Meltdown thread #384582


Well-Known Member
The worst part about losses (and near-losses) are these threads. Show some composure, even if Iowa doesn't. Cripes.



nice pictures i guess- but it is pretty frustrating that iowa can't beat the teams they're supposed to. people talk about how this is a championship team, and if you don't beat the teams you're supposed to... why are you calling people out for being mad?
Really? That's the best YOU can offer is a bunch of photos for this steaming pile of **** effort?

I can't wait to see how long it takes for you to post your excuses.
I agree with the OP on this one. We can either accept the loss and still support our team or we can look like a bunch of cry babies and hate on a team that we as fans state we love. Hypocrisy and the smartest coaches in the world are alive on the HN Forum Board today.
Oh? I'm supposed to be happy with halfassed effort? Guess I'll go out and grab some ice cream and have a happy rest of the ******* day.
Really? That's the best YOU can offer is a bunch of photos for this steaming pile of **** effort?

I can't wait to see how long it takes for you to post your excuses.

No excuses. It was garbage except for one quarter. Fat cats, as KF once said. I'm mad, too.

That said, anyone who believes "the season is over" and who is "done supporting the Hawks" is overreacting.
But the season does seem close to being over. We weren't just let down a little but a lot. Not too many thought we have 3 losses this year and staring 4 in the eye.
No excuses. It was garbage except for one quarter. Fat cats, as KF once said. I'm mad, too.

That said, anyone who believes "the season is over" and who is "done supporting the Hawks" is overreacting.

What is there left to play for in a season where the Hawks were ranked in the top 15 and had a legitimate chance at the Rose Bowl after this pathetic effort? Really? I'm asking in all honesty.
I agree with the OP on this one. We can either accept the loss and still support our team or we can look like a bunch of cry babies and hate on a team that we as fans state we love. Hypocrisy and the smartest coaches in the world are alive on the HN Forum Board today.

glad you accept the loss- I don't and personally i think it's being LESS of a fan to say we accept it.

all i've seen you do is criticize people for being mad- so... why are you any different from the masses that are overly expressing their anger?
Cute pictures by the OP.. Do you really expect people not to be PO'ed? I guess if you don't care that we lost, then good for you.
glad you accept the loss- I don't and personally i think it's being LESS of a fan to say we accept it.

all i've seen you do is criticize people for being mad- so... why are you any different from the masses that are overly expressing their anger?

There's a big difference between suggesting it was an acceptable performance (it wasn't) and accepting that it's over so you can move on (it is).
There's a big difference between suggesting it was an acceptable performance (it wasn't) and accepting that it's over so you can move on (it is).

great, thank you for stating the obvious. of course not everyone understands that like you or i do. but at the same time, people complaining, yelling, overreacting and being stupid shows their passion. is it always right? heck no. but there is a grieving period for people that are passionate about something- and maybe theirs is different or more extended than yours.

personally i agree with you that it's worthless to cry on a message board or overreact- but i think its just as overreacting to post crybaby photos.
great, thank you for stating the obvious. of course not everyone understands that like you or i do. but at the same time, people complaining, yelling, overreacting and being stupid shows their passion. is it always right? heck no. but there is a grieving period for people that are passionate about something- and maybe theirs is different or more extended than yours.

personally i agree with you that it's worthless to cry on a message board or overreact- but i think its just as overreacting to post crybaby photos.

Probably correct. Fair enough.
I share the OP's opinion. There is no point in being mad. Why would you let something that you had no hand in affect your daily life? I personally use Iowa football as a vehicle that provides entertainment. A W/L has no effect upon my daily life. The sun will come up tomorrow. A W would not make the rain go away.

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