McCaffery Talks Hubbard, Recruiting the Rest of the Way



Some media members caught up with Fran McCaffery before the Washington County I-Club event on Monday night. Below is a portion of his interview session..thanks to Rob Howe of for allowing me to type this up from his audio.

Q: What are some of the things you like about Anthony Hubbard?

Fran McCaffery: The thing I liked about Hub is he is a talented athlete that can play four positions on the floor, he can shoot the three and play off the dribble. He is 225 pounds so he has a body, he handles it well and rebounds well. He gives us a lot of flexibility with what he can do.

Q: What do you say to people who say you are taking a risk with him?

McCaffery: I would say to them that in this case we have done our homework and we feel good about him. He made a mistake eight years ago. If it was a mistake he made eight weeks ago, I think it would be different story. He has proven himself over that time.

Q: Do you feel like you are pinning a lot on him by bringing him here?

McCaffery: I am not looking at him as someone that has to be a first team all Big Ten right away. I feel like this is a young man who in our opinion has proven himself to be a good person. He admits what he did and feels bad about it, but he paid dearly for it. It’s time to move on and let him live his life and give him an opportunity.

Q: What do you say to people that are really critical of giving him a scholarship at Iowa?

McCaffery: Give him a chance and get to know him like I did. If you can see him interact with his teammates and see what kind of person he, do that before you make a decision. Don’t make it based on something he did eight years ago.

Q: Can he handle it well enough to play the point?

McCaffery: I think he can play the point. We have a number of different handlers, more so than last year. Josh (Oglesby) and Hubb can do it, Marble can and Bryce can.

Q: How much do you value versatility as it seems to be a theme in your recruiting?

McCaffery: It enables us to play the way we want to play and absorb the injury. We have more depth than we had last year and we are not done yet.

Q: You wanted to play at a faster pace last year but didn’t have the depth. Do you feel you can go faster now?

McCaffery: Now you look at Hubb, he is an older guy, 225. Marble is going to be a completely different player next year, as will Basabe, as will Cartwright. Gatens and Cartwright will be seniors. Eric May will be a completely different player and he is having a fabulous spring. Physically and maturity wise we will be dramatically different. They will know the system and how we do things and how to function under pressure I feel good about the team we’ve put together and we’d like to add another piece.

Q: Do you worry about the reception Hubbard will get at other arenas?

McCaffery: He will not rattle, its a strength. I think after you have been in prison, there isn’t much that makes you nervous.

Q: You cant say you are a young team now...

McCaffery: We can’t. We are not.

Q: How much of this with Hubbard is a gut feel, as you can’t know everything about someone during the recruiting process?

McCaffery: I think first of all, I have a lot of respect for Dave Miller. I know Dennis Helms, that was his coach at Odessa. Both gave him ringing endorsements. My first conversation with him was very direct and thorough and very satisfying for me as were his meetings with Gary Barta, Fred Mims, folks like that that wanted to spend time with him to make sure he was who we thought he was. He consistently was someone when you first met him you would never believe his past. He is very likable and very appreciative of this opportunity. It’s incredible to think that he still had the dream and was able to fulfill it when most give it up (facing the challenges he faced after prison).

Q: What about his incident in January?

McCaffery: I don’t want to get into the details of that, but I know the facts, and if we were worried about it we would not be at this point.

Q: Are you looking to add another piece here soon?

McCaffery: I would like to get it done quickly. We will add one for sure, but if the right situation presented itself, be it another high school player or juco player or transfer, we might take two more.

Q: Could it be a situation like Bryce Cartwright (who committed to Iowa last June)?

McCaffery: We keep looking. There are transfers out there, there are still coaching vacancies. I would say its less likely that we would use that last scholarship, but if the right person presented themselves we will pull the trigger.

Q: Will you add piece this week?

McCaffery: I hope so yes.

Q: How about tomorrow?

McCaffery: It would be a good day.

Q: How different are things for you one year later?

McCaffery: It’s a lot different. I am much more comfortable. I will recognize people when I go into this room. It’s amazing to me, no matter how many times you go through it (the I-Club events), you see this interest and support and love for the Hawkeyes and that is what it’s all about.

Q: What has been the reactions you have seen to taking Hubbard?

McCaffery: I haven’t gotten much. I think over time I will, but a lot of people will be supportive and others will not. I am realistic about that.

Q: How do you feel about the 2012 recruiting class?

McCaffery: We are way ahead in the sense that we have one in the books. We have a lot of prospects we have relationships with now, and that is the key. Rather than calling them and saying do you want to come to Iowa, they know who we are now. We are way ahead from that standpoint, but until you get them it does not matter.
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Here is a video of the interview VIDEO: Fran on Hubbard

I get this Hayden vibe from Fran. When Hayden came to Iowa, its like he had to force Iowa fans up by the bootstraps to get them to quit thinking like losing was a part of Iowa had 19 straight non-winning seasons. Hayden was confident, at times cocky.

Fran certainly is comfortable in his own skin and has every belief he is going to turn this thing around.
Here is a video of the interview VIDEO: Fran on Hubbard

I get this Hayden vibe from Fran. When Hayden came to Iowa, its like he had to force Iowa fans up by the bootstraps to get them to quit thinking like losing was a part of Iowa had 19 straight non-winning seasons. Hayden was confident, at times cocky.

Fran certainly is comfortable in his own skin and has every belief he is going to turn this thing around.

There is no doubt Fran emanates confidence. It's contagious just listening to him. He seems to be one of those guys that has "it." There's a credibility to it as well.

