KF running program into ground.

The only teams in College Football NOT scoring points are the dregs...UMass, Akron, Hawaii, New Mexico St. etc...when will our coaches get a clue.
I will try to answer this, in the 2002-04 classes those were near the bottum of the BT in class rankings.. the biggest difference between those years and the last couple is in player retention, thos players stuck around to graduate, the last few years these kids either were hurt, the RHABDO incident that sidelined 12-14 players,
then you have players like 4* Wegher, 4* Coker a couple of RB'S that would have been a big help this year.
Reiff a 1st round pick at LT left last year a year early, a possible stabilizer on the OL thats been decimated by injury, RSSO Scherff done for the season because of a injury,
RSSO 4* Donall done for the seasson because of injury
the RB's have been a revolving door since spring, Canzeri out because of a ACL
Hill parade AA out for the year because of a ACL
Rodgers hurt off and on all fall
Bullock got hurt
then 4* Garmon got hurt in the same game
Weisman had over 600 yards rushing in 4 games before being sidelined with a injury.
this is where Iowa misses players like Wegher a senior this season and Coker a JR this year
Iowa is not in a position to just replace these players like a Alabama or a USC and OSU,
get a top 25 class = a better shot at a top 25 rankings get classes inthe 40's, 50's and 60's and expect seasons like this when players get hurt or suffer a Rhabdo type incident then have players like the aforementioned players and it turns into a disaster,
as for it being the coaqches fault for not getting better players, unless you are prepared to cheat and pay players you take what you can get,
Iowa does not produce the talent to sustain them, even when they were winning players like Darbogh and Arrington left for Michigan,
Campos chose Missouri over Iowa even though Missouri has a very bad record of putting OL into the NFL, unless you have a couple million dollars or some body else to buy players forget it, the last 3 years have shown a big imprtovement in recruiting, even this class is not that bad with just 15 recruits
3 total 4* 1 on 3 different sites with 5 a grade of 79 3*'s just below a grade of 4* 80 on ESPN
AND 4 5.7 3*'S on Rivals just below a 5.8 4*
on ESPN and Rivals they list just 1 2* and that is Boetger a QB last season now playing DE/TE for CF
from 1998 til 2009 Iowa avg 13 2* recruits PER YEAR. taking kids nobody else wanted, plasyers like Sanders, Gallery, Greenway\. even Hyde nodody but MAC school wanted him
The program will be dead in a few years thanks to Captain Kirk. It was painful to start out but now it just has become funny.

I agree with this. Our program is a laughingstock, and we are the worst team in the Big 10. We don't have more talent in the underclassmen than we do the upperclassmen so it's not as if things will magically get better next season. If Davis is retained we are even more screwed. This team won't sniff 6 wins with Kirk the joke and Davis the ******* ******* coaching.
I agree with this. Our program is a laughingstock, and we are the worst team in the Big 10. We don't have more talent in the underclassmen than we do the upperclassmen so it's not as if things will magically get better next season. If Davis is retained we are even more screwed. This team won't sniff 6 wins with Kirk the joke and Davis the ******* ******* coaching.

thats the funniest thing I have read. to date we have 12 out of 15 4* recruits THAT'S the most 4* talent that Iowa has had since KF has been here, there have been 41 3* and just 15 2* recruits signed in the last 3 years.
unles you are saying Ekakitie, Johnson, Fleming and Ward a Army AA garbage players. OH by the way those players are RED SHIRTING THIS FALL,
do me a favor check out your facts before making false claims
thats the funniest thing I have read. to date we have 12 out of 15 4* recruits THAT'S the most 4* talent that Iowa has had since KF has been here, there have been 41 3* and just 15 2* recruits signed in the last 3 years.
unles you are saying Ekakitie, Johnson, Fleming and Ward a Army AA garbage players. OH by the way those players are RED SHIRTING THIS FALL,
do me a favor check out your facts before making false claims

First of all, half of your post makes no sense. Second of all we have just as many 3* and 4* recruits among our upperclassmen so your "point" is invalid.
I still support Kurt. I understand that bad years/cycles happen. But if there is no evidence the ship has righted after next season, I will turn against him. I do think Kurt can return us to where we were in 2009. I'm not so sure that he will.
thats the funniest thing I have read. to date we have 12 out of 15 4* recruits THAT'S the most 4* talent that Iowa has had since KF has been here, there have been 41 3* and just 15 2* recruits signed in the last 3 years.
unles you are saying Ekakitie, Johnson, Fleming and Ward a Army AA garbage players. OH by the way those players are RED SHIRTING THIS FALL,
do me a favor check out your facts before making false claims

Hurrrrbbbyyy. Jesus, just go away man. Your rants are incoherent.
I still support Kurt. I understand that bad years/cycles happen. But if there is no evidence the ship has righted after next season, I will turn against him. I do think Kurt can return us to where we were in 2009. I'm not so sure that he will.

I am with this. 7 or more wins with promise to come or i gotta flip the scrpt
Our problem in the first half was failing to convert multiple times on 3rd and short. We also got the ball inside the 5 in the 2nd half and failed to score a TD. I think a healthy Weitman changes that.

Our problem is that EVERY fan knows that they are going to run off tackle left or a stretch play right on a short distance play. The other team could have all 11 guys 2 yards from the line and we do the same damn thing. It's been the same thing for about 10 years and people are sick of it. The offense is boring and not fun to watch. It hasn't been for a number of years. If you have about 4 pros on the offense you can win 7-8 games a year, but that is not where we are at. Everybody talks about wisconsin like they run every single play. Watch them play. They actually play action pass, and they do throw the ball on 1st down. Their offense is more diversified than iowa's. We are horrendously predictable and do nothing to put the defense on their heels. Maybe another qb will be better in this offense, but i doubt it. The schemes stink and need updating to the 21st century
Kirk did say he got out coached today. He also said we lost the game in the first half. I'm not sure Weisman would have made a difference though, our O Line is horrible with the new guys.

I just start paying attention to the younger players. When Cotton drops a pass, I realize he is a frosh.When Keenan drops a ball, I pray that this leaves, right along with KoK and NP.

How will you feel about Cotton dropping passes after realizing he was in the same class as Davis. He is a redshirt junior.
How will you feel about Cotton dropping passes after realizing he was in the same class as Davis. He is a redshirt junior.

My mistake. Cotton is coming back though, and hasn't really played until this year. Keenan, not so much. I'm not sure why I thought Cotton was a frosh.
I have an easier time forgiving Cotton for the drops since this is the first season he's really been used as a WR, and he's one of the few players I see giving full effort on every play. Whether it's returning kicks or making tackles on special teams he clearly gives full effort, and definitely seems to be excited when good things happen. I can forgive a few drops for a kid with that kind of attitude.
2 BCS games, many top 10 final rankings, multiple big ten championships (2?). yes, we all want more of these. yes, the program is terrible now as an on the field product. If he continues to lose, he should be fired. But Kirk Ferentz's record speaks for itself. Perspective, folks.
A coach is only good as his/her last team. IT DOESN'T ******* MATTER WHAT THEY DID 6 years ago.
All of you dorks who are willing to accept mediocrity MOVE TO ******* AMES and get a hard on for those Clowns.
A coach is only good as his/her last team. IT DOESN'T ******* MATTER WHAT THEY DID 6 years ago.
All of you dorks who are willing to accept mediocrity MOVE TO ******* AMES and get a hard on for those Clowns.

Kirk is like that crappy girlfriend that you're only with because you remember the good old days and wish she could go back to being like she was in the beginning.

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