May need a mobile QB

i thought rudock was a decent runner? no, i'm not saying our backup qb is better than JVB. just thought i read on here that rudock was a pretty mobile QB

Our backups may not be better than JVB, but could they be any worse? Trust me, I've been sticking up for JVB for a while now, but he looks like a lost puppy out there right now and has suddenly decided he needs to throw the ball as hard as he possibly can on 90% of his passes. If we don't win this weekend, I think we sholuld start looking to the future. If we win, then there is still hope for a bowl this season, so we hope JVB gets better.
Our backups may not be better than JVB, but could they be any worse? Trust me, I've been sticking up for JVB for a while now, but he looks like a lost puppy out there right now and has suddenly decided he needs to throw the ball as hard as he possibly can on 90% of his passes. If we don't win this weekend, I think we sholuld start looking to the future. If we win, then there is still hope for a bowl this season, so we hope JVB gets better.

Could they be worse than a QB that had 25 TD's to 7 INT's last year? .........

Yes, yes they could
Could they be worse than a QB that had 25 TD's to 7 INT's last year? .........

Yes, yes they could
He had a few great games against bad teams with a great receiver to through to. This year, against 2 average opponents, he has 0 touchdowns and 2 INTs. I'll give you that he should have 1 TD. Not real impressive without his security blanket.
Well last year was last year. The offense is different now. Granted, we didn't move to the spread, but it is different. I am not calling for a QB change because unless we lose the next 5 games in a row, or James gets hurt, we all know it ain't happening.

My point is that in this offensive system, and given the talent we are able to recruit on an annual basis in the skill positions, a QB that can move and pose a threat to run will help us win games. If the next Peyton Manning wants to come to Iowa, take him. Otherwise, I would look for the Brad Banks type QB. And there are a lot of them around. Just saying.

Could they be worse than a QB that had 25 TD's to 7 INT's last year? .........

Yes, yes they could
The 2014 recruit Scheel would fit this bill very well. Also, for whoever said Wisky didn't need Russel Wilson. YES they did. They had nobody at the position, he is a very good QB as he showed last year, and look at them this year. They needed Wilson badly.
The 2014 recruit Scheel would fit this bill very well. Also, for whoever said Wisky didn't need Russel Wilson. YES they did. They had nobody at the position, he is a very good QB as he showed last year, and look at them this year. They needed Wilson badly.

That's two years away. I hope and pray we have some people on the roster already that fit his needs or else we may be looking at very dark times to be a Hawk in the future.
As mentioned earlier, Greg Davis can win with different styles of QB. Simms was pro style, and McCoy was mobile, and Young was a runner. So it has been proven he can adapt the offense to the type of talent he has.
Don't forget that Davis has to actually go through the interview process this next offseason as he's only the interim oc. Depending on how the season goes, could there be a new offensive coordinator next year?

What are you talking about? Davis was not hired as an interim coach. Not to my knowledge anyway.
What are you talking about? Davis was not hired as an interim coach. Not to my knowledge anyway. But I recall he was hired under some special rule that didn't require him to go through the whole process because they wanted the position filled to get him ready for spring practice.
I'd settle for someone who can roll out..when you have a qb who's not an all american aka many nice pass plays did he have when he rolled out to one side? Thinking back to Stanzi if you take away the roll outs that takes away a huge amount of nice completions. It cuts down his reads and helps with pressure.

Apparently Vandy has trouble throwing on the run cause we haven't done that much since he took over.
It's not the QB, it's the lack of speed WR's. That's what Texas had when they won. This offense will never work with the current group of Iowa WR's. Flemming and Smith are supposed to be fast, but they haven't seen the field yet and might not be ready.
It's not the QB, it's the lack of speed WR's. That's what Texas had when they won. This offense will never work with the current group of Iowa WR's. Flemming and Smith are supposed to be fast, but they haven't seen the field yet and might not be ready.

I agree that we definately need some more speed at the WR Position. I thought/wished we were going to see Fleming this year with his speed. However it appears as though KF pretty much debunked that idea yesterday at his presser.
I would agree that Iowa needs a mobile QB. However, see the Packer QB who has great feet, can run in a pinch, and obviously, throws the ball from a pure pro set. Now, I know we are not likely to find a diamond like Rogers, but I would bet money that KF and staff have been on the lookout for, and have probably offered, a QB that has this style. Wilson (Wisky) was probably the closest to the perfect QB for the pro set. The problem is that many of the "mobile" QB's seem to be of the shoelace and Nebbie style: They can run, but are marginal passers. The true mobile, drop back QB is a rare event. But, if you find one like Aaron, or Brad Banks, look out!
Seriously , the smartest post on the board!! Wheres all those smart *** ney sayers now Duff, OK4P, no Sec136, norwalk Lebowski, etc!!???
I agree with this, but Aaron Rodgers is extremely mobile and a great athlete. The poster before talking about the QB not being the problem and we just need faster wide outs is out of touch IMO. We are NEVER going to consistently recruit Texas type speed at WR. So get a mobile QB that can buy some time for our type of receiver to break off a route and get open.

I would agree that Iowa needs a mobile QB. However, see the Packer QB who has great feet, can run in a pinch, and obviously, throws the ball from a pure pro set. Now, I know we are not likely to find a diamond like Rogers, but I would bet money that KF and staff have been on the lookout for, and have probably offered, a QB that has this style. Wilson (Wisky) was probably the closest to the perfect QB for the pro set. The problem is that many of the "mobile" QB's seem to be of the shoelace and Nebbie style: They can run, but are marginal passers. The true mobile, drop back QB is a rare event. But, if you find one like Aaron, or Brad Banks, look out!
I don't think Fleming played WR before coming to Iowa, so he likely needs sometime to develop and maybe Smith just isn't ready yet. Why waste a year if he isn't ready.

Also, sounds like in 2014 that Scheel is being recruited as a WR, he's really fast. Just hope he sees us as more of a need than say ISU.
I agree with this, but Aaron Rodgers is extremely mobile and a great athlete. The poster before talking about the QB not being the problem and we just need faster wide outs is out of touch IMO. We are NEVER going to consistently recruit Texas type speed at WR. So get a mobile QB that can buy some time for our type of receiver to break off a route and get open.
Aaron Rodgers?! You are talking about one of the best QBs in the NFL. Were not going to get a guy like that. JVB is an avg, 3A, Iowa QB, who had one good game at OSU and has nothing since. If there was an ACCURATE QB, there would be no need for a MOBILE QB.
JVB did a much better job of scrambling and buying some time against ISU. Sometimes he could gain a few yards, and even delivered a good pass in the end zone that was dropped. He still made some really bad decisions and some terrible throws, which are hard to explain, but he seemed like he was at least trying to compete and win against ISU. For instance, he lowered his shoulder and tried to get a first down, rather than sliding a couple yards short. I hope he can keep this attitude for the rest of the season. If he can do that, and the receicers can hang on to the ball, I think we'll start scoring some touchdowns.
Crazy thing about this thread is that I think JVB is actually better throwing on the run on rollouts and such than he is in the pocket...

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