Matt Perrault I know you hang out here

Look, if Ken decided to kill his call because of me - that's fine. I wanted him gone. I'm not denying that fact at all. I'm just setting the record straight - the phones are not in my control. I wish they were most of the time to be honest but that's not how we do our show.

People are going to hammer me and that's fine. My only concern is that I do not wish to be at war with Iowa fans ... nor do I wish to be at war with Iowa State fans. With that said - I will say what I think. People will react positively or negatively.

I believe what I say and was disappointed to read certain people's reaction to what happened. I didn't set out to fight with Rob ... he admitted he was calling me out at the beginning of the interview but didn't want to go directly at me for whatever reason until I asked him to clarify a point ... I then said what Ken and I said all day - "someone knew".

He decided to make it person both on air and then via text. You can hate me personally all you want but I was not out to destroy anyone or Iowa today. Call me names, make fun of me, hate me ... I'm comfortable with that. It happens with my job.

Pretty good sports talk radio, eh, Matt? I'm betting you flagged this one as a keeper for your demo compilation for when you seek to move on to something bigger and better, which should be any day now.
Sure, I'll take the bait with the headline of this thread... considering how much money I've made for Jon tonight - why not drive this thread to 15 pages ....

I told Ken to cut Rob off...yes. He didn't however. Rob hung up. I'm glad he did or more could have been said. Instead, Rob decided to text me slurs for the next 5 minutes ...

I don't run the phones on our show so for everyone saying "he cuts anyone off that doesn't agree with him" is wrong ... Ken controls the phones. He decides when you are done .... if you have an issue - take it up with him.

I see a malpractice suit being filed against the spin doctor.
I am far from an attorney. Any law people here care to comment on the legalities of publicly implicating someone? I am thinking slander/libel directed towards Rick Stanzi. The radio guy pretty much implicated rick stanzi for knowing illegal activity. WOnderin if this radio guy's comments could in any way shape or form have an impact on stanzi in his professional life...whatever direction that may go in. I know it may be a stretch but the Speculation that richk "knew" seems to be potentially damaging to his personal character.

Please go easy on me. LA law is about as far as I go when it comes to knowledge in legal matters.
Matt, I've went back and reviewed some of your tweets and Rob is right, your conduct as far as tweets go on this matter was riduculous. You wrote things like, "the titanic just said look out!" and "Hawkeye fans - buckle up" and when people were asking you about the rumors you wrote, "Trust me guys-you won't have to wait much longer for the news. Just be patient. I love my job:). You were basing this all off of internet rumor. No concrete proof of anything and then to start throwing names against the wall like its a "cover up" or scandal was out of line. I'm sorry, but your tone to this matter has been one of giddiness, almost the "oh boy, this is going to be good"! When in reality, you got really next to nothing today or anything, anywhere near what you thought you were going to get.

I'd say this post definitely sums up the entire problem with the whole situation and the rumors that were going around for the last week or so. It wasn't one or two people running rampant on message boards spewing entirely made up rumors. It started when someone heard something from someone they trusted and knew was close to someone within the program, and they shared the information here. I can honestly say the rumors I heard prior to the presser, were basically identical to what everyone else was posting. I chose not to post any of those rumors because everyone else was doing it for me.....but when I tuned into your show, and when I read your twitter, I can say you did nothing but give the people with bad information more fuel to throw on the already burning fire. Entirely unprofessional to be in a profession where credibility is everything, and start throwing cryptic messages out left and right in the manner that you were. You certainly didn't do anything for my confidence that anything I heard was false, you just reinforced to me what I was already dreading and waiting to hear, that something very serious was about to take place in regards to suspensions and dismissals from the team. Why you, someone in the position to calm the rumors as best you could, would do everything in your power to keep them alive, is beyond me. And yeah, your show today was pathetic. Now I'm reminded why I don't listen to your jargon. It's completely baseless. Always! You never use facts to support any of your asinine opinions. You never are open for debate. The closest thing you have ever been to open for debate, is yelling over whomever is engaged (or trying to be) in conversation with you when you disagree with them. Rob was obviously irritated with you from the start, but rather partake in a traditional, respectful argument, and rather than accept Rob's opinion for what it was, his own opinion, and then back up your opinion and viewpoints with intelligent conversation, you come unglued. Which is how you always handle anything that doesn't fit your ideas. You suck at your job. Unbelievable the amount of posters just on this message board alone, that could do your job and do it 100 percent better than you do.
And I'd also like to touch on this....I find it interesting nobody has brought it up, but the night before the presser, when you were talking with Jon, I heard you say, very clearly, that if the presser was only about 1 or 2 players, and not this massive media bomb you obviously hoped for, that you would be happy with that. You went so far to say that you would be happy with Ferentz saying "there is an ongoing investigation and I can't comment", Jon then said over and over he didn't believe that would satisfy you. You insisted it would. And then today your program turns into a bash the Iowa policies, bash DJK, bash the teammates, bash the coaches, bash Ricky Stanzi, bash the fans, bash anybody and anything Iowa are a joke. I can't count on my two hands and feet how many times you've had to back track in a matter of 2 days....I honestly think you open your mouth and you have no idea what is going to fall from it.
Unfortunately, Matt is only one of the losers that 1460 has on now. TNT? What's that? Those guys are worthless. I'm thinking their ratings are showing it, too. Murph and Andy are the only local guys worth listening to, and who can do that when they are on 2-4? Ever since Jon and Steve left the air on 1460, I can't listen to drive time any more on that station.
After listening to that replay, I can't believe you will be employed much longer. After reading most of this thread, I see that you are truly an attention whore. Why would you be on a internet message board arguing with anonymous posters?

