Mike Anderson leaves Mizzou for Arkansas

Great, another thread for all the Pearl / Forbes cult members to hijack. Let me guess, rumors from secret sources link both to the job and they will be the first Coach-Mascot combo to run a D1 program. Pearl can conceal his identity by dressing up as the Mizzou mascot and Forbes will get the entire TN team to transfer, making Mizzou the odds on favorite to take it all.
Great, another thread for all the Pearl / Forbes cult members to hijack. Let me guess, rumors from secret sources link both to the job and they will be the first Coach-Mascot combo to run a D1 program. Pearl can conceal his identity by dressing up as the Mizzou mascot and Forbes will get the entire TN team to transfer, making Mizzou the odds on favorite to take it all.

Not trying to be the master of the obvious but you definitely just hijacked the thread...
I believe Missouri has 2 - top 100 kids signed for 2011. It will be interesting to see what they do.
I fully expect him to be their next coach.

The only way he wouldn't be interested is if he's waiting and banking on Tom Crean to continue to struggle and get the boot at Indiana, and thinks they finally will decide it's his time there.

I see some people are saying they are going to go after Matt Painter, but I can't see why he would leave a good position at Purdue to go to Missouri.
Supposedly Purdue underpays their coaches. That is the Painter rationale by those mentioning it that are somewhat in the know. Of course, there are others that don't realize this and they just throw his name out there anyway.

Now, the ones that I have heard SAY Purdue underpays haven't said that they know what his contract is, so they are assuming he is underpaid. At least that is what I hear down here in KC.
Supposedly Purdue underpays their coaches. That is the Painter rationale by those mentioning it that are somewhat in the know. Of course, there are others that don't realize this and they just throw his name out there anyway.

Now, the ones that I have heard SAY Purdue underpays haven't said that they know what his contract is, so they are assuming he is underpaid. At least that is what I hear down here in KC.
Purdue is a private university right? If they are, I don't believe they have to release salaries like state sponsored universities. Most coaches receive endorsements too so actual compensation can often be far different than a reported salary.
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I fully expect him to be their next coach.

The only way he wouldn't be interested is if he's waiting and banking on Tom Crean to continue to struggle and get the boot at Indiana, and thinks they finally will decide it's his time there.

I see some people are saying they are going to go after Matt Painter, but I can't see why he would leave a good position at Purdue to go to Missouri.

Interesting take, hadn't thought about Alford. On one hand, he has a pretty solid team that plays in a soon to be BYU-less Mtn Worst Conference. Beat UNLV and Colorado State and you win the conference.

On the other hand, Mizzou has the bank to shell out a big number and he can get anyone into school there. Problem is KU eats your lunch every season and if Martin stays at K-State, they will continue to get talent. The last coach with movie star hair (Snyder) did not fare too well there. Maybe we could rekindle the hoops rivalry with them?
Purdue is a private university right? If they are, I don't believe they have to release salaries like state sponsored universities. Most coaches receive endorsements too so actual compensation can often be far different than a reported salary.

Purdue is a state school. NW is the only private school in the league.

And I do believe that Painter is underpaid,relative to the Matta's and Izzo's of the league.
Mizzou has a new arena,and as some have said,an easy admission policy.
Decent instate talent,also,if St Louis could be locked down.
Attractive job,with Walmart money always available.
I suspect that all the usual suspects will be named as possible candidates,and that includes SA.
It is money time for coaches who had decent years....leverage is a great thing for them and open jobs like Mizzou are great leverage.
I have to think Missouri has set their sites higher than Alford. 12 years at similar schools, 4 NCAA tournament appearances, and 2 NCAA tournament wins. That's a pretty large sample size.

If you're Missouri, why would you aspire for an NCAA tournament appearance every 3 years and an NCAA tournament victory every 6 years?
I don't think they can sell their fan base on Cuonzo Martin (and you could probably say the same about Alford).

He's done a nice job at Missouri State, and he's going to be a very good coach at a big school someday, but I think their fans expect to get more than a coach who has 1 NIT trip and 1 CIT trip in 3 seasons.

The reason I think getting the fans fully on board with the hire is crucial is because they had horrible attendance problems this season. Their attendance, especially in the nonconference, was horrible for a team ranked in the top 15 much of that time. Out of 10 nonconference home games, 7 of them drew under 10,000 people. They can't afford to make a hire that any portion of their fan base views as "blah".

If the Matt Painter rumors have any legs and he does go to Missouri, I could easily see Cuonzo Martin taking over at Purdue.

There are too many reasons why it makes sense for Alford to get this job, especially if he was interested in it after Quin Snyder was fired.
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