Lick says he thinks Tucker will be back...

I'm not shocked the door was left open. It will be interesting to see if the kid completes the community service and goes through the alcohol assessment. Time will tell.

I think Lick needs to put his own touch on the disciplinary action as well, sticking to the bare minimum of what is prescribed by the unversity is, in my opinion, kind of spineless.

I do think it's a good idea to keep the shirt on Archie. Lick is thinking big picture and long term with that - and I think that's a good thing.
Go ahead lickliter, let Tucker have a chance to screw up a 3rd year for you.....good idea since you are probably fighting to save your job after next season. Also Archie redshirting is also dumb. Its not like he is probably going to be any better than Brommer who rides the pine and doesn't get to redshirt. The Hawks need all the benchwarmers Lick can recruit.
vbeach, it is posts like yours that are my pet peeve. I really believe people only want Tucker booted because they don't like his style of play and are frustrated with the program. If Shonn Greene had two public intoxs under his belt last year, I highly doubt anybody would be calling for his removal from the team. And you have no idea how good Archie can be. Lickliter has said he thinks he has a lot of talent and is a quick learner. It's not like Lickliter does not know how many rides are available in '11 or that the team has needs. He obviously likes Archie's potential enough to redshirt him. Maybe he doesn't like Brommer's potential that much?

Now I am not a koolaid drinker. I am not happy about where we are right now and I know we need a big influx in talent to get better. I don't know whether lick gets it done or not. I hope he does. But, I also don't assume Lickliter forgot everything he knew about basketball once he got to Iowa. If he thinks Archie has enough potential that he can help the program if he redshirts, I will believe him. Maybe Archie doesn't. But as fans, we do not KNOW. I am not saying don't give your opinion, but I hate it when people write as if they know without a doubt.
I'm ok with this (re: Tucker)

However, with Archie redshirting, we lose a 2011 scholly, that's a bummer. It also hurts the spacing of the scholarships. Archie can be viewed as a soph right now with the redshirt. Would have been nice to keep him with this junior class.
I don't have a problem with either one. If Tucker comes back he needs a strict set of guidelines to follow. If he can great, if he cannot, then he will be gone.

In regards to Archie, there probably was no other choice at this point. After injuring the shoulder and then pneumonia, he is mostly likely out of shape and probably has lost a bunch of weight. It wouldn't make since to try and get him game ready this year, especially starting the big 10 season. Get him in the weight rooom, bulk him up for next year, and he should be healthy and ready to go next year.
I was really surprised with all the commotion made over Tucker's second alcohol incident. Didn't Ferentz's kid have 2 alcohol incidents this past year? Don't recall the uproar after his second. Further, I don't think an uproar is necessary. Kids make mistakes. Let the Iowa graduate who didn't have at least 2 nights in their college career where they had a few too many be the first to cast a stone.
I think this is one of those situations, as much as many do not, you just have to trust Lickliter's assessment and decision.

The coaches are around Tucker everyday, I am fairly certain they have thought about this in great detail, and know things the average fans just are not going too know.

I trust the coaches to make the right decision.

if he is back, I will be the first to stand up and cheer to make sure he knows fans have moved on and welcome him with open arms.

Now go score some points..... and quit dawging it sometimes. haha
"...Lickliter has said he thinks he has a lot of talent and is a quick learner."

I guess people would argue that point, have you watched Tuck play defense?

It's alright if Lickliter wants to bring him back. They just have to keep him out of the bars for the next 2 1/2 years. I'm not sure how they are going to do that?
"...Lickliter has said he thinks he has a lot of talent and is a quick learner."

I guess people would argue that point, have you watched Tuck play defense?

It's alright if Lickliter wants to bring him back. They just have to keep him out of the bars for the next 2 1/2 years. I'm not sure how they are going to do that?

Tuck's D has vastly improved since last season. In fact, Lick had Tuck guarding the opposition's best guard for most of the season. The only one to go off was Ahlegbhe.

Tuck is far from a lockdown defender, FAR from it, but he is learning and is MUCH better than last season on that end of the court.
To be "lock down" one has to play with effort ( heart dare we say ), and that means one must care about the team, sacrifice oneself, and really we have seen any of that from Tucker now, have we?
Nope, he's not a lockdown defender and never will be. But he's improved under Lickliter, so much, that he's been assigned the opponents' best guard to defend.
Aside from avoiding to post the numerous comments that come to mind with what you have said, and to have watched Tucker and see the absurdness of him being assigned ( much less be good enough ) to cover the best player on the opposition, it really makes one wonder why coach uses such a weak effort player when he could have been using a max effort player like May to do the job, and do it much better. The last two games we have seen MUCH better effort and that is very much because Tucker isnt on the floor ( when the matador is gone, the others dont have to cover for him ). It repeatedly is stated that winning starts at the defensive end, and with Tucker on the floor, that cant/couldnt happen. He needs to improve light years in order to be a decent defender, much less a good or great one ( think Kevin Boyle or Kenyon Murray ).

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