Rob called you out, you couldn't hang with him in a logical discussion and hung up on him. Pretty simple.
He's a shock jock. Plain and simple. No substance.

And at the rate he's going, there will be absolutely no reason to listen to the afternoon show because he will have alienated each and every local media member, journalist and person associated with IA, ISU and UNI.

To come on here and say that Rob hung up is laughable. Matt, your exact words were, "Cut him off. I'm done" while hitting the microphone. Awkward..........
What do shock jock's do? Attempt to stir as much muck as possible for attention (tweeting sensationalist things about IA football and acting like a giddy school girl on the radio before the presser the day of). When they're exposed for the fraud's they truly are (school sets the record straight), they shift the focus by throwing some more muck around (bringing Rick Stanzi into this).

Get used to it DSM. As long as people continue to be outraged about this pure lack of professionalism and substance, he'll stick around because people will tune in, in anticipation of another guest being "banned". Accept him for what he is and flip the dial to FM.
After listening to that replay, I can't believe you will be employed much longer. After reading most of this thread, I see that you are truly an attention whore. Why would you be on a internet message board arguing with anonymous posters?

Rob called you out, you couldn't hang with him in a logical discussion and hung up on him. Pretty simple.

Nice post, spot on Bluz.

Matt got upset because he couldn't win the agrument with someone smarter then him. Also by the looks of him he would lose a real fight also.
What do shock jock's do? Attempt to stir as much muck as possible for attention (tweeting sensationalist things about IA football and acting like a giddy school girl on the radio before the presser the day of). When they're exposed for the fraud's they truly are (school sets the record straight), they shift the focus by throwing some more muck around (bringing Rick Stanzi into this).

Get used to it DSM. As long as people continue to be outraged about this pure lack of professionalism and substance, he'll stick around because people will tune in, in anticipation of another guest being "banned". Accept him for what he is and flip the dial to FM.

Absolutely spot on. The more people spew about Mattie on message boards, the more people send in hate mail demanding he be reprimanded or fired, the more the suits at KXNO get a tingle up their legs. He!!, he might even get a raise out of it.

Until he actually commits a firing offense (and I don't think this was that), the most effective way to shut him down:

1) Stop listening.
2) Let KXNO advertisers know you have stopped listening. And certainly don't patronize them until he's gone.
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The sad thing about all of this is Matt is getting exactly what he wants. He could care less who he tries to bring down, college kid or not. His ultimate goal is the almighty dollar and boosting his ratings. Go back and look at this first post....tells us how he is going to make $ for Jon.

Guys like Deace and Miller when on air did not need to abandon all character and class to get listeners to tune in and take notice. They were smart enough to engage guests and listeners without the shock jock mentality.

When someone questions a shock jock like Matt, you see what happens. He flips out, threatens the listener, and ends the call....then tells everyone how he got a text with bad language and plays the victim card.

Well done Matt, it is not easy for a guy to prove he could care less about his own character!

WELL SAID !!! Exactly what I and many others are thinking!
Sorry guys....looks like Matt had enough. He has a pattern for just bailing when things do not go his way. Since he cannot hang up on us he just quits responding.
I think I have less respect for Matt's boss(es) than I do him. We all know what Matt's like and what his schtick is. We all know he has no regard for the programs in this state or who he could harm with his lies and innuendo. But at least it's right in front of us and it's always easier to deal with what you know than what you don't.

But for his bosses to put profit ahead of principle......they ought to be ashamed of themselves. There are guys just as talented, or more, that they could hire that wouldn't alienate John Walters, Jamie Pollard, Rob Howe, etc to the point that they refuse to come on his show any longer. There are guys just as talented, or more, that they could hire that would have a rooting interest in one or both of the local programs, that wouldn't denegrate respected men like Kirk Ferentz, that wouldn't tell lies about a young man that wears something like 3,000 braclets for kids with cancer and visits them in the children's hospital on a regular basis.

As far as I'm concerned, KXNO is dead to me.
Why worry about copycat "shock jocks" in a market like DSM?

Matt is not a legitimate journalist or member of the real media. Speculation and ignorant assumptions Are a staple of the listener base that he would appeal to. His job really does not offer anything of value to our society given that there is nothing unique about his show or talents. It takes a person with a certain type of personality and ethics to do his job and he fits it well
Why worry about copycat "shock jocks" in a market like DSM?

Matt is not a legitimate journalist or member of the real media. Speculation and ignorant assumptions Are a staple of the listener base that he would appeal to. His job really does not offer anything of value to our society given that there is nothing unique about his show or talents. It takes a person with a certain type of personality and ethics to do his job and he fits it well
Why worry about copycat "shock jocks" in a market like DSM?

Matt is not a legitimate journalist or member of the real media. Speculation and ignorant assumptions Are a staple of the listener base that he would appeal to. His job really does not offer anything of value to our society given that there is nothing unique about his show or talents. It takes a person with a certain type of personality and ethics to do his job and he fits it well

In the grand scheme of things, it's not a huge deal. But there are A LOT of people who don't want to listen to his garbage on their commute. When they're used to shows with actual discussion (Miller and Deace), Perrault is a gigantic leap backwards.

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