Looking to next year

I have to agree with pretty much everything USAFhawk has said so far in his posts about the lineup for next year. I'm very excited to see what Carew can do at 149 if he can continue to improve from his feet. We all know that St John will be very good but we have a lot of young guns waiting for there chance. If Gambrall buys in and does things right year round he could be VERY good! Ethan Lofthouse is ultra talented and is an Iowa style wrestler to the fullest. He reminds me a lot of a young Phil Keddy...

I am also REALLY excited about the possible addition to the room at 157 and if it happens it would really solidify the lineup for next year. If they make it happen this is going to be a very solid lineup from top to bottom! They might take some lumps during the year but I wouldn't count them out for #24!
Apropos nothing else...does anyone know where Bubba Jenkins is going to wrestle next year???

Not Iowa. I'm pretty sure that if he wrestles next year it will be somewhere out east. I've heard rumors of Virginia, Edinboro, ODU, etc...
Can you give us a clue as to who it would be at 157? Is it someone at a lower division? I'm guessing a transfer from another D1 school wouldn't be released from scholarship to go to Iowa. And the way your talking it sounds like it would be someone that would be ready to wrestle next year.
It would be a transfer from another school that would be ready to step in next year. No names will be given yet but hopefully everyone can find out soon enough...
A transfer ready to step in day one. That's very interesting. I guess the first name that came to mind was that maybe Mitch Mueller is having trouble making 149 and is going to come home and wrestle 157 for his senior year. Just a complete guess. Be very interested to hear who it is. Is there any time frame that we may know who it is?
A transfer ready to step in day one. That's very interesting. I guess the first name that came to mind was that maybe Mitch Mueller is having trouble making 149 and is going to come home and wrestle 157 for his senior year. Just a complete guess. Be very interested to hear who it is. Is there any time frame that we may know who it is?

Mueller was a senior this year so thats not it and no way Jackson would release one of his guys to come over to Iowa. Mueller does not even come close to wrestling the Iowa style he would struggle in the Iowa room.
Well he did say its someone who can step in and solidify the lineup next year.

I would assume thats a pretty capable wrestler? Better than Jake Kerr at least, who made it to Omaha.

(and that wasn't a slight at Jake Kerr, in any way)
Austin is a little more right on this probably. Don't get too excited thinking that it is Caldwell or anyone who would win the title right away. He would be a good wrestler though and I think could do some damage.

I also think that Kerr could have trouble making 157 for another entire season.
lister, the kid from binghampton? the kid was really good, and i don't know anything about binghampton, but i have to believe he would get alot more competition and improve much more in the iowa wrestling room. this kid was only a soph this year and looked really really good in the ncaas

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