Little Lick 4 to's in 3 minutes

Good grief.

With all the deficits, why is it that certain fans want to pick on the back-up point guard, who is a walk-on?

Why not critique the scholarship guys who are SUPPOSE to be leading the team. :rolleyes:
It looks like JL might be singing "Who Are You?" by the Who and he is at the "who who" part. Clearly he is having fun though.
So is that better or worse than the starter who is on scholarship?

I don't know, but surely you do.

What is classic is your bitterness.

If you give Sparky the same minutes that Culley had, he would have eclipsed the 20 mark in TO's.

Just to put it in perspective.

Neither had a good day, nor did their teammates.

Come to think about it, the good days are few and far between.

And have been for 30+ months.

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