Lebron and Wade mock Nowitzki illness

Seriously tell me how this is any different than trash talking during a game?

Its such a minor thing its hilarious people are making it out to be more than it is

Also Prdtr I'd like to hear your explanation of how Wade isnt tough
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I'm not saying he's not tough, but when you get wheeled off a court in a wheel chair with a shoulder injury, you shouldn't be making fun of anyone.
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I will never wish an injury on a player, that's just a low-class move. But I do wish LeBron would just go away.

You know what, Lebron NEVER says anything in public. He never makes the issue about him. He never plays dirty.

I don't understand the obsession from the media or the angry fans. Get mad at Scottie Pippin, not Lebron.
You know what, Lebron NEVER says anything in public. He never makes the issue about him. He never plays dirty.

LeBron never says anything in public? He never makes it about himself? I disagree. The Decision was about as public as it gets. Furthermore, he has made plenty of quotes (in public) that indicate his self-centered nature. I'll only list a few, but here's a pretty detailed list.

  • "Cleveland fans are awesome," James told GQ. "But I mean, even my family gets spoiled at times watching me doing things that I do, on and off the court."
  • "LeBron stays humble just by being LeBron."
  • "I'm only one guy," James said. "I took Hedo (Turkoglu) in the first game and Rashard (Lewis) hit the winning shot. I took Rashard in the second game and Hedo hit the shot. If I could clone myself, we'd be all right. But I can't."
  • "This is an unbelievable venture for myself. This is great, also for the kids. The kids are our future. One day we might have another LeBron. Maybe." (My comment: Even when he raises money for the Boys and Girls Club, LeBron makes it about himself.)
  • "That's just me," James said of his intensity during practice. "Being around new teammates, you don't want to wear out your welcome on Day 1. But I just can't hold it back because my leadership skills won't allow me to do that." (My comment: A little off topic, but who the hell talks about their own leadership skills in the public? A real leader? **** no.)
That being said, I agree that he doesn't play dirty; LeBron doesn't really commit hard fouls on the court. But he doesn't display great professionalism either. First, he flops a lot. Here's a recent (and inexcusable) example of LeBron flopping (.gif). Then there was that dancing crap in Cleveland.
I seem to remember hearing about Lebron being sick during the first game of the bulls series and that was ok but now that its the other team its all a big joke, these guys need to grow up.
Seriously tell me how this is any different than trash talking during a game?

Its such a minor thing its hilarious people are making it out to be more than it is

Also Prdtr I'd like to hear your explanation of how Wade isnt tough

Well it is different busbus because it wasn't during the game. During a game I don't get to hear most of the details of the trash talk. Do you?? If so I guess my TV set doesn't work like yours does. :D

Sure it's minor but how stupid is Wade. I mean really! Talk about given the other team some extra incentive.
Come on, guys.

Do you really think them mocking Dirk is THAT big of a deal? Do you really think that doesn't go on all the time with any player? They just got caught on camera. It isn't that big of deal, it's just that we saw it this time. No camera would have ever caught it in 1970 (or whatever year that was) if the Lakers were making fun of Willis Reed before Game 7.

I don't like LeBron that much and I don't think he is as good as Jordan or even Kobe in their prime. And it's kind of funny that Wade is mocking Dirk being ill, because he has a reputation of being kind of a drama queen when it comes to being banged up as well, if I am not mistaken.

If we're all lucky the Mavs end it Sunday. But the commentary is nothing out of the ordinary.
LeBron never says anything in public? He never makes it about himself? I disagree. The Decision was about as public as it gets. Furthermore, he has made plenty of quotes (in public) that indicate his self-centered nature. I'll only list a few, but here's a pretty detailed list.

  • "Cleveland fans are awesome," James told GQ. "But I mean, even my family gets spoiled at times watching me doing things that I do, on and off the court."
  • "LeBron stays humble just by being LeBron."
  • "I'm only one guy," James said. "I took Hedo (Turkoglu) in the first game and Rashard (Lewis) hit the winning shot. I took Rashard in the second game and Hedo hit the shot. If I could clone myself, we'd be all right. But I can't."
  • "This is an unbelievable venture for myself. This is great, also for the kids. The kids are our future. One day we might have another LeBron. Maybe." (My comment: Even when he raises money for the Boys and Girls Club, LeBron makes it about himself.)
  • "That's just me," James said of his intensity during practice. "Being around new teammates, you don't want to wear out your welcome on Day 1. But I just can't hold it back because my leadership skills won't allow me to do that." (My comment: A little off topic, but who the hell talks about their own leadership skills in the public? A real leader? **** no.)
That being said, I agree that he doesn't play dirty; LeBron doesn't really commit hard fouls on the court. But he doesn't display great professionalism either. First, he flops a lot. Here's a recent (and inexcusable) example of LeBron flopping (.gif). Then there was that dancing crap in Cleveland.
This post is what I like to call....SICK OWNAGE!!
Lebron is only like 26 years old and still acts like a teenager. Part of the downfall of going pro early. Some people can do it and not act this way, apparently he isn't one of them.

Wade has been acting like a tool this whole year too. I thought he was ok before, but I guess the LJ crap can affect those around him.
The radio station in Dallas predicted Wade would have an injury (they were right). They think Wade felt like Dirk got too much media coverage becuase he was sick. They are also prediciting that if the Heat are down in either of the next two games, Wade will have another injury. This way if they lose the Finals, it will not be Wade's fault.

If I remeber correctly, Noah from the Bulls, called them Hollywood. I think this fits. I think their egos will get in the way of winning a Championship.

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