And look at what he's doing with the roster. This team will have a completely, and I mean completely, different look next year.

And by the way, welcome Mr. Olesani?
rob was very direct about tomorrow. I like how coach handles himself with interviews. confident but not arrogant.
Ok, I hate to bring up the past, but this is relevant... Back when Alford was recruiting Tyler Smith I asked him at an I-Club if we were going to get good news on the recruiting front the next day (Smith was going to decide). He winked and said to me to pay attention to the news tomorrow. I remember heading to the old Scout pay forum and told everyone that Tyler Smith was coming to Iowa.

I get that same sort of vibe on Olaseni with Fran, right or wrong. Coaches can say a lot without saying anything.
Stormin, it seemed to me after he responded to the question about tomorrow with, "It would be a good day," that he either nodded or said yeah. Maybe I was dreaming it but I think he said he does expect a commitment tomorrow.
Stormin, it seemed to me after he responded to the question about tomorrow with, "It would be a good day," that he either nodded or said yeah. Maybe I was dreaming it but I think he said he does expect a commitment tomorrow.
I read it as he is expecting Gabe to commit to Iowa tomorrow.
Fran is a cagey man in a lot of ways. I get the impression that he is the cat who ate the canary. He certainly appears relaxed and very confident. I also get the impression that Gabe will become a Hawkeye tomorrow. Just a gut feeling. That would really make this recruiting class even more special, much better than reasonably expected. It's all Good.
Hey Guys, I appreciate all these observations. I think many folks are starting to recognize that Fran is the right guy in the right place at the right time. The observations that he seems a lot like Hayden in his first few years at Iowa is, I think, right on. And so I'd like to put this out there for whatever it's worth:

Hayden Fry took over an Iowa football program that hadn't had a winning season in 17 seasons. Hayden's first two years added to the string, but in year three Iowa broke the string in a totally shocking fashion by tying for the Big Ten title and going to the 1982 Rose Bowl, Iowa's first appearance since 1959.

Why bring all that up? Because I will go on record now as saying Iowa will be in post-season play next season...and no, NOT the NIT. Fran is taking the Hawkeyes to the NCAA Tourney NEXT season.

Call me crazy or whatever you want, but if Hayden took the football team to the Rose Bowl in his 3rd year, why can't Fran take the basketball team to the NCAA's in his second?
Hey Guys, I appreciate all these observations. I think many folks are starting to recognize that Fran is the right guy in the right place at the right time. The observations that he seems a lot like Hayden in his first few years at Iowa is, I think, right on. And so I'd like to put this out there for whatever it's worth:

Hayden Fry took over an Iowa football program that hadn't had a winning season in 17 seasons. Hayden's first two years added to the string, but in year three Iowa broke the string in a totally shocking fashion by tying for the Big Ten title and going to the 1982 Rose Bowl, Iowa's first appearance since 1959.

Why bring all that up? Because I will go on record now as saying Iowa will be in post-season play next season...and no, NOT the NIT. Fran is taking the Hawkeyes to the NCAA Tourney NEXT season.

Call me crazy or whatever you want, but if Hayden took the football team to the Rose Bowl in his 3rd year, why can't Fran take the basketball team to the NCAA's in his second?

I don't get why people feel the need to make predictions like this right now.

As for Fran, it is nearly impossible to not buy what he is selling. I cannot wait to see this team play next season.
I think you nailed it with the Hayden vibe. Fran has what they call ''athletic arrogance'' which I am sure came from being the only white guy on the court in inner city philly can't fake it out there,and he earned that nickname ''white magic''.
Hayden was also a great qb in college. Same kind of deal. Then in the marines,he coached tough guys.
I love how Fran communicates. I would bet he can get those players ready to run thru the wall by the time it is gametime. Inspiring. Confidence. It what you want in your could come off as cocky,but he just seems supremely confident.
I hope he adds Gabe tomorrow,and with his description of his expectations of the other players,off we go....time to challenge the rest of the Big Ten for a change!

I will make no glorious predictions on next season at this early point in time, but lets just say,I am relishing PTL more than ever,and have a lot more hope in my hawkeye heart than I have had in a long least 4 years.
I don't get why people feel the need to make predictions like this right now.

As for Fran, it is nearly impossible to not buy what he is selling. I cannot wait to see this team play next season.

Because he's excited and a fan... that's what fans do. A lot more than most would have dared to admit or hope 2-3 years ago.
Yes. That's exactly right, that is what fans do. I appreciate the support. And besides, I want to be able to say I called it almost a year before it happened... :)
Look at it this way. At this point in Lick's tenure, Iowa was looking to bring in Gatens, Tucker, Davis, and Brommer. We all knew what Matt was. We were pretty excited about Davis, but everyone wondered about weather Davis had done enough at Kirkwood to deserve an offer and Brommer had seriously failed to assert himself. But one thing was certain, this team was not going to be overly athletic.

Now, Fran is bringing in White, who dominated more than any of that group of Lick's, even Gatens, against way better competition. Hubbard who is way more athletic than Lick's players and had several high majors courting him. Ogelsby, who I wish had asserted himself more in high school, but as a spot up shooter it is not as significant an issue as it is for a forward, probably falls somewhere between Davis and Tucker. And now if Iowa gets Olaseni, that will the type of active athletic big the team has been lacking for time. He is raw, so we are talking about the future, bit the present. But things look promising. Finally, this is a group that is just light years more athletic than the Lick group.

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