Well-Known Member
That’s basically what I was getting at (in a slightly nicer way). No amateur sports bettor knows anything more than the next guy, so it was funny to watch him parade on and on about some major perceived discrepancy he found. If he were that good he’d be a professional, not a guy who almost lost his yearly allowance last week by loading his favorite team in a road game.Holy shit man...
You speaking about the techincals of sports betting is like me teaching sensitivity training to a room full of PhDs.
Everybody knows that one guy who goes on and on and on about some certain subject, making up bullshit under the guise of "conversation" so that everyone is supposed to think they know what they're talking about. In my opinion they do it for one of two reasons...1) they want to fit into a certain crowd and speak intelligently, or 2) they have extremely low self esteem and want to boost their ego a little bit. But the problem is that this guy doesn't realize that everyone completely sees through his bullshit and is just being nice by not calling him out. Sort of a "nod your head and smile" thing.
I'm sorry, but you're that guy when it comes to betting. You can come at us with all the "I have my system and it works for me" bullshit, and tell us what your spread calcs are, and how you've got some edge that Vegas bookmakers using supercomputers mysteriously haven't figured out yet, and tell us all about "anomalies" you've found (do you even know what that word really means?), but all it does is dig your bullshit hole deeper and deeper. There's a point at which you should quit while you're ahead and you've blown past it at 90 mph.
You've told us you live with a cat lady and have a house full of broken down shit consuming all your time, and that you paid a bill twice because you forgot to get a receipt for your cash. I'm sorry about your bad luck and cumulative poor life choices, but nobody here is going to believe for a New York second that you know the first fucking thing about making money on sports betting and how odds are made. I don't claim to be a source of knowledge on the subject whatsoever, and even I can see you're either totally full of shit or drunk (your weird carriage return thing when you type has got me wondering...).
Look man, don't feel bad. I got a dose of my own hubris tossed in my face as a younger guy too. I thought I was a really good pool player for a while, playing in tournaments around my home town, pool leagues, etc. So I decided I was going to take it up a notch and entered a 9 ball tournament in Omaha for $125; even got a hotel room to stay overnight. I went in there thinking it was going to go a certain way and got completely fucking destroyed 6 games in about 20 minutes. I guarantee you every single person in that building smelled sucker on me as soon as I got out of my car. By 10:20 I was out $250 bucks and looked like an idiot, but learning that I was a fucking idiot was priceless.
Don't be that guy. Everyone here smells sucker when you start posting about betting and you're just embarrassing yourself. I know you think I'm a dick but look at it this way, if you shit your pants but didn't know it, wouldn't you want someone to tell you you had a big brown stain on your drawers? Or would you rather walk around all day with poopy pants and everyone laughing at you behind your back?