McQueary stopped incident & called/talked to police.


Well-Known Member
He will be on the 5:30 CBS News. This is what he claims.

I hope this is true, but if so, PSU and Joe Pa are going to look worse and worse.
He will be on the 5:30 CBS News. This is what he claims.

I hope this is true, but if so, PSU and Joe Pa are going to look worse and worse.

More twists and turns in this case. Assume that this is true, and assume McQueary tells Joe not only what he saw, but that he told Joe he's told the police. What else would you do at that point if you're Paterno, because a primary criticism of Joe is that he didn't report this to the police when he learned of this information.

Would it be reasonable for him to presume that it's being handled by the persons best equipped to address the issue at that point? Yes, I think.

Should Joe have also called the police in follow up - not from a legal standpoint, because I think it's clear under PA law he didn't need to do that, but from a moral perspective? It certainly wouldn't have hurt matters, simply confirming a report that he believes has already been made.

It's all rank hypothetical now. I don't necessarily agree that this report, if accurate, makes Joe look worse. Doesn't get him off the hook, but worse? Hmmm.

Further, if this report is true, what does this say about the police department out there in State College - 2 reports - '98 and '02 about Sandusky, and nothing is discovered? Maybe in '98, there's nothing so it doesn't get pursued, but another incident in '02, and no one there connected the dots?
Sounds like this was a non-interview.

Also, if you're in McQueary's shoes right now, how does it take you more than a week to defend yourself? Why are you not out there screaming at the top of your lungs?

This does not compute.
He will be on the 5:30 CBS News. This is what he claims.

I hope this is true, but if so, PSU and Joe Pa are going to look worse and worse.

On the contrary, this makes JoePa look a lot better. 99% of the outcry has been because nobody from PSU called the police. If indeed McQueary called the police there would have been no need for Paterno to also call the police.

I'm not sure why he'd let his and Paterno's name get drug through the mud if this is true.
Sounds like this was a non-interview.

Also, if you're in McQueary's shoes right now, how does it take you more than a week to defend yourself? Why are you not out there screaming at the top of your lungs?

This does not compute.

Because he has been in seclusion due to all the death threats he had received, per reports.
If McQueary called the police then its a game changer for PSU and Paterno.

Still, why wouldn't that piece of info be in the Grand Jury document? Does its abscence hurt McQ's credibility?
Because he has been in seclusion due to all the death threats he had received, per reports.

That was as of this past Friday. That was not as of a week ago Saturday when this story first broke, or the entire 6 days after that Saturday when he was not in seclusion when the **** hit the fan in ever-increasing amounts as the week went on.

McQueary email: ‘I did have discussions with police’ | CollegeFootballTalk

"What seems to be the most damning part for McQueary? The grand jury presentment goes on to state very plainly that McQueary “was never questioned by University Police” in regards to what he had witnessed.

McQueary stated in the email that he had discussions with police. The grand jury states that he was never questioned by the police. Was McQueary referring to other police agencies that he had discussions with, and if so, why was that not mentioned in the presentment? Or, did McQueary perjure himself in front of the grand jury? Or is just merely the next step in what will prove to be a long and winding trek further down this rabbit hole?"

McQueary is up to his eyeballs in it.
Re: McQueary stopped incident & called/talked to b police.

This info doesn't appear in the 23 page grand jury document I read.

Just because it was not in the report, does not mean he did not say that in testimony. Not all testimony is present in the report. Why they would leave that out is strange though
Sounds like this was a non-interview.

Also, if you're in McQueary's shoes right now, how does it take you more than a week to defend yourself? Why are you not out there screaming at the top of your lungs?

This does not compute.

reasonable people stop and think about things before taking action. that is completely lost in todays media which is all about grabbing the pitchforks and throwing gas on the fire.

there some people at PSU who likely need to burn somewhere warm, but i am going to reserve judgement until all the facts come out. this deal is just too messed up to do otherwise.
Of all the he said/he said that has taken place the one thing that should be provable is a police log showing the report(s) of the incidents. Only thing I don't know is how long do these things get kept? Tax papers usually 7 years. Do they have a vault that they keep this stuff indefinitely in case just this type thing comes up? Then look it up..shouldn't take long.
actually Joe Paterno is not donig a thing about it, if he was told about and he told the AD,
Sandusky was still his DC at the time, even a stupid person could and should have realized something was wrong,
he had the power to suspend this monster but didn't
sorry but Joe Pa is up to his ears in this cover up
McCready was just a GRAD ASSISTANT at the time and yeah there are FOUR types of police involved, CAMPUS POLICE, CITY POLICE, SHERRIFFS DEPT. AND THE STATE POLICE
the way things are going, considering who has been fired, it would not surprise me if the Campus Police were involved
reasonable people stop and think about things before taking action. that is completely lost in todays media which is all about grabbing the pitchforks and throwing gas on the fire.

So when your house is burning down around, you'll wait 10 days before calling the fire department? Gotcha.
Sounds like this was a non-interview.

Also, if you're in McQueary's shoes right now, how does it take you more than a week to defend yourself? Why are you not out there screaming at the top of your lungs?

This does not compute.

Maybe he's not the reactionary that you are. Might explain his career success.

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