So Devyns leadership and contribution was fine until the last 8 games of the season? In those last 7 losses at the end of the season, Devyn averaged 20 pts/ 6 assists, which led the team in both categories. Iowa shot well in all of those games outside of NW and Tenn. Dev shot around 48% from the field in those games, which is great for a leading scoring guard. Anyone saying that this kind of production on offense will not be missed is wrong.

Fans memories blur very quickly it seems....the major problem in these losses was that the opposition shot over 48%, with Minny and IU shooting over 60 %, in every game cept for Tenn. Our defense was the problem. Now, if that is about a lack of leadership, maybe that is a good point. But, Devyn was one of our best defenders, so I doubt that it is on him.

We lost most of those games very it was not like we got blew out, cept for Tenn.
I hope I am wrong, but I think we will miss Devyn just like we missed Matt Gatens the year after he left. Matt shot us to a few upsets with his torrid 3 pt shooting in the Big Ten season....we missed that tremendously the next season when we could not shoot a lick and lost a bunch of close games.

Fans tend to take guys for granted til they are gone....which seems to be the case with some fans and Devyn.

I agree, we will miss Marble, just like we missed May, Missed Gatens, and missed Cole. I think just like when we lost those other players, the team overall has a chance to step forward while losing good players. The roster now includes 2 top 100 kids (Gesell & Woody) 2 top 150 kids (Uthoff & Ogs) and their best player (White). Mix in a SR Gabe, a couple scorers in Jok & Dickerson and you have a have a good chance to get better as a team even when you lose a player like Marble.

Now I will say I'm not totally confident we will be better next year, but we do have enough on the roster that I am at least not ruling out that possiblity yet.
I agree, we will miss Marble, just like we missed May, Missed Gatens, and missed Cole. I think just like when we lost those other players, the team overall has a chance to step forward while losing good players. The roster now includes 2 top 100 kids (Gesell & Woody) 2 top 150 kids (Uthoff & Ogs) and their best player (White). Mix in a SR Gabe, a couple scorers in Jok & Dickerson and you have a have a good chance to get better as a team even when you lose a player like Marble.

Now I will say I'm not totally confident we will be better next year, but we do have enough on the roster that I am at least not ruling out that possiblity yet.

I agree. And I think is may have been the contributing factor in our 2nd slide, last season. We have really good talent on this team coming back for 2014 season. However, they are all unproven in the roles they must play next season, i.e. leadership roles. I think RDM was the only guy willing to "lead" last season. Everyone else simply deferred (with possible exception of MG, but he was inconsistant at best) to RDM. Unless your a role playing defensive player, your defensive intensity can be affected by your how good you feel about your offensive success. Just my interpretation of things.
I agree, we will miss Marble, just like we missed May, Missed Gatens, and missed Cole. I think just like when we lost those other players, the team overall has a chance to step forward while losing good players.
To be fair, none of those players were NBA caliber like Marble is. Replacing May's contributions, and replacing the 5th leading scorer in 100 years of Iowa basketball are different things.
To be fair, none of those players were NBA caliber like Marble is. Replacing May's contributions, and replacing the 5th leading scorer in 100 years of Iowa basketball are different things.
Scoring absolutely, leadership not so much. Eric May was an unbelievable leader of his team.
To be fair, none of those players were NBA caliber like Marble is. Replacing May's contributions, and replacing the 5th leading scorer in 100 years of Iowa basketball are different things.

Well I did say that I wasn't confident that we can replace him. It is going to play out one of two ways:

1) We can't replace his scoring, and we will all say we should have seen that coming
2) Gesell, Woody, Uthoff, and Jok all make the natural year to year progression and become better players. At the same time White, Gabe, and Ogs all take the SR step up that Gaten, and Marble did. If these things happen, we will say, of course we should have know that was going to happen, players usually improve and play their best as Sr.

Nobody really knows, or I should say I don't know how next year will play out. Not everyone can predict all the games correctly in the pre season, like you seem to be able to (at least your football thread claim anyway). Does that hold true for basketball as well? Did you foresee this year playing out like it did on the hardwood?
Well I did say that I wasn't confident that we can replace him. It is going to play out one of two ways:

1) We can't replace his scoring, and we will all say we should have seen that coming
2) Gesell, Woody, Uthoff, and Jok all make the natural year to year progression and become better players. At the same time White, Gabe, and Ogs all take the SR step up that Gaten, and Marble did. If these things happen, we will say, of course we should have know that was going to happen, players usually improve and play their best as Sr.

Nobody really knows, or I should say I don't know how next year will play out. Not everyone can predict all the games correctly in the pre season, like you seem to be able to (at least your football thread claim anyway). Does that hold true for basketball as well? Did you foresee this year playing out like it did on the hardwood?

I think Iowa will be better next year. I'd like to see Marble stick with a team in the NBA, but if he doesn't I suppose it will increase his overseas money by being an NBA draft pick. Marble is a good player, but I don't know if he is quick or fast enough to play in the NBA. I think Brunner was a better player in college and he ended up going overseas.
Well I did say that I wasn't confident that we can replace him. It is going to play out one of two ways:

1) We can't replace his scoring, and we will all say we should have seen that coming
2) Gesell, Woody, Uthoff, and Jok all make the natural year to year progression and become better players. At the same time White, Gabe, and Ogs all take the SR step up that Gaten, and Marble did. If these things happen, we will say, of course we should have know that was going to happen, players usually improve and play their best as Sr.

