Matt and Miller were irresponsible and reckless

At what point are the players going to be held for a share of responsibility? From what I've read, it was made clear to the players the off-season workouts were important as well as difficult. It seems to me the players are partly responsible as well since it is on them to continue to condition themselves somewhat during the break.

Poggi's dad said as much during the PC. He stated when Jim was home for break, he "laid around and ate a lot." So it shouldn't come as a shocker that something like this happened since the kids literally took a break from everything. They didn't take the warning regarding the workouts seriously, IMO, and now are paying the price.

Jon's talked to former players. They said they were familiar with these workouts. So it's not like Doyle has changed anything. It sounds like the same process/ ****** was followed. The boys didn't take them seriously when they said they would be difficult. He**, I may not be in the best of shape, but even I know you can't simply do nothing for 3 weeks and then believe you'll be able to come back and jump right in without missing a beat.

It wasn't imperative for KF to be at the presser yesterday, IMO. Would it have been better if he was? Sure. But he would have been more cryptic in his answers than the doc and director of ops was. He's a Belichick disciple. Like Bill, he wouldn't have given any definitives to anything. Which would have infuriated the masses even more because of the myth we have as fans of believing that "we deserve to know". No, we don't.

And don't even get me started on how badly Haddy and the SID botched this. If anyone should be shown the door because of this mess, the first should be Haddy.


1) How do you know nothing was changed with the workouts? So Jon talked to some former players, were they at these workouts and said they were the same ones they did 5 to 10 years ago?

2) How do you know the other 12 were like Poggi and laid around for 3 weeks?

1) How do you know nothing was changed with the workouts? So Jon talked to some former players, were they at these workouts and said they were the same ones they did 5 to 10 years ago?

2) How do you know the other 12 were like Poggi and laid around for 3 weeks?

I don't to either question, so don't jump on my nuts.

I merely posted a different perspective on it to promote a wider discussion than just "KF is responsible", "Fire Doyle", "someone needs to pay!".

My question is simple. How much responsibility lies with the players? What is different from these 12 or 13 from the rest of the team? What did these specific players do different? There's a fair amount of blame to go around, but to place it solely on the coaches and have none fall on the players is a little short-sighted IMO.
Matt and Miller were irresponsible and reckless yesterday on the radio. Ken Miller said that the reason for the players being in the hospital were because Doyle saw how the players were winded at the end of the five games we lost last season and he wasn't going to let that happen again. Perrault agreed with him.

OK, just how do you know that? What evidence is there that this is what happened? Why are you assigning motives to someone without any proof?

It's like blaming Sarah Palin for the shooting in Tucson without having a shred of evidence that anything she said contributed to the psycho attempting to shoot a member of Congress. Even if you hate Sarah Palin and her politics, you would have to admit that there's no evidence that her rhetoric contributed to the tragedy, if you're fair-minded.

Perhaps the workouts weren't any tougher than previous ones. Perhaps there were extremely rigourous, yes, but not any tougher than previous ones. Maybe there were some kind of supplements involved that weren't taken properly and this combination of things led to the 13 players being hospitalized.

It isn't to say that Iowa hasn't handled it poorly. It has. Ferentz and Barta not being at the presser was a poor move to say the least. But still.

I stopped listening after 5:30 p.m. so maybe they backtracked from that position but I thought the accusation against Doyle and, by extension, Ferentz, was wrong without any evidence.

Maybe evidence will come out that demonstrates their hypothesis is correct. But they shouldn't go off making accusations without evidence. Wrong is wrong.

So, like this is anyting new for them?? That whols show is irresponsible an reckless because of who leads the wagon.....get used to it or don't listen to them. Like ME :D
This is over and done with and KF won't address it again unless a lingering ailment may occur. KF doesn't owe M&M or anyone else including myself anything more, and I trust that judgement. People, Kirk knows what he's doing.
Re: And tonights show....

