Maybe its the Ticket Office?!?


Well-Known Member
As Iowa Men's Basketball slowly pulls itself off the mat and onto some level of respectability, I have continued to be a little surprised to see how few students fill the student section. Now clearly we are only two games in (and not really special games at that) but I thought I'd ask my nephew who is a student at U of I what the deal was. He said he'd love to go, but hadn't gotten season tickets as he'd been a bit tight on cash. Found out they were only $90 for the season so I offered them up as an early Christmas present and he was stoked.

I then went online at Hawkeye Sports - University of Iowa Official Athletic Site to grab the tix. No go, as I didn't have his student ID. Got his student ID and password. Still no go. Called the ticket office the next day. On hold 12 minutes (seriously, how busy could they possibly be with no home football games left? But oh, wait, our crack U staff hadn't bothered to change the outgoing message letting me know there were still single seats available for UM and MSU football games, but Indiana was sold out.)

Got to a live person and explained to him I was picking up the bill for my nephew to attend. He said great, go online and do it. We can't take such orders over the phone. Explained to him online was an epic fail as it said no events were available. He said he'd look into it.

Went back online today. Still a no go. No events available. Called the ticket office again. Only a seven minute wait today. Asked today's worker what the story was. She said they can't be purchased online because the season had already begun. Really? Two official and one exhibition home game in and you can't buy season tickets? Oh sure you can, just not online.

So not online and not over the phone? Yep. Nephew needs to show up and put it on his U-bill or pay in cash. Any other way I ask? She says sure- if you can come to Carver and buy them in person, and the nephew shows his student ID and then we can do it.

So off I go to Carver, as I was in CR, headed to Fairfield, and it was on the way. In person, it was pretty much a piece of cake, but in 2011, I again say, Really?

How many parents would love to surprise their student kids coming home for Thanksgiving by saying, oh by the way, sorry the first couple dog games are over, but there are season tix waiting for you at the ticket office when you get back on campus?

I can't begin to express the level of disappointment I have toward this event- so lame for such a small transaction. Could have sent him the cash, but not nearly as fun as telling him they are waiting for him and taken care of..

C'mon, Iowa- surely we can do better than that!
As Iowa Men's Basketball slowly pulls itself off the mat and onto some level of respectability, I have continued to be a little surprised to see how few students fill the student section. Now clearly we are only two games in (and not really special games at that) but I thought I'd ask my nephew who is a student at U of I what the deal was. He said he'd love to go, but hadn't gotten season tickets as he'd been a bit tight on cash. Found out they were only $90 for the season so I offered them up as an early Christmas present and he was stoked.I then went online at Hawkeye Sports - University of Iowa Official Athletic Site to grab the tix. No go, as I didn't have his student ID. Got his student ID and password. Still no go. Called the ticket office the next day. On hold 12 minutes (seriously, how busy could they possibly be with no home football games left? But oh, wait, our crack U staff hadn't bothered to change the outgoing message letting me know there were still single seats available for UM and MSU football games, but Indiana was sold out.)Got to a live person and explained to him I was picking up the bill for my nephew to attend. He said great, go online and do it. We can't take such orders over the phone. Explained to him online was an epic fail as it said no events were available. He said he'd look into it.Went back online today. Still a no go. No events available. Called the ticket office again. Only a seven minute wait today. Asked today's worker what the story was. She said they can't be purchased online because the season had already begun. Really? Two official and one exhibition home game in and you can't buy season tickets? Oh sure you can, just not online.So not online and not over the phone? Yep. Nephew needs to show up and put it on his U-bill or pay in cash. Any other way I ask? She says sure- if you can come to Carver and buy them in person, and the nephew shows his student ID and then we can do it.So off I go to Carver, as I was in CR, headed to Fairfield, and it was on the way. In person, it was pretty much a piece of cake, but in 2011, I again say, Really?How many parents would love to surprise their student kids coming home for Thanksgiving by saying, oh by the way, sorry the first couple dog games are over, but there are season tix waiting for you at the ticket office when you get back on campus?I can't begin to express the level of disappointment I have toward this event- so lame for such a small transaction. Could have sent him the cash, but not nearly as fun as telling him they are waiting for him and taken care of..C'mon, Iowa- surely we can do better than that!

My mom had a less then satisfactory experience with the ticket office this week as well. You're experience is absolutely pathetic. I understand they don't want non-students getting those seats but thats rediculous.
I'd email the athletic office about it to at least make them aware. Wanting to pay money for something a publicly funded institution is trying to sell should not be a hassle.
The ticket office is a joke. The week of the MSU game, they said 650 tickets were made available. They even made a release with an article on their website saying tickets can be purchased online.
However, when you try to purchase online, they "locked" that game so the link wasn't clickable. You had to call to order tickets. Sure, not a big deal, but certainly an inconvenience. Not to mention the people you talk to over the phone are clueless.

I expect a problem tomorrow night at the basketball game. On the website, they are offering 4 tickets/4 cokes/ 4 hot dogs for $40. It mentions nothing about age requirements.
Now tonight on facebook, the University made a post saying the "Family 4 pack" is for 2 adults/2 youth tickets.

So it'll be interesting to see what the heck the deal is. If 4 adults purchased that family pack, it's going to be funny if they arrive at will-call and 2 of those tickets are youth.
I get the feeling that they call a meeting and everyone gathers round and they come up with these great ideas in about 5 minutes or less...and then someone has the audacity to ask "Ok, so how do we do that?" and the rest of the meeting is spent staring at each other, sighing, pacing and wondering what Bob has on his tie before finally just pawning the whole thing off on a student working his way through college...
The problems in Iowa City run deeper than just having a competitive basketball team. Your ticket story should **** someone off at the U but sadly it probably won't.
I went to the NW MO state game. Went to buy my ticket and the window next to mine credit card machine wasnt scanning cards. I paid in cash and my ticket wouldnt print. Its the first game of the year wouldnt you think that would have everything working?
One quick edit to my OP- I live just outside of Des Moines and typically my travels take me outside of Iowa. Just so happened that this week I was roaming the midwest so all ended well. I doubt that many parents of students would have the reason, desire, or opportunity to be in IC would work so hard to send the U the $$.
Sounds like the OP had to go through a process that should have been handled a lot more smoothly. I, too, have not been very impressed when working with the ticket office. I got the impression they man the phones with three college kids ... Just seems like the overall process in general could use some tweaking... The last thing they want to do is make it difficult to buy basketball tickets ...
Trust me, buying student tickets for myself was absolutely impossible. I still don't know how to log into the website because my email and student ID number aren't linked or whatever and when I try to do that, it just says they are already registered. Terrible website.
I don't know for sure but I am assuming that students are working in ticket office for
tution study etc. I have had a number of interesting phone calls
with the ticket office. Usually about bowl time and trying to determine where seats might be...they really don't seem to care what your problem or issue is.

I would describe the ticket office like a doctor with bad bedside manner...they certainly do not treat you like you have donated thousands of dollars annually and it is important.
Hard to answer questions when you are texting your friend and checking FB at the same time.

I mean seriously people, don't yunno these students have important things going on in their lives?
Whoever runs the marketing for the UofI needs to be fired! The ticket office is one of the worse, and the on line ticket sales system is horrendous.
Update- I did drop Gary Barta an email sharing the experience. As always, he responded pretty quickly and copied in the person who is in charge of such things with a commitment to correct as soon as possible and a genuine appreciation for sharing the issues.

I have contacted him a few times in the past and am always impressed how quickly I get a response.


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