Limp dance tradition?


Well-Known Member
For those that have been to a BB game this year.

Are they doing the video of everyone doing this limp dancing thing at every game? Are they trying to get the crowd to do it? Is it a new thing they are trying to start? I did not notice this last year to the few games I made it up for. Me and the kids joined in, they had fun doing it, I felt like i was the only adult rocking out the limp dance.

IMO it's better then raise the burrito.
If he's thinking what I'm thinking, it's the song "Party Rock Anthem" and they show students dancing on the jumbo screen.

Here is the song played at a football game this year:
[ame=]Old Lady Jams at Kinnick Before Game - YouTube[/ame]

Enjoy the dancing by the older lady :)
The limp dance? bahahahaha you mean the Bernie?
[ame=]Hot New DANCE CRAZE Hits The South It's Based On The 1980s Movie WEEKEND AT BERNIE'S!!! - YouTube[/ame]
First I limp to the side like my leg was broken...

Re: Limp dance tradition? (AKA the Bernie)

yep thats it! I recognize the blank stares on peoples faces. We got up and did the Bernie
Stop holding on, you're 30. Officially old.

And for the record this might be the dumbest thing ever which must mean I'm really old.

That doesn't make you old. I myself think it is very stupid. However, I spend a great deal of time with young people, and despite how stupid it is, I have done the Bernie on many occasions, as recently as last Wednesday.
Hahaha this is awesome. It is a dance based off weekend at bernies II. Def the best dance around
My best friend is getting married sat and me and the girl I walk with are going to bernie into the reception hall for sure
I heard the music on the stream last night and it is definitely the Bernie they are doing. This case is closed. I must say I do like it and think it's funny and hope it catches on at the games. Kind of like jump for wisky. Even the blue hairs at wisky jump around.
That doesn't make you old. I myself think it is very stupid. However, I spend a great deal of time with young people, and despite how stupid it is, I have done the Bernie on many occasions, as recently as last Wednesday.

So I think what you are saying is that age is just a number and I should embrace life and live each day like it was my last. Fine, I'll do the Bernie.

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