Nobody really knows, or I should say I don't know how next year will play out. Not everyone can predict all the games correctly in the pre season, like you seem to be able to (at least your football thread claim anyway). Does that hold true for basketball as well? Did you foresee this year playing out like it did on the hardwood?
No one is arguing with you. However, just pointing out that Marble was the best scorer at Iowa in the past 20 years, and that's tough to replace. On the otter hand, Aaron White is probably going to end up with more prolific scoring numbers than Marble, so perhaps my fears are irrational. If White scores at Marble's pace last year, he'll probably end up 2nd on the all-time scoring list, knocking off barely literate Acie Earl.
I think Iowa will be better next year. I'd like to see Marble stick with a team in the NBA, but if he doesn't I suppose it will increase his overseas money by being an NBA draft pick. Marble is a good player, but I don't know if he is quick or fast enough to play in the NBA. I think Brunner was a better player in college and he ended up going overseas.

They play very different positions, though, and the league has changed some in the last 10 years.
Keep in mind that for the first 20 games, Iowa was rolling and high-fiving and showing tons of emotion. But I agree, whatever happened, we have a new team this season and if the same lack of chemistry is there, we'll know more about the source. If it is gone, we'll know more about the source.
I disagree with the logic that singles out RDM, ArvadaHawk. There were 2 other seniors that will be gone in 2014-15. Any change in chemistry on this year's team could have something to do with that as well.
Everyone has missed the boat on last year. Mccaffrey believed Mike gessell was going to break out. It never happened. We were a solid point away. Defensively it all started with him. I've never seen a starting pg get beat off the dribble as often as Mike did down the stretch. And either that's communication, or it's just plain bad defense. On top of that, down the stretch Mike rarely took it to the hole under control or with a plan. He would drive and throw his body into trees and pray. If you can't shoot free throws and you can't finish, then look to pass or back it out. It's partly on Mike and partly on fran but there's no question to me the position that led to our demise. The point guard position.
Everyone has missed the boat on last year. Mccaffrey believed Mike gessell was going to break out. It never happened. We were a solid point away. Defensively it all started with him. I've never seen a starting pg get beat off the dribble as often as Mike did down the stretch. And either that's communication, or it's just plain bad defense. On top of that, down the stretch Mike rarely took it to the hole under control or with a plan. He would drive and throw his body into trees and pray. If you can't shoot free throws and you can't finish, then look to pass or back it out. It's partly on Mike and partly on fran but there's no question to me the position that led to our demise. The point guard position.
Good take. For how perimeter oriented the college game is, you need a good PG, and we didn't have one. Clemmons was even worse than Gesell. That Fran went and recruited a Juco to help immediately in a position where he has two upperclassmen tells you all you need to know.
No one is arguing with you. However, just pointing out that Marble was the best scorer at Iowa in the past 20 years, and that's tough to replace. On the otter hand, Aaron White is probably going to end up with more prolific scoring numbers than Marble, so perhaps my fears are irrational. If White scores at Marble's pace last year, he'll probably end up 2nd on the all-time scoring list, knocking off barely literate Acie Earl.

Why the knock on Acie Earl? The guy developed very well in his time at Iowa and managed to make an NBA team and last a few seasons.

And I have seen nothing from Aaron White that indicates a good ALL-AROUND half-court game on the offensive side of the court. Not yet, anyway.
Everyone has missed the boat on last year. Mccaffrey believed Mike gessell was going to break out. It never happened. We were a solid point away. Defensively it all started with him. I've never seen a starting pg get beat off the dribble as often as Mike did down the stretch. And either that's communication, or it's just plain bad defense. On top of that, down the stretch Mike rarely took it to the hole under control or with a plan. He would drive and throw his body into trees and pray. If you can't shoot free throws and you can't finish, then look to pass or back it out. It's partly on Mike and partly on fran but there's no question to me the position that led to our demise. The point guard position.

I think thats a gross oversimplification.

Mike is an excellent man defender, theres plenty of tape to prove that.

That whole front court was playing really bad deffense at the end. Gessel was not communicating well but Marble was just as bad in his lack of communication on switches and screens and White was plain awful, out of position and taking gambles that were insane.

What led to the demise was not being able to score in the half court. Clearly.

What lead to not being able to score in the half court was having three guys on the floor together that could not shoot anything but layups and were not threats to score in the post either, or atleast were never given any sort of touches and were basically non factors that just clogged the lane. That was all on Fran IMO.

When that team couldn't score, the effort on defense went into the tank. That is bad leadership. They played good, to some times excellent defense the perviouse year and a half so they were clearly capable of better.

Mike was part of the problem and thats why I think TD should take the PG spot but pinning it all on him is way off IMO.
Marbles will be missed. There was a weird dynamic on last years team that was suppressed when winning but came up strong late and bit us.

The team will need to make more balance next year in the half court sets. If we can get woody more touches things will be just fine. He will need to improve his passing though. White needs to cut to the basket like a mad man all game and lay off the jumpers.

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