Keeping Up With The Cyclones

If you don't mind me asking, where do you live. I've thought about doing this, but I live in Iowa City, and am not sure how strong the signals are out of Cedar Rapids & Waterloo for ABC/NBC/CBS. According to the FCC, the signal is "Moderate" for most of those. Not sure how good "Moderate" is. The Digital TV Transition: Reception Maps That's also assuming an outdoor antenna 30 feet off the ground, which I don't, and won't, have. :)

OTA digital signals are a little bit different than old analog stuff. From what I've found you either get it or you don't there's not much in between. Static is a thing of the past, but I am by no means an expert, just my experience.
If you don't mind me asking, where do you live. I've thought about doing this, but I live in Iowa City, and am not sure how strong the signals are out of Cedar Rapids & Waterloo for ABC/NBC/CBS. According to the FCC, the signal is "Moderate" for most of those. Not sure how good "Moderate" is. The Digital TV Transition: Reception Maps That's also assuming an outdoor antenna 30 feet off the ground, which I don't, and won't, have. :)

Ah, that might be a monkey wrench, then. We live in the Denver area (that would be Denver, CO, not Denver, IA :D) - I checked for our zip code and all of the channels we watch are rated as "strong". They put the towers up on top of mountains here and we're also perched up at about 6300', so I'm guessing that gives us a pretty clear signal.
OTA digital signals are a little bit different than old analog stuff. From what I've found you either get it or you don't there's not much in between. Static is a thing of the past, but I am by no means an expert, just my experience.

Right, that website is for digital signals, not analog. Static is a thing of the past, but signal strength will always be a factor.
Ah, that might be a monkey wrench, then. We live in the Denver area (that would be Denver, CO, not Denver, IA :D) - I checked for our zip code and all of the channels we watch are rated as "strong". They put the towers up on top of mountains here and we're also perched up at about 6300', so I'm guessing that gives us a pretty clear signal.

Ah ok.

So, anybody in the Iowa City area take the brave steps 528646 took by cutting the cable and using a digital antenna? I may have to be the guinea pig on this...
Whenever I read a thread like this, it shocks me how much TV people watch, and how important it is to their lives.:eek:
Whenever I see a poster with over 4,000 posts it shocks me how much time they spend on the internet and how important it is to their lives.:eek:
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I am sure many Iowa fans will watch this, such as shut-ins who lost the remote, insomniacs looking for something to put them asleep, relatives of Field Hockey players, and alcoholics who passed out while channel surfing.
Now this sounds like the sound off personalities-miller excluded of course :)
This has been in the works for almost a year now. It just happens that the Cyclone Network announcement came out first. It's basically UITV revamped for Mediacom with sports added.

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