They have some genious on that is giving his unwarranted comments and the guy cannot even pronounce Coach Ferentz' name right. He keeps saying the "ferrents" sound. First of all, I give this man (dont know who it is as just got home from work) absolutely NO CREDIBILITY if he doesnt even know how to pronounce our coaches name. Secondly, I say ship these Nebraska media people back over the border where they belong. Oh...wait a minute their shennanigans wont work over there, so they end up here? I'm sick and tired of hearing about Creighton, NU and all the crap over there. Then to give our universities nothing but negative pub.
And Miller only talks hockey comfortably...otherwise he is just a puppet. I'm done with that ignorant show. Miss Jon and Deace!!

Nobody is asking you to love Sipple ... he covers Nebraska - true. We were simply asking his opinion of the situation. He is the most respected writer covered the Huskers. You will read a lot of his work in the coming years.

As far as other teams outside the state - there is a lot of crossover between Nebraska and Iowa. I would get used to the talk of the programs. Creighton plays Iowa next year. Nebraska plays Iowa next year.
What I love about those two are they will be the first ones spouting off on how good this staff is come bowl time, when they get comped to go to a bowl game.

The other thing I hate about Matt is that if you don't use social media and put all your dirt on it you are a coward. But he has man boobs so what does he know about working out. Lets put this specialist friend of yours on the air and listen to her instead of you manipulating what she said to cover your rear.
What I love about those two are they will be the first ones spouting off on how good this staff is come bowl time, when they get comped to go to a bowl game.

The other thing I hate about Matt is that if you don't use social media and put all your dirt on it you are a coward. But he has man boobs so what does he know about working out. Lets put this specialist friend of yours on the air and listen to her instead of you manipulating what she said to cover your rear.

I have what?? :cool: So you've now seen me with my shirt off? Very, Very creepy dude.

2nd - My friend has been asked to come on but she is very shy. Doesn't speak well publicly but I can show you her text messages if you want.
The thread title indicates that this is something that this has only happened in the past. "Matt is irresponsible" would be a better choice, as Ken - far too often - lets Matt run over him.

Ken Miller is rapidly turning into Larry Cotlar; there isn't a fence he won't sit on.
What people are saying Matt, is that you don't know any of the facts, yet you pass off speculation as if it's fact. As I've said in other threads, the media has no right to know what happened anyway as does no one else. It's a medical matter and should be left between players, coaches and parents. That's it.
And tonights show....

They have some genious on that is giving his unwarranted comments and the guy cannot even pronounce Coach Ferentz' name right. He keeps saying the "ferrents" sound. First of all, I give this man (dont know who it is as just got home from work) absolutely NO CREDIBILITY if he doesnt even know how to pronounce our coaches name. Secondly, I say ship these Nebraska media people back over the border where they belong. Oh...wait a minute their shennanigans wont work over there, so they end up here? I'm sick and tired of hearing about Creighton, NU and all the crap over there. Then to give our universities nothing but negative pub.
And Miller only talks hockey comfortably...otherwise he is just a puppet. I'm done with that ignorant show. Miss Jon and Deace!!
Re: And tonights show....

They have some genious on that is giving his unwarranted comments and the guy cannot even pronounce Coach Ferentz' name right. He keeps saying the "ferrents" sound. First of all, I give this man (dont know who it is as just got home from work) absolutely NO CREDIBILITY if he doesnt even know how to pronounce our coaches name. Secondly, I say ship these Nebraska media people back over the border where they belong. Oh...wait a minute their shennanigans wont work over there, so they end up here? I'm sick and tired of hearing about Creighton, NU and all the crap over there. Then to give our universities nothing but negative pub.
And Miller only talks hockey comfortably...otherwise he is just a puppet. I'm done with that ignorant show. Miss Jon and Deace!!

If you're talking about Travis and Tim i thought they were being very fair yesterday morning when they were talking about it.

I'm usually not a fan of their because like you said, they spend way to much time talking about big 12 bball and valley bball especially Creighton. However, i was surprised they weren't jumping on the pile yesterday when talking about the 13 players. They would at least preface stuff with "if this was the case" or, "this hasn't been confirmed but..."
Yeah, I guess I was being Captain Obvious.

Unless you hate sports, there is absolutely no reason to listen to these sub-humans. Do you realize they once scoffed at, laughed at and hung up on a Hawkeye fan for telling them that Big Ten teams play 8 conference games in 2011? And they DO play 8 conf games in 2011!! Think about it!

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