"Leaving" = Not Welcome Anymore

that was posted on morehouse's twitter a couple hours ago - as a rumor - might be the truth. who knows. it's all guess work at this point, including his salary, why he made the move, etc.
Why is it speculation. Morehouse posted it, ESPN reported it, the Miami newspaper reported it. At what point does it just become the fact? When you deem it so.
Later, Ken. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord spit ya. For real though look at those stats Jon posted our offense= BAD in the last 10 years. Whether that was KF or KOK we will find out. Hoping this is not a Tom Davis situation though.
I don't think that we are going to miss KOK. On the other hand,we are going to miss Norm.. I mean the healthy Norm before his health went south. If he was healthy,I would still want him on the sidelines. I am looking forward to new blood that can help reinvigorate our program. Being around too long makes things stale.

On another note, pretty impressive class coming in when you consider the turmoil that must have been going on behind the scenes that we are now aware of.
Maybe it’s a lot more straight forward than people here want to think. Philbin gets the Miami gig and is looking for staff. He remembers his years with KOK fondly, had good chemistry with KOK. Gives KOK an offer. KOK sees it as an opportunity and decides 13 years as a fan favorite at Iowa is enough.

Bingo. The simplest answer is usually the right answer.
Bingo. The simplest answer is usually the right answer.

It was a nice gesture for someone who has given 13 years to the University of Iowa, but you don't "leave" close to $300k for maybe $150k.

KOK was gone. Props to Kirk for finally pulling the trigger. Long overdue.

Simpson - you eeeediot.

You other guys: I mean, just figure out it's not Norm that called the defense or KOK that called the offense, it's Ferentz that runs the show. When the dust clears, we're going to have another conservative team that's strong on defense (I hope stronger than the last defense) with an offense that dosen't make mistakes. That's the way Kurt likes it.
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