It's not like Jordan didn't keep guys involved, either. MJ averaged 5.48 assists per game during the time he was with Pippen (Before that, he didn't have people to dish to, and after that he was an old man. That 10-year stretch is most relevant.). Hardly playing keep away.
Now I don't think that many deny that LBJ has as much or more natural talent as any player in history. That doesn't make him the best player. Most skilled? Possibly. Greatest player (as Pippen claimed him to be, before backtracking after everyone called BS on his bitter a**)? No, not yet. LeBron hasn't shown that "it" factor, that drive that made Jordan so great.
Jordan took all his failures and turned it to fuel. He wanted to use his game to deliver a big "f*ck you" to everyone who ever doubted him. LeBron seems to be more of a crowd-pleaser, wants to make everyone happy. Jordan didn't give a s*it about pleasing you. He wanted to prove he was the greatest, and didn't care whose feeling he hurt in the process. That's why he wasn't exactly the ideal teammate, but it's why he's the greatest to ever play the game. Kobe is the only player that I've gotten to see who has that same drive with similar talent (but not equal).