KF Sarcasm


Well-Known Member
Just reading his comments from the presser. A couple that stood out:

Says "We still have some hope. If we overcome the coaching, we'll be ok."

Says they've faced a similar situation with losing a coach (DAntonio) although he said that if that happened to Iowa (losing Ferentz but keeping Parker) Iowa would probably be better off

- I love KF and some of the bashing the last couple days is overkill. But, I think the criticism of the last few days is getting to him. He doesn't really need to make these snarky comments and has to deal with it. Kind of being a crybaby with these sarcastic remarks and just needs to realize people will critique some of Saturday's decisions.
You should have left off the last bullet point.

This is classic KF...he'll never go on a rampage like other coaches. He slips in some sarcasm to address certain "fan issues".
Crybaby? Please. The guy is a saint one minute and the most overpaid, overrated coach in the Big Ten the next. Who can blame him? I haven't listened to the presser to hear his tone but he's usually taking shots at himself on a good week. Why should this be different? Even if this was a shot at the fans, it's sort of deserved. The play calling and time management sucked. Yes. No question. But for fans to start calling for heads to roll is a bit screwy.
Crybaby? Please. The guy is a saint one minute and the most overpaid, overrated coach in the Big Ten the next. Who can blame him? I haven't listened to the presser to hear his tone but he's usually taking shots at himself on a good week. Why should this be different? Even if this was a shot at the fans, it's sort of deserved. The play calling and time management sucked. Yes. No question. But for fans to start calling for heads to roll is a bit screwy.

Oh I agree, not calling for heads to roll and thats why I said some of the last few days bashing is overkill. We all saw the mistakes and it is what it is. I just wish he'd let it be instead of making sarcastic remarks about the coaching is all. Kind of like his sarcastic remark in the postgame about "no we wanted to burn a timeout there" or something of that nature. He gets 95% praise in the course of a year and 5% criticism so it'd be nice if he took the 5% a little better is all.
Lay off the guy, sheesh... For the last 2 years people have been talking up Ferentz and coining as the best coach in the nation ect...He makes 1 mistake and everyone goes for the jugular. C'mon people, we're better than that.

How many of you have ever made a mistake at your job? I'm sure you felt bad enough about it without needing the whole company to come down on you and blame you for every bad thing thats happened the whole year. I'm sick of these petty KF bashing threads.

Come December, we'll all be back to our old selves. 10-2 baby!! B10 title, and BCS bound!!
No-one who is a Hawkeye fan and is in their right mind, is calling for Kirk to be fired.
I love the guy as a coach, he has done so many wonderful things for the people of this state. He has brought this program to the verge of something so special.
Losing coach Ferentz now would set this program back to the stone ages.
I want Kirk at the helm of the Iowa Program as long as he wants!
Lay off the guy, sheesh... For the last 2 years people have been talking up Ferentz and coining as the best coach in the nation ect...He makes 1 mistake and everyone goes for the jugular. C'mon people, we're better than that.

How many of you have ever made a mistake at your job? I'm sure you felt bad enough about it without needing the whole company to come down on you and blame you for every bad thing thats happened the whole year. I'm sick of these petty KF bashing threads.

Come December, we'll all be back to our old selves. 10-2 baby!! B10 title, and BCS bound!!

Hey, I agree with you. I'm in management and everyday people are just saying something dumb. Today a person was complaining because I didn't order the right color T Shirt to meet her personal tastes. All I am saying is I could have made a sarcastic response to her about what a worthless boss I am or just ignored her. Just saying I don't think KF helps himself with the sarcasm. Not trying to bash. Go Hawks! We need to get loud the whole game like the 4th Qtr. Saturday!
Do you understand anything about leadership?

Just reading his comments from the presser. A couple that stood out:

Says "We still have some hope. If we overcome the coaching, we'll be ok."

Says they've faced a similar situation with losing a coach (DAntonio) although he said that if that happened to Iowa (losing Ferentz but keeping Parker) Iowa would probably be better off

- I love KF and some of the bashing the last couple days is overkill. But, I think the criticism of the last few days is getting to him. He doesn't really need to make these snarky comments and has to deal with it. Kind of being a crybaby with these sarcastic remarks and just needs to realize people will critique some of Saturday's decisions.

