Maybe Things Aren't So Bad


Well-Known Member
Coach McCaffery is hired. He knows what system he wants to run and what kind of players he needs.

Maybe he knows he is going to get a Siena recruit (forward) to follow him to Iowa. McCaffery doesn't need the former Siena recruit plus Larson, and therefore, McCaffery lets Larson out of his committment (or maybe Larson does not want to be one of two 4's in the same class).

Not sure what to think of Burst (or Brust) as I really do not following recruits that much. I know a lot of people really wanted to see depth at PG, but I have thought Iowa could upgrade the most at the 4 or 5 positions.

Fuller is still a tough loss. I disagree that he was clearly the best player on the team (could be Gatens or May). Fuller looked small for a forward in the Big 10. He amazed me with some of his skills as he seemed to play much taller than he really was (as opposed to Cole who seems to play smaller than he is). I will keep my fingers crossed that Fullers scholarship can be used for a bigger forward or center.

People are way too excited about the asst coaching situation. With all the late coaching changes, maybe McCaffery is interviewing a lot of candidates. Or at the least, he is giving candidates the opportunity to apply for the job.

There is no doubt McCaffery has a lot of work to do. Hopefully, he is being much more productive than we really know.
unfortunately it's not as easy as most people think to hire assistants. It does take some thought and effort. You have to hire the right people and those people aren't going to leap out at you, especially at Iowa.
My only concern regarding the asst. coach/former player connection is being stressed about too much.

Iowa needs to put the best people in those positions regardless if they are former hawks or not. Fran will only be as good as the people he surrounds himself.
Please remember that our Head Football Coach took his time in hiring his assistants too: I think that plan worked very well for his program and I expect that Fran's plans will too!
Please remember that our Head Football Coach took his time in hiring his assistants too: I think that plan worked very well for his program and I expect that Fran's plans will too!

Ferentz's hiring process was grueling for sure. I also remember a lot of people being very underwhelmed by the names he brought in. You could tell if you paid close attention that he knew exactly what he was looking for.
I am seeing a lot of KF in Fran- smart, thorough, has a plan for all circumstances, dry sense of humor. I hope those similarities relate on the court.
My only concern regarding the asst. coach/former player connection is being stressed about too much.

Iowa needs to put the best people in those positions regardless if they are former hawks or not. Fran will only be as good as the people he surrounds himself.

To the OP (and anyone else reading this post):

Did you get up today with a pulse? Did you have a chance to greet a loved one before you (or they) went off to work/school/wherever? Did you have food on the table and heat in your house?

If you answered "Yes" to any of those questions, then, no, things aren't so bad in the scheme of life.
I am seeing a lot of KF in Fran- smart, thorough, has a plan for all circumstances, dry sense of humor. I hope those similarities relate on the court.

People said the same thing with Lick.....just sayin.

I personally have a better 'vibe' about Fran, then I did Lick but only time will tell.
People said the same thing with Lick.....just sayin.

I personally have a better 'vibe' about Fran, then I did Lick but only time will tell.

I don't think Margaret will ever let Fran withdraw into the funk we witnessed from the previous coach. She'll kick his *** before that ever happens. ;)

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