Maybe B.J. doesn't sound sooo bad...


Well-Known Member
Just Saying...

If Barta hires a vanilla guy that nobody gets excited for... the program could be in an even bigger hole.
I'm to that point as well. This is getting a little depressing and we need someone to generate some fire. B.J would unite the clans like William Wallace.
I would like to see BJ involved with the program at some level. An assistant perhaps. I think he would be able to recruit through the roof. I am just not sold on him being the head coach at this time because of his lack of coaching experience.
I would like to see BJ involved with the program at some level. An assistant perhaps. I think he would be able to recruit through the roof. I am just not sold on him being the head coach at this time because of his lack of coaching experience.

Are you sold on the coaching and recruiting ability of any of the realistic names being dropped?
I said on another forum that I would love to see a BJ/Forbes combo. Maybe BJ could coach for 5-10 years or so Forbes could be sort of a coach in waiting.
Prospective coaches being not interested is all rumor. We have no proof. Why take a Hawkeye legend like BJ,and make him a head coach? He has no coaching experience. Heck,get Michael Jordan,he has no coaching experience either. Sure could recruit though!
Prospective coaches being not interested is all rumor. We have no proof. Why take a Hawkeye legend like BJ,and make him a head coach? He has no coaching experience. Heck,get Michael Jordan,he has no coaching experience either. Sure could recruit though!

Exactly right. Everyone is believeing every one of these rumors is fact- nobody knows that for sure.

Iowa could still end up with a very solid coach.
Exactly right. Everyone is believeing every one of these rumors is fact- nobody knows that for sure.

Iowa could still end up with a very solid coach.

Not saying I believe them... just depressing as hell... I was actually excited through most of the coach search process the last time... now it is just depressing.
Kevin Gamble has some head coaching success (albeit at a small college in his hometown of Springfield, IL). Put him and BJ together, and Carver will sell out. Fans will get behind that staff and that team, and my guess is that those guys could pull in athletes the likes of which the Iowa Basketball program has not seen since BJ and Kevin wore the Black & Gold themselves.
Realistically I think the only way BJ would become a coach is at the HC level. I would imagine 1mil+ would be enough for him to consider it.

I was not in favor of bringing BJ in as coach but if all Iowa can do is grab someone that will not get anyone excited to return to Carver, perhaps it is worth the risk. I have no doubt he understands the game and could be an X & O coach, plus name recognition might be enough for recruiting.

Administratively he may struggle but that is where it he would need a strong assistant that has been at a D1 level for a long time. Perhaps Forbes...
Realistically I think the only way BJ would become a coach is at the HC level. I would imagine 1mil+ would be enough for him to consider it.

Um, no matter who the next coach is they are going to make $1 million+.

Licky made $1.2 million, and he did nothing for the program.

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