

Well-Known Member
i have been against keno from the beginning and thinks he is still young in the coaching industry but man I would rather have him then the crap of names that have been rumored the last couple days. I know they are just rumors but they are scary. A Utah coach who hasn't done anything good. what did they finish this year? A dayton coach that had finished in the bottom 7 more than the top in a good recruiting spot. I know a splash is very very unlikely. i keep praying the my choice scott drew decides to come. ill take winning and probation any day. They would slap us on the wrist and maybe take some schollys away the first one. oh well. Lets cheat to WIN
So let me get this stright. You prefer attention and dishonesty to success and integrity?

I'd love to be in a hostage situation with this guy.
Why do people belive everything they read? Just because some coaches are ****** at Drew about winning and pushing the envelope in recruiting doesn't mean the guy is cheating. The guy went into the toughest situation possible and revived a program that was (for the lack of better words) left for dead. Money talks and Barta has that to throw at someone.
So you all believe Internet rumors regarding the coaches Barta is considering. I believe a lot of people will be surprised and happy when the new coach is introduced.