Kinnick cell phone coverage

#1 to text friends who are not there to inform them of what they are missing out on
#2 to call my friends who are watching on tv and can give me a better idea on instant replays of whether or not the correct call was made.

#3 being a d0uchebag.
people who talk and text on cell phones during Iowa football games are the same people who rush the field
I have Verizon and didn't have any problem at the practice on Saturday but there also weren't 55,000 people there.
Case in point:

They take it in good humor lol.

In all honestly, there are only 2 fans that fit the ISU/Wisky description that actually text. The Wisky fan is equally obnoxious, and the ISU fan is my next door neighbor :)
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Thanks for all the responses.

Here are the reasons I would like coverage:

1. ideally, to have a box score open that I can refresh for game stats. it drives me nuts that I'm at the game and have much less knowledge of the game stats than the people at home.

2. grandma is watching the kids and the wife would prefer to have phone capabilities.
I can see wanting internet during timeouts/between quarters. Nice to see exact numbers on players and also keep up with how other Big Ten teams are playing that day.

As for doing this during the game or the second after a score . . . you SHOULD be shot for that. Good grief, enjoy the game while you're there.
I wish there was coverage due to the fact that I can listen to the live stream of the game on my phone... that is outside of the stadium. Its actually ahead of terrestrial radio by a couple seconds and something I really wish I could utilize during the game.
Well I'm always watching the game, instead of having my head down, needlessly Facebooking, so I couldn't tell ya what kinda reception I get..

I guess I can see the desire to check scores and stream live coverage, though. But I think live games are a different thing all together, you have less knowledge, but you're also surrounded by 70,000 other people cheering for the same thing you are. There's nothing like it.
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I have Verizon and as long as I can remember I get absolutely no coverage once I get close to Kinnick. Very frustrating.
No one has US cell or T-Mobile lmao that's why they work. I'm guessing like 40k of the fans in Kinnick has Verizon.
Not going to get into the validity of using your phone at Kinnick as others have brought it up. Plus let us also not forget 1-2 hours before the game there can be issues also.

Anyways had no problems in Ann Arbor or Lansing when I went to games there. Actually surprised me.
Had the same problem with Verizon last week at the Knoxville Nationals (approx. 20, 000) fans on Wed. and Thurs. but by Friday the problem had been fixed and my Droid worked fine. Don't know what was done to fix the problem but it must not have been to difficult to fix that quickly.