Keys To The Car?


Well-Known Member
Did KF hand over the keys to the car to BF last Saturday afternoon/Evening? I have no inside info or knowledge whatsoever, but, that is the feeling I got after that game. It is almost as if KF knew it would be such an uphill battle that he thought, what the hell, if Brian wants to deviate and run what he wants, I'll let him. Nothing to lose.

Was last weeks tirade at half by BF completely directed to the instant replay official or was some of it out of frustration with play calling? I've wondered this the past week and wonder if some of that played into it. The timing of Rob's article about the coaches stating the offense could be on the verge of breaking out is kind of mysterious. Did they know something?

The offense was so different and aggressive which was great. BF and coaches kept Ohio State completely off balance and Iowa used many different players such as Kulick. Where has this been all year? Did they save everything they had or special plays for this one game? That might be my only gripe if is true. All eggs in one basket when could have maybe pulled out a couple other close games, but I digress. I'll take this win. They just looked so different.

I woke up Sunday morning and had to think if I dreamed that game. It was that shocking. The team just looked so different. I don't know if it was the uniforms or what but they just looked so fast the other night. There body frames just looked so sleek and they just played fast. Looked completely different to me.

I don't know guys, it just feels like to me KF thought WTF and gave Brian the keys to the car for total control Saturday night, almost like he told Brian I'll let you do whatever you want. I could be wrong, but it just smells like that to me, all the way down to the embrace by Kirk and Brian on the sideline at the end of the game. Nice to see!
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I think it was just an aggressive game plan because of the amount of points Ohio St is capable of scoring and because Iowa has struggled with their run blocking. If they attack Wisconsin the same way, then maybe we’re seeing some real changes
He just pimped out the Chevrolet Impala.
I think it was just an aggressive game plan because of the amount of points Ohio St is capable of scoring and because Iowa has struggled with their run blocking. If they attack Wisconsin the same way, then maybe we’re seeing some real changes

Good point on the points, yes, Iowa would have to score a lot. I think maybe the D was the surprise this game holding them to 24. Could have been 17 if not for that questionable fake punt at the end.

The key stat was the yards and success on first down. That stat can effect so many others in a neg way if unsuccessful on first down. If a team doesn't have success on first down, if can effect 3rd down conversion %, time of possession which all tie into field position. Got to have some success on first down.
I hope this is the case. Marc Morehouse tweeted something similar.

We'll know if on Saturday we throw the ball on first/second downs like we did against OSU, or run up the center like we did the previous 8 games and had little success doing so. Iowa's offense was as about as fun as I can remember watching. Obviously that a lot do with the success we had, but also the fact that it was unpredictable and kept the defense on their toes. It's a much easier pill to swallow if our players just don't execute than it is to think our schemes and coaching don't put players in a position to execute. Hopefully there's more games like this past Saturday to come, that was fun!
Maybe KF handed the keys to KOK? Maybe KF finally quite being stubborn? Maybe Mary sided with her little boy?
i think kirk knows brian ain't gonna be the next iowa coach winning and losing 17-10 every week. and with the cat out of the bag, now, on Stanley, they both get run out of town if we revert back to running 75% of the time.
KF obviously had to sign off on the batshit crazy fake FG play to Kluver. So cleary Kirk has either loosened up the reins or completely lost his mind.
This kind of thing is why we need to wait a week to see what happens. NO ONE expected us to win, so pulling out all the stops was not a real risk. If Kirk thinks we can beat Wisconsin straight up without gimmicks we'll see if he pulls his head back into the turtle shell or not.
I didn't see it as the car keys being given to Brian...I saw it more as the keys being given to Stanley.

I know we slung it around the ISU game, but a lot of that was out of necessity.

In this game, we did it from the start. And I think that shows a trust and confidence being given to Stanley in order to call all those first down throws and more throws to the middle of the field (where there's more of a risk of interception).

The Wisky game will show if this was just a one game fluke (ala 2014 against NW where people, Jon included, wondered if GD wasn't given the day off that game) or if there's something to this....
BF and coaches kept Ohio State completely off balance and Iowa used many different players such as Kulick.

I moved back to IC in 2003 and have attended an average of I'd say 4-5 home and/or road games a year bince then (missed all of last year and this year 'til Saturday because Ma squeezed out a pup last year and that pulls my average down). When I was at games and could see the full formation and the defense, I had been able to call the play generally about 80% of the time and even guess which gap was going to be intended on run plays at least half the time they ran. I knew the audibles. And I'm a guy who doesn't do scouting and is usually 2x the legal limit to drive by halftime when my tailgating buzz wears off. Let me just say I was aghast on Saturday. The audibles were different (didn't like the one on 3rd and 1 where Stanley should have snuck it and we lost a few yards, but I can't complain). There were so many counters. So much off tackle (I think our tackles took a quantum leap in a week - not sure if we had someone hurt - can't follow news as closely with the pup around). And the passing attack of utilizing the TEs was like what O'Keefe used to do when we had two good TEs, but even better. Look, I don't want to mess up my underwear here, but it actually looked like Bill Belichick calling the game - you couldn't count on tendencies and we spread the ball around. Even got it to Wadley in space in the short passing game. It was truly a pleasure to watch. I think the closest game I saw to that one in terms of play calling was probably the 2007 Syracuse game, where we suddenly had a great screen attack that disappeared by the next week and that was against a turd of a defense.
Just like Ward giving the keys to Wally....that was a beautiful scene with June crying in the background.....;)

BF did a great job and he will be even sharper Saturday