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Well-Known Member
Guys, I've said it before and I'll say it again, O'Keefe's ball control precision offensive style is why our defense looks so good. In today's game, O'Keefe ran into crazy problems where anything he dialed up was working to perfection and we were scoring really fast. Of course, the proles around me at the Big House decided that in the face of a 38 point offensive performance that O'Keefe was an idiot for scoring too fast and leaving the defense on the field for over 80 plays.

I thought O'Keefe called a perfect game. Just goes to show you can't please everyone.
KOK should have gotten after Stanzi and the guys for running out of bounds as often as they did in the second half. We could have burned off an extra minute or two had they not done that. However, that's now water under the bridge.

But definitely ... Iowa was able to move the ball TOO EASILY in some of the drives. They're going to face MUCH STIFFER competition against Wisky's banged up D next week. That kinda reflects the sad state of affairs of Michigan's D.
KOK should have gotten after Stanzi and the guys for running out of bounds as often as they did in the second half. We could have burned off an extra minute or two had they not done that.

Clock doesn't stop if you run out of bounds until less them 2 mins....

But then we snapped the ball after that play with like 17 seconds on the play clock. Then A-Rob made one of the biggest catch-and-run, 3rd down coversions of the seasons, so alls well that ends well.:cool:
They played well, though I wish we could have broken up Michigan's momentum with some big offensive plays while the Wolverines were scoring those 4th quarter TDs.

It's the defense I was a bit more upset about.
But then we snapped the ball after that play with like 17 seconds on the play clock. Then A-Rob made one of the biggest catch-and-run, 3rd down coversions of the seasons, so alls well that ends well.:cool:

That was an AWESOME play and effort by Robinson. The guy ran like he was possessed! Huge, HUGE play. Excited to have him for two more years! A healthy Jewel and A-rob, coupled with a more experienced line, wreak some havoc next year.
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Let's be clear, gentlemen. KOK + the Manzi = Jesusball.
