Kid Sent Home for Johnny Football Haircut

A variety of issues here. Does freedom of speech apply, or this is a Federalist issue of local control?
I think the argument has been made that freedom of speech can sometimes include freedom of expression? No? I'm not sure. FWIW I think the school handled it correctly also, at least from what has been reported.
I think the argument has been made that freedom of speech can sometimes include freedom of expression? No? I'm not sure. FWIW I think the school handled it correctly also, at least from what has been reported.

What does your boss think of your "pony tail", chief? He ever tell you not to sport it when you're trying to close a big new account, for fear that the client may find it offputting?
What does your boss think of your "pony tail", chief? He ever tell you not to sport it when you're trying to close a big new account, for fear that the client may find it offputting?

He doesn't like it, but thinks it's funny. It's not much of a pony tail. He's my partner, but I'd consider him a boss. Kinda sorta, insofar as he is very intelligent, and I defer to his experience on a variety of matters, most not related to our business. Quite frankly, mostly investment advice. I think if you asked him if he was my boss, he'd probably laugh. He will be transitioning into an absentee owner more and more.
What does your boss think of your "pony tail", chief? He ever tell you not to sport it when you're trying to close a big new account, for fear that the client may find it offputting?

I'm more curious about the nipple rings, they have to be visible under those neatly starched white shirts.

He doesn't like it, but thinks it's funny. It's not much of a pony tail. He's my partner, but I'd consider him a boss. Kinda sorta, insofar as he is very intelligent, and I defer to his experience on a variety of matters, most not related to our business. Quite frankly, mostly investment advice. I think if you asked him if he was my boss, he'd probably laugh. He will be transitioning into an absentee owner more and more.

Point is, you are free to display any hairstyle/haircut that you wish. Which is as it should be in this country.
But why was it OK to you that the kid in Texas was punished for doing the same thing?
I do wear starched white shirts. French cuffs. To social events. I see large clients unshaven in a pony tail. In the summer in golf shorts. Yes. I'm serious. I maintain to be respected is more important than being liked in business. Works for me. Everyone has their own deal. There are some professional and educational firms and institutions that I might wear a sport coat to go see, but it depends on whether I'm paying them, or they are paying me. Sometimes that really doesn't even matter at this point in the game(s) I play.
I'm more curious about the nipple rings, they have to be visible under those neatly starched white shirts.

Oh be quiet Billso. Everyone knows that your full body tatts force you to wear a long-sleeved turtleneck when meeting with the more uptight clients. Even in summer.
Point is, you are free to display any hairstyle/haircut that you wish. Which is as it should be in this country.
But why was it OK to you that the kid in Texas was punished for doing the same thing?

I'm not sure it's ok. I never said that. I said given what has been reported, I think they handled it correctly. I also said I'm not certain if there isn't a bigger Constitutional issue involved here. Billso says no. I questioned that looking for an answer. So, I guess I'm torn as I believe in as much local control as possible, but I'm not certain that this isn't a right that has been argued to be freedom of speech.
I'm not sure it's ok. I never said that. I said given what has been reported, I think they handled it correctly. I also said I'm not certain if there isn't a bigger Constitutional issue involved here. Billso says no. I questioned that looking for an answer. So, I guess I'm torn as I believe in as much local control as possible, but I'm not certain that this isn't a right that has been argued to be freedom of speech.

The school didn't handle it correctly. As soon as they suspended this kid, they screwed up.
It's a haircut. Nothing obscene or objectionable, in fact just the opposite. Kid did nothing wrong.
Query whether a young fella at CR Wash who paid an artful barber to cut his hair into a depiction of JVB & the bear should be suspended?
Golfer makes thread all about him... In other news

He would be. I think dress codes at schools have been argued all the way up the the SCOTUS. I'm not certain, but I vaguely remember reading something about school's dress codes being upheld. If that is a fact, then they handled it according to their guidelines, and properly, from what has been reported.

Now if you're asking me if this type of haircut should be allowed or not allowed by what might, or might not be an argument ruled on by SCOTUS, than my answer is different. My answer at that point would be it's an opportunity for an educator, and parent, to educate and teach about rights, and both potential good and bad consequences of decisions.

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