Lotta good talk about being Iowa tough

Is CJB from Tennessee?
That is consistent with my recollection. I thought he was from the Nashville area, I want to say Franklin but I could be mixing that up with my buddy bince his parents are in Franklin. It seems to be a rapidly growing area in Tennessee.
Tennessee born but Iowa tough.

Actually, both States have been tough for a long time. Do a little Civil War reading: Volunteers from Tennessee and Iowa were in the thick of it at the bloody Battle of Shiloh, with massive losses on both sides. When I was a young man, all of the Iowa regimental flags from the Civil war were on display at the Iowa Capitol. A very humbling, depressing thing to see....they were riddled with bullet holes. The bravery and courage that young men between 18 and 20 years old displayed during that horrible war (and all subsequent wars) is almost impossible to believe today.

My wife's great-grandfather fought at the Battle of Gettyburg for a Pennsylvania regiment. His written accounts of that battle are incredible.
Tennessee born but Iowa tough.

Actually, both States have been tough for a long time. Do a little Civil War reading: Volunteers from Tennessee and Iowa were in the thick of it at the bloody Battle of Shiloh, with massive losses on both sides. When I was a young man, all of the Iowa regimental flags from the Civil war were on display at the Iowa Capitol. A very humbling, depressing thing to see....they were riddled with bullet holes. The bravery and courage that young men between 18 and 20 years old displayed during that horrible war (and all subsequent wars) is almost impossible to believe today.

My wife's great-grandfather fought at the Battle of Gettyburg for a Pennsylvania regiment. His written accounts of that battle are incredible.
The Tennessee football team's name is based on that State's Civil War history, I believe.
You're thinking of North Carolina, whose Confederate soldiers earned the named Tar-Heels from General Robert E. Lee. Of course, the school is doing everything it can to attempt to rewrite history so there are a bunch of other stories floating around, but the real one comes from the War of Northern Aggression.
All these schools play this boom bah bing rap music these days, but Iowa sticks to the classics. We all know the stadium music, but they also play this gem everyday to start lifting sessions:

On guitar there is Jimmie Vaughan, Stevie Ray Vaughan's brother. Very good guitarist, but he doesn't have the transcendent chops Stevie did. Not even close.

Not a big fan of the song, but it's cool that the Iowa staff incorporates some of the throwback classic rock stuff.
I look at this thread with mixed thoughts. On on hand I think of the brand of football that HF brought in. That was tough and it's perpetuated by KF's program. However, there is a difference. In general HF had pretty balanced teams. Yes, tough D, but overall pretty balanced.

Think of Chuck Long being on the 2015 and taking the shots that CJ took. CJ gets a lot of grief from hanging on to the ball too long, but much of his play was a lot like what happened to him last week against SD. Sometimes he wouldn't have had time to do anything other than ducking or hitting the ground. His time at Iowa was a lot like that. The 49er O line as well as Iowa's with CJ was lacking major components. Toughness has it's limits. About any other Big qb in 2015 and Iowa isn't anywhere close to 12-0 by at least 2 or 3 games.

At times Iowa toughness under KF resembles abuse. Think of the flat out effort that JJ gave last year against PSU and others. In the end they were 7-5. It didn't seem the coaching staff didn't put in the same kind of effort on coaching and recruiting.

When I think of Iowa toughness I also think of Tyler Sash. I also think of A-Rob who I think was asked to do a lot without proper support and the result was repeated concussions. One of the side effect of concussions is damaged impulse control. Marijuana also helps tremendously with concussion symptoms.

How on earth did a team with CJ, Kittle, Wadley, King and JJ lose 5 games in 2016?
I've jumped off the Kirk Ferentz bandwagon a little bit. He can't win the big games when championships are on the line. Way too conservative on offense.

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