Hell no. But again, current immigration policy is heavily focused on cutting labor costs and that goes for the oligarchs who run the ag businesses like the Perdue or Tyson families (who are GOP) all the way up to the tech darlings of Silicon Valley, who demand a massive stream of H1-B laborers every year. Remember how good meat packing jobs in Iowa used to pay? It wasn't the GOP who broke the unions, it was immigration. If you have a willing pool of backup labor, you can simply wait out the union on a strike and tell them to kindly get fucked. Economics is always going to prevail. And of course, each party has at different times had varying political motivations behind immigration. Reagan presumed that the Cubans would be a reliable conservative voting bloc, so he cut a deal. That laid the groundwork for where we are today, where the DNC sees political advantage after running a critical race theory strategy for years.
Trade. Who signed NAFTA? I forgot. Another Party of Big Government special, didn't matter if you voted GOP or Dem. Only Ross Perot pushed back on that.
Dude, it's a fucking disaster, but we as a society CANNOT get complacent about this shit these huge companies are shoving down our throats. If you have a highly divided populace, it makes it really fucking easy to loot it.