
I was just going to post this.

Yahoo! Sports seems to be the only one able to uncover this kind of stuff any more.

ESPN certainly doesn't want to, as they've got too much money tied up into all of the conferences, as another website's article explored in detail.
Much of this happened under Randy Shannon's watch. Say what you will about him as a coach, but I don't think anyone has ever questioned his integrity. He had the 3rd highest graduation rate among FBS schools, trailing only Army and Navy. He also had only one player arrested during his 4 year tenure (a player that later transferred). The University of Florida has 31 players arrested over the same time span.

What I am saying is this: if Randy Shannon can't keep the third-party runners out of his program, God help the rest of college football.
that is the definition of a "nail in the coffin" story as you will see. How do you try to spin that story if you are the administration at Miami?
Much of this happened under Randy Shannon's watch. Say what you will about him as a coach, but I don't think anyone has ever questioned his integrity. He had the 3rd highest graduation rate among FBS schools, trailing only Army and Navy. He also had only one player arrested during his 4 year tenure (a player that later transferred). The University of Florida has 31 players arrested over the same time span.

What I am saying is this: if Randy Shannon can't keep the third-party runners out of his program, God help the rest of college football.
In 100 hours of jailhouse interviews during Yahoo! Sports’ 11-month investigation, Hurricanes booster Nevin Shapiro described a sustained, eight-year run of rampant NCAA rule-breaking, some of it with the knowledge or direct participation of at least seven coaches from the Miami football and basketball programs.
Much of this happened under Randy Shannon's watch. Say what you will about him as a coach, but I don't think anyone has ever questioned his integrity. He had the 3rd highest graduation rate among FBS schools, trailing only Army and Navy. He also had only one player arrested during his 4 year tenure (a player that later transferred). The University of Florida has 31 players arrested over the same time span.

What I am saying is this: if Randy Shannon can't keep the third-party runners out of his program, God help the rest of college football.

I'm pretty sure Shannon accepted improper benefits when he was a player. He projected a clean program, but there were always doubts. There aren't doubts anymore.
The NCAA is governed by the southern "old boy" network. If this was Iowa, the death penalty would have been handed out within hours of this story. Auburn...nothing; OSU...vacate already played games-a slap on the wrist; Miami....delay and do next to nothing. NCAA is a farce and should not have non-profit status. It's time for them to start admitting they are only about the $.
I'm pretty sure Shannon accepted improper benefits when he was a player. He projected a clean program, but there were always doubts. There aren't doubts anymore.
If you watched the 30 for 30 on the U, Shannon was mentioned as one of the players benefitting while at Miami. I believe he was involved in the payouts from Luther Campbell.

[ame=]The U - Play For Pay - YouTube[/ame]
This picture is brilliant!
Miami's former AD was on the Committee on Infractions when the USC punishment came down. I wonder what he thinks of this.
The NCAA is governed by the southern "old boy" network. If this was Iowa, the death penalty would have been handed out within hours of this story. Auburn...nothing; OSU...vacate already played games-a slap on the wrist; Miami....delay and do next to nothing. NCAA is a farce and should not have non-profit status. It's time for them to start admitting they are only about the $.

I agree with this. Miami will get busted but something tells me no way do they get a "death penalty" that would lose millions of dollars for the NCAA. Miami is a national brand and will get penalized but have a feeling it won't be as severe as it SHOULD be. If this happens at Iowa, there is no question NCAA hammers Iowa with the death penalty because they don't have national brand and wouldn't cost NCAA losing money.
Unfortunately in the world of college athletics I think this happens more often than not. These 'enablers' don't want to think of the consequences. Instead, I think they like the closeness of the relationships they develop with the players. When you think about it, it really can be next to impossible from stopping these people from conducting illegal benefits behind the scenes. Coaches and administrators can only do so much. When it is all said I done I think this really falls on the players. They are old enough to understand right from wrong. And if you happen to be a poor kid from the city who has cash/gifts tossed your way you most likely will be apt to not say anything. Lot's of people in the wrong but I don't know you stop it.
Unfortunately in the world of college athletics I think this happens more often than not. These 'enablers' don't want to think of the consequences. Instead, I think they like the closeness of the relationships they develop with the players. When you think about it, it really can be next to impossible from stopping these people from conducting illegal benefits behind the scenes. Coaches and administrators can only do so much. When it is all said I done I think this really falls on the players. They are old enough to understand right from wrong. And if you happen to be a poor kid from the city who has cash/gifts tossed your way you most likely will be apt to not say anything. Lot's of people in the wrong but I don't know you stop it.

7 coaches were said to be involved or had knowledge of Lil' Luke...
Here is what I can't figure out as an adult.

Why the **** would I want to hang out and party with a bunch of college dudes?

This guy is beyond pathetic, to the point where I almost feel sorry for him.
Yahoo: the home of investigative reporting.

Meanwhile, hacks like Doyel and Forde essentially do nothing. They just attempt to create their own version of the report to gain a page click based off of the work of other reporters who actually do work for a living. It's a total injustice that the hacks at cbs and espn get paid for doing minimal work. I think we can agree that most of us would have trouble doing what Charles Robinson and Dan Wetzel do (investigating and reporting on findings in a professional manner), but anybody with a grade-school education could do what Forde and Doyel do (spewing crap).

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