Maisel: Had he remained healthy, Iowa would be 13-0

I have also realized how foolish it is to argue about things that "could" have happened, since no one can ever be proved right!

Yes you can't prove a "could" have happened would have happened, however you also can't prove a "could" have happened wouldn't have happened either? Make sense? LOL
I think it is a stretch to assume anything with the offense this season. The only thing they were consistant about was being inconsistant. For instance, it is kind of silly to assume that the INT JVB threw would not have been matched by Stanzi.

I have also realized how foolish it is to argue about things that "could" have happened, since no one can ever be proved right!

But.....Stanzi would have led us to the game winning touchdown, because that's what Stanzi does.

I also don't see Rick taking that sack in OT at the 'Shoe.

It is quite clear you were not at the NW game, and maybe you didn't even watch it. We were playing very well and the offense was clicking. The game changed 180 degrees when RS got hurt. The entire stadium changed. Even with the injury, we still should have won the game. It was the worst officiating I have seen since the bowl game against Florida. RS was face masked, BW had a 75 yard TD run called back on a phantom holding call, and our receivers & d-line were held numerous times with no call. There is no way we loose the NW game with RS. You don't know what you are talking about!!!
Conjecture about the future is more probable than conjecture about the past. Football is about who has the better teams, including backups, not necessarily about whose starters are better. If memory serves me right, NWs backup QB also played some.

It is quite clear you were not at the NW game, and maybe you didn't even watch it. We were playing very well and the offense was clicking. The game changed 180 degrees when RS got hurt. The entire stadium changed. Even with the injury, we still should have won the game. It was the worst officiating I have seen since the bowl game against Florida. RS was face masked, BW had a 75 yard TD run called back on a phantom holding call, and our receivers & d-line were held numerous times with no call. There is no way we loose the NW game with RS. You don't know what you are talking about!!!

I promise I do know what I am talking about. First of all, any complaining about the officiating I dismiss out of hand. Losers complain about the officials, winners get it done.

Second, I know the offense was clicking. The offense this season often had spurts of clickitude. However, the offense never once clicked for more than two consecutive quarters all season, even with Stanzi. That is an indisputable fact. Whenever the O got going, something always stopped them dead in their tracks, such as in the OB when the O was on fire, and then came the pick 6, and we didn't score again for nearly three quarters.

I cannot hypothetically assume the offense would have clicked the entire NW game because they never once showed evidence that they have that capability. In science, when you are making assumptions, you make that assumption based on the measurable data available. That is precisely what I have done. You are making assumptions off of data that does not exist.

Point Ghost. Count it!

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