My guess is not based on your last comment. His entire PC he pointed any blame for what went wrong on Saturday to himself, and himself only. Questions about if they needed better play from Hyde and others, and he would have none of it, saying there won't be any public grading of players from him.
I see nothing in any of his comments that criticism is getting to him. Losing gets to him, yes. Nothing in his comments was snarky. Hayden handled these situations by going off on a member of the media for some perceived wrong. Deflected attention away from the players and at him. Not KF's style to pick unwarranted fights with the media so he takes to comments about himself. Both approaches accomplish the same goal: taking the focus off the players. That's exactly what the head guy should be doing coming off a tough loss.
Wow, we are taking everything so seriously here. Kirk is taking- in his own way- a shot at himself too. I don't think sarcasm as much as humor is at play here. He is trying to lighten the mood a bit, I feel. We can't take offense at these comments as they aren't really whiny or accusatory.
Re: Do you understand anything about leadership?

My guess is not based on your last comment. His entire PC he pointed any blame for what went wrong on Saturday to himself, and himself only. Questions about if they needed better play from Hyde and others, and he would have none of it, saying there won't be any public grading of players from him.
I see nothing in any of his comments that criticism is getting to him. Losing gets to him, yes. Nothing in his comments was snarky. Hayden handled these situations by going off on a member of the media for some perceived wrong. Deflected attention away from the players and at him. Not KF's style to pick unwarranted fights with the media so he takes to comments about himself. Both approaches accomplish the same goal: taking the focus off the players. That's exactly what the head guy should be doing coming off a tough loss.

Fair enough and good honest assessment. I perhaps took it differently when he admits a mistake but then right afterwards seems sarcastic so hard to know if that "blame me" is sincere when followed by sarcasm.
I agree with him not grading players in public etc. obviously.
I'm sorry I didn't see it or read the transcripts...

Did he admit any specific mistakes that he or the coaching staff made during the game on Saturday?
Hey, I agree with you. I'm in management and everyday people are just saying something dumb. Today a person was complaining because I didn't order the right color T Shirt to meet her personal tastes. All I am saying is I could have made a sarcastic response to her about what a worthless boss I am or just ignored her. Just saying I don't think KF helps himself with the sarcasm. Not trying to bash. Go Hawks! We need to get loud the whole game like the 4th Qtr. Saturday!

I actually think it's kind of funny when he throws out those sarcastic remarks. He's taking a shot at himself and the fans. "I know what you're thinking and Im well aware of it, so BACK OFF!!" type of thing... Kind of like the "gut feeling" quote back in "08. That got everyone all riled up. He knows the fans are saying, whether he admits to reading the message boards or not. He's got people to do that for him.
Just reading his comments from the presser. A couple that stood out:

Says "We still have some hope. If we overcome the coaching, we'll be ok."

Says they've faced a similar situation with losing a coach (DAntonio) although he said that if that happened to Iowa (losing Ferentz but keeping Parker) Iowa would probably be better off

whether he meant it or not, I think both statements are at least partially true

coaching killed us vs Wisc

against Wisc, the team probably would've fared better with Norm vs KF
(not long-term, of course, but last Sat)
Some of you guys don't understand the difference between sarcasm and a self depricating sense of humor or speech.
I'm sorry I didn't see it or read the transcripts...

Did he admit any specific mistakes that he or the coaching staff made during the game on Saturday?

Yeah, he admitted they should have spiked the ball at the end and he also took the blame for not seeing the fake punt coming. Pretty much what the fan base wanted to hear I would think.
actually, I'd love to hear him say, "yah KOK really f'd that spike call up, and we need to reorganize how we coach our special teams"
Some of you guys don't understand the difference between sarcasm and a self-deprecating sense of humor or speech.

For the second time today, Cosign.
The way I read his comments, KF was acknowledging his mistakes and being humble about it. It's the way he is.
I appreciated his comments in the wake of a heartbreaking loss, just like I appreciate his eternal professionalism and outstanding record at the helm of Hawkeye FB.
You youngsters who continue to slag the man and his staff three full days after a defeat need your collective heads examined. Enough already; shut yer yaps about the wisky game. :mad:
Holy ****!

I'm thinking making a post about how much I love Obama care just to break the string. I mean if you've agreed with me twice today surely I must be doing something wrong.

If cosigning you is wrong, I don't want to be right. :eek:
Some of you guys don't understand the difference between sarcasm and a self depricating sense of humor or speech.

Hey, I have no problem admitting if someone is right and you could be on this.
Be interesting to get Jon's take as a media member because he actually gets to sit in the press room and get the "vibe" from whom he is asking the question of and if he feels like he's getting an honest answer. To me it just seemed odd as he had just said he'd change some things and I figure he'd leave it at that but then he started in with these remarks. But as I said earlier, I challenge all of us to be as loud as we were in the 4th qtr. last week during more of the game this week. We really disrupted Wisky

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