Melsahn Basabe Interview


Well-Known Member
Interview from last night. Seems to have a pretty good head on his shoulders and wants to work hard and win.

[ame=]YouTube - Melsahn Basabe Iowa freshman[/ame]#
He seems mature, focused, thoughtful, and humble. Excellent leadership qualities. Welcome Melsahn.

What have you taken away from the difference playing in Iowa compared to the HS experience?


Could you feel that tonight, 'the next level'?

Dude, it is the PTL in Iowa City, Iowa. No disrespect. It is not like you are playing with Evan Turner on the other squad.

The kid handles himself well in interviews, though. Very well.
I'm impressed. Not only did he score 36 but his interview shows that he is mentally quick and driven. He answered most of those questions more thoughtfully than a seasoned senior.
Outstanding. Mel handles himself very well and is obviously a mature intelligent kid.
I like that two times when his individual point total was mentioned he said, yeah but i got the loss. We want to win.
Could care less how a kid sounds in an interview or how he plays in the PTL. If he can do something in the Big 10 I'll show him my love.
How a kid sounds in an interview is a direct reflection of the school and the program. I absolutely HATE hearing interviews with athletes who can't put two words together or sound like they're auditioning for some rap group.
Could care less how a kid sounds in an interview or how he plays in the PTL. If he can do something in the Big 10 I'll show him my love.

Of course because these kids are just one dimensional creatures. Only good for Big 10 play and nothing else.

These kids are the future of the program, ambassadors to the UofI, and overall just kids in general.

Its great to see a kid who was in high school last month show the effort on the court(even if its only the PTL) and the ability to talk about the program and his personal game the way he did.
Of course because these kids are just one dimensional creatures. Only good for Big 10 play and nothing else.

These kids are the future of the program, ambassadors to the UofI, and overall just kids in general.

Its great to see a kid who was in high school last month show the effort on the court(even if its only the PTL) and the ability to talk about the program and his personal game the way he did.

This is well stated.
Melsahn certainly is a cool customer. Very articulate for someone just out of high school. He didn't say "You know" even once. Not like most interviews with athletics who use it at the end of every fractured sentence. It was very encouraging what he said about the respect and admiration there is for Coach Mac in Philly. There is wealth of talent in the Philadelphia area. Here is an excerpt from a post on the Press-Citizen basketball forums, "ESPN is reporting that Coleman has Iowa as his favorite school right now and will visit Temple soon. Here is the story from the ESPN rumors section:

During his days at Siena, Philly native Fran McCaffery built his program by recruiting his home city heavily. Now that he's in Iowa, don't expect that to change any.

The first rumblings of a continued Philly pipeline are contained in a tweet from Alex Kline of RecruitScoop, who says 2011 prospect Devin Coleman will visit nearby Temple, but is listing Iowa as his favorite school right now".
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