Lickliter and Barta to meet tomorrow (Monday)

I wish they would have met Friday!

I just want the relief of knowing lick is fired for sure!

I never wanted him from day 1
I wish they would have met Friday!

I just want the relief of knowing lick is fired for sure!

I never wanted him from day 1

I was ticked off when I heard he was offered the job over Kevin Stallings... I was really excited about Stallings, not so excited about Lickliter, but was willing to give him a chance.
This worries me. The timing with the announcement of the women in the NCAA tomorrow. I wonder if he is going to keep him

I really hope not.
This worries me. The timing with the announcement of the women in the NCAA tomorrow. I wonder if he is going to keep him

I really hope not.

with all due respect to the women, I think that Barta delaying is causing distraction from the women's success anyway. At this point, I am sure Barta just wants to get it over with so that the women can have their moment, and then we can all focus on their tournament game while Barta is searching for a coach.
This worries me. The timing with the announcement of the women in the NCAA tomorrow. I wonder if he is going to keep him

I really hope not.
That was the reason it was going to be on Tuesday.

I know I've gone back and forth but I think Barta is keeping him.
I don't think he will bring him back. He really can't afford to after the firestorm of the weekend. I think it would greatly increase the heat on him and he doesn't want that.
Man, I just want this to be over, so we can move on. We're all talking a new coach, and our current one isn't even fired yet. You know how deflating it will be if he is retained?
To keep Lickliter after all the response to the possibility of him being gone(with over 90% ready for him to be gone) over the weekend, would be folly of a extreme degree, and would really reveal a major disconnect with the fanbase(it would be beyond shocking if he was THAT out of touch).
Damn...Got some transfers coming too. Might as well throw next year out the window, no way we find replacements this late in the recruiting process.
There's no way in hell he'll be back, unless you want the games to be played in front of zero people in 2010-2011.
Who is transfering without knowing who the next coach will be? A coach that can get people into Carver and let these players play will be much more exciting for players. Lick has no chance of coming back, the fans have spoken and done it pretty loudly so that Barta can not bring him back and have Carver damn near empty. No mid-major coaches, we need someone with personality, a bit of flare and someone that will have a long term realtionship with the fans, players and the university. It would be nice that the guy knows the history of Iowa BB and would embrace it.
Who is transfering without knowing who the next coach will be? A coach that can get people into Carver and let these players play will be much more exciting for players. Lick has no chance of coming back, the fans have spoken and done it pretty loudly so that Barta can not bring him back and have Carver damn near empty. No mid-major coaches, we need someone with personality, a bit of flare and someone that will have a long term realtionship with the fans, players and the university. It would be nice that the guy knows the history of Iowa BB and would embrace it.


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