Lickliter gets a new job

He sucked at recruiting because few players wanted to play his "style" of slow ball.

That guy in combination with Alford hurt Iowa's program tremendously. Good riddance to both of them. I could care less what happens to Lackluster...he got paid quite well for failing!
Did you watch any Iowa games he coached?

Did you watch any Butler games he coached? For many reasons, he was not a good fit here. He didn't have the talent to compete, and failed to coach up the most of the guys that he did have. He was no Mr. Davis, but to say he doesn't understand basketball is just silly.
I guess we will see what the next year or two brings but in his first year Fran McCaffery was such a marked contrast to Lackluster the difference was night and day. Fran appears able to recruit (hopefully that will become easier as he raises Iowa image and he starts getting in on the ground level of better recruits), to do the X's and O's, motivate players, fire up crowds, relate to the fan base, woo donors, put together a game plan and coach a style of play that is pleasing to watch. Ie: everything Lackluster couldn't.
You have to be off your freaking rocker to make statements like "Licklikter was a stand up guy" and an "excellent x's and o's coach". Are these the folks that checked out on Iowa basketball for the three years he was here? He was a condascending spin machine who blamed players, fans, administration, lack of facilities, geography and everything under the sun EXCEPT for himself and his woefully incompetent staff. The guy got paid big bucks, got to bring in his own staff and he totally failed. He gets canned and leaves town without saying even an insincere goodbye to the team.

Short of getting us on NCAA probation, I am not sure what else the guy could have done to destroy Iowa hoops.
You have to be off your freaking rocker to make statements like "Licklikter was a stand up guy" and an "excellent x's and o's coach". Are these the folks that checked out on Iowa basketball for the three years he was here? He was a condascending spin machine who blamed players, fans, administration, lack of facilities, geography and everything under the sun EXCEPT for himself and his woefully incompetent staff. The guy got paid big bucks, got to bring in his own staff and he totally failed. He gets canned and leaves town without saying even an insincere goodbye to the team.

Short of getting us on NCAA probation, I am not sure what else the guy could have done to destroy Iowa hoops.

Started his son at PG every game?
Applauding Lickliter for anything while at Iowa is as absurd as having a bobble head night for Anthony Tucker for his contributions during big ten play. Let's see, what would that stat sheet look like: Seasons 2, Games played 0, Points Scored 0, Arrests 2.0.
If placing your head in your hands for the majority of the game makes you an "excellent X's and O's guy" then Lackluster was certainly a master.

Nothing pi$*^#d me off more about him than this. Head down in his hands or leaning back with his hands behind his head. Found myself screaming at him to get up and coach! The body language he was sending the team was "I am so smart, how can you be sooo stupid?" Can see why players left so fast.
Miami can have him

+1 It infuriated me to watch that crap. He acted like such a D.B.
I agree it was the wrong fit but I will never consider Lackluster a "standup guy." He plain sucked at recruiting, X's and O's, motivating players, firing up crowds, relating to fans and the donor base. And it became pretty apparent by the end of year 2 the players didn't like him very much. When it was obvious by the end of year 3 that it just wasn't working, instead of resigning and looking to move on to something that was a better fit he apparently tried to continue to hold onto the Iowa job, and made sure every penny owed him would be paid.

My definition of 'stand up guy' is he:

#1--Didn't cheat, lie or steal
#2--Represented iowa well in manner of dress and behavior
#3--Didn't sling a bunch of mud at Iowa when he left

Who wouldn't try to hold on to the job? And get paid? Everybody does. Doesn't diminish him in my eyes.
My definition of 'stand up guy' is he:

#1--Didn't cheat, lie or steal
#2--Represented iowa well in manner of dress and behavior
#3--Didn't sling a bunch of mud at Iowa when he left

Who wouldn't try to hold on to the job? And get paid? Everybody does. Doesn't diminish him in my eyes.

OK. But that's hardly a ringing endorsement of the guy (which I know you weren't making.)
He played his kid the worst player in the history of the big 10 and then actually stated after a game that his kid deserved to play more!
You have to be off your freaking rocker to make statements like "Licklikter was a stand up guy" and an "excellent x's and o's coach". Are these the folks that checked out on Iowa basketball for the three years he was here? He was a condascending spin machine who blamed players, fans, administration, lack of facilities, geography and everything under the sun EXCEPT for himself and his woefully incompetent staff. The guy got paid big bucks, got to bring in his own staff and he totally failed. He gets canned and leaves town without saying even an insincere goodbye to the team.

Short of getting us on NCAA probation, I am not sure what else the guy could have done to destroy Iowa hoops.

If this is really the case, why isn't your beef with the AD instead of the coach? You paint a picture of a guy in over his head from day one, but he somehow sold the AD he could handle it? Hopefully, if all of this is true, you fired the idiot who hired him.
If this is really the case, why isn't your beef with the AD instead of the coach? You paint a picture of a guy in over his head from day one, but he somehow sold the AD he could handle it? Hopefully, if all of this is true, you fired the idiot who hired him.

I would certainly be OK with that. Anyone who thought Lick was going to get it done after year two shouldn't be trusted.