Matt Millen's commentary

Stanzi throws deep surprisingly often for how scrutinized our 'conservative' offense is. Stanzi throws a pretty darn good deep ball.
I think Millen does okay as an announcer. He is usually fairly interesting to listen too. After his stint as a GM, though, it is easy to question his ability to judge talent...

The ball that he commented on was poorly thrown. Stanzi got too much air under it and it was a duck. Stanzi actually throws a pretty good deep ball, but that oen sucked...
Millen's announcing is not as good now as before he went the GM route. I think having the experience of judging talent with something at stake messed him up. It might also have been getting killed so badly in the press and on the field. Just isn't the same guy.

All this being said, one reason Ricky's efficiency numbers are so high is because of his average yards per completion.
that pass was into the wind.

Stanzi throws a very good deep pass.

Exactly. The wind clearly held up the ball. Stanzi has great touch and usually throws a very good deep ball. I was very disgusted with Millen's comment. Stanzi will be 3rd round pick come April and will have a nice long NFL career- even if that means a career backup.
Listening to Millen talk about football is like listening to Bernie Madoff talk about ethical investing.
This has been by far Stanzi's best year although he has struggled with his accuracy from time to time. If he is more accurate vs Wisconsin we win that game.

I also think he's been lucky getting some dropped passes that should have been intercepted. Like I said though he has been good and this has by far been his best year and you could argue that he has been the best QB in the conference pretty easily (he's actually second in the nation in QB rating, which I didn't know).
After Stanzi missed a long pass to DJK, Millen slammed his ability to throw the deep ball. He didn't say anything later after the long TD pass to A-Rob. I think Millen has been inaccurate on some other things as well.

you actually take matt millen seriously? If so, you're the only one. The guy can't even pronounce Ferentz correctly.........still! everybody knows he's the dumbest announcer on the planet. Besides, didn't we get this ( unintelligent, fatherless child) LAST WEEK too? Shouldn't there be a law against such things, it's borderline abuse to have to listen to him two weeks in a row.
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Okay. What was he doing throwing a high hanger into the wind then?

My point was not to disparage Stanzi's deep ball, but rather to point out that the particular pass in question was poor, and that Stanzi occasionally throws a bad deep pass into coverage.

Whether it's a poor pass or a poor decision matters little.

I still think he's one of the three best QB's ever to play at Iowa.

In the reality of the game, you're right. Whether it's in the wind or the QB has a weak arm, the ball was underthrown. However, if you're critiquing a QB's deep ball, that distinction makes a very big difference. It's not exactly fair to say that a QB doesn't throw a good deep ball because it was underthrown when the throw was into the wind.
Hey, I'll take a rare bad long ball with few INT's anyday. He's not throwing the INT's this year and that's HUGE.

Plus, as mentioned, it hung in the wind.

Ricky played well today.
People who don't think Millen is a good announcer don't really know much about football. He made a mistake about Stanzi throwing a bad deep ball, but he has is well respected for his announcing. Perhaps his drafting is the worst of all time, but he is a good announcer

People that think Millen's a decent commentator make me think they don't know their elbow from their *******. And no, he's not well respected for his commentating. He's well thought of as being a solid LB in college and the NFL, but his stint as a GM sabotaged any respect he had for evaluating football talent, and he deserves that label. The fact is he's a very generic, unoriginal commentator who is nothing special. I'd take Herbie's insight 8 days/wk over the useless drivel Millen decides to spew. As far as I'm concerned, he's slightly better than Craig James...and that isn't exactly saying much.

Millen was considered one of the better analysts before he went GM'ing. But he is not the same guy.

Also, probably should stick to pro ball.

BTW: Stanzi will be playing QB for the Chiefs in the not too distant future.
Stanzi has proven over and over again that he can absolutely thread the needle on the long pass. Millen, take a seat and shut the f*^! up.
I'm a Vikings fan. I laughed my *** off when Millen was hired as Detroit's GM after a stint as an NFL analyst because I knew it would help the Vikes. The guy was completely clueless on air, wrong more often than right but adamant about it. I knew he would suck as a GM because he so obviously didn't have much idea what was going on on the field. I was amazed at the love he got on ESPN for being a great analyst before he was hired and after he was fired by the Lions.
Stanzi has never been reliable with the long ball. When Stanzi goes deep my first instinct is - incomplete or INT, sometimes he mystifies with a perfect throw

I will say that Stanzi is much improved this season

What!? I'm serious, what Ricky Stanzi have you been watching. He is as accurate with the deep ball as anyone you will find. Some people are hard to impress and seem to think EVERY pass should be on the money. Tune into Sunday football with Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and Drew Brees. The all throw passes that are off the mark as well. No QB is perfect. My gosh.
This has been by far Stanzi's best year although he has struggled with his accuracy from time to time. If he is more accurate vs Wisconsin we win that game.

I also think he's been lucky getting some dropped passes that should have been intercepted. Like I said though he has been good and this has by far been his best year and you could argue that he has been the best QB in the conference pretty easily (he's actually second in the nation in QB rating, which I didn't know).

Against Wisconsin Stanzi was what? 27 of 35? Isn't that like 77%? 3TD's and no picks. BTW, every QB throws balls that could of would of been intercepted. That evens out as Ricky has had a fair share of drops by his receivers this year as well. Again, I don't know what more Stanzi can do. He is completing 70% of his throws and currently has 19 TD's to 2 Int's.
One would tend to affect the other. If he didn't know squat about drafting, then it legitimately makes one wonder if he knows squat about football, and thus whether he can be a good analyst.

And that's what he is: not just a commentator, but an analyst. The person who is expected to KNOW the game.

What I KNOW about Millen is that he may be the worst NFL GM ever.

Being a bad GM doesn't necessarily mean that you're a bad analyst. Gerry DiNardo was a terrible head coach, but he does an excellent job breaking down the game on the BTN.

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