Maryland gets Hammered by BigTen office

Its amusing that people seem to have no problem with the near-brawl before the game, BUT HEAVEN FORBID THEY DON"T SHAKE HANDS!@!!@@@@!!!!111one
The PSU captains standing out in the middle of the field had absolutely nothing to do with the prior crap that went on. What's your line of demarcation on guilt by association? If you were in the stands at Kinnick when PSU was in town, would you refuse to shake hands with a visiting PSU fan?

Probably. Since an overwhelming majority of them were supporting their fraud of a coach until the very end. You didn't see the thousands demonstrating their support?

Pretty gross. Slap in the face of the victims.

That place is way too isolated if you ask me. I suppose they don't know any better due to all the inbreeding.
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It is appropriate this thread has gone this way on election day. You guys have gone to the edges and are commited more to your beliefs than to discuss the nuances. Did every Penn State fan enable the crime? No. Is every Maryland player a thug? No. Does every program have some dirty laundry? Yes.

Should Penn State support its players without qualification in the light of what happened? No. Should Maryland have made the statement, of which we don't know was the message, at the coin toss? My opinion is no.
It is appropriate this thread has gone this way on election day. You guys have gone to the edges and are commited more to your beliefs than to discuss the nuances. Did every Penn State fan enable the crime? No. Is every Maryland player a thug? No. Does every program have some dirty laundry? Yes.

Should Penn State support its players without qualification in the light of what happened? No. Should Maryland have made the statement, of which we don't know was the message, at the coin toss? My opinion is no.

This has nothing to do with Penn State being Pedo State.

It has everything to do with James Franklin telling Maryland to "shut down their football program" because they don't have a chance (recruiting talk).That's why the fight happened, that's why the no handshake happened. Franlkin was running his mouth all spring and Maryland didn't have any time for it.
Their LACK of Class at Penn State is going to cost them.

Diggs hits a Ref in the face?? Are you kidding me?
Then, the not shaking hands..........that is just low, bad form.

Maryland is starting to make Rutgers and Nebraska look like regular schools.

Thats good, they just as well learn now how to behave in the Big Ten. We don't care for Punks
Can't say I have ever witnessed one team's captains refuse to shake hands with the opponent's team captains. Personally, I found it more childish than anything. Respect the game, boys.
Kind of enjoyed this as I think Franklin actually started the feud. Will agree however that Edsall is a bit of a ******. Did not appreciate his sideline antics during their win over Iowa.....
Looks to me like, good or bad, Maryland is finding a way to show some "swagger" in a new league. Like they are carrying on, and reuniting, a rivalry of sorts in their backyard. Are they able to walk the walk? Not yet (maybe never). Was it right? Probably not (and they are being reprimanded) in the short term, but maybe that is the "edge" they are looking for, obviously ala Miami, for the intermediate term.

I don't agree personally, and am glad it's not Iowa, but again, maybe it is what they feel they need to compete. Glad the B1G jumped in.

Yeah, well the kids on the field in Blue and White had NOTHING to do with the Ped State
prior Admin enabling a child abuser.

That being said, I'm actually glad Maryland won. Why? Because it helps Hawkeye Strength of Schedule.
However--------not shaking hands is classless, boorish,ignorant and not necessary. Glad they got hammered by BigTEN.

You really are naive. Almost all reparations statutes attack people for sins committed generations before they were born by people they never knew. You choose to offer your blood; sweat and tears to an institution which made a Faustian bargain to attain wins, you get what you deserve. If anything they should be thankful the sanctions have been lifted.

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