Keenan Davis

Yeah somehow he got more playing time at the beginning of the year with a healthy Stross/DJK/and Chaney.
He was in on a kick off return and that was it. The was discussed on 1600AM yesterday. We kind of wasted his freshman year by pulling off his red-shirt. He got surpassed by Stross and DJK later in the season.
DJK was injured to start the year. Wasn't Sandeman or Stross dinged up a little too? Can't remember...
I am guessing you will see more gains in Keenan than any other receiver before next year. I have told my buddies this, and I fully believe it. They will have a hard time keeping him off the field next year. He had very little time with Soup, especially compared to the other WR. A full off-season with Soup and I say Keenan will be a guy that they cannot keep off the field.
Yeah somehow he got more playing time at the beginning of the year with a healthy Stross/DJK/and Chaney.

This is not correct. DJK was not healthy until Big 10 play and missed a lot of practice time. Stross was also banged up as was McNutt for a bit.
DJK was in the doghouse more then he was injured(talk of hamstrings i believe) he had catches in both the UNI and ISU game, and I think he didn't or hardly played in the Arizona game. Stross had like 3 or 4 catches in all non big ten games, but anyways I really don't care enough to argue about it.
DJK was in the doghouse more then he was injured(talk of hamstrings i believe) he had catches in both the UNI and ISU game, and I think he didn't or hardly played in the Arizona game. Stross had like 3 or 4 catches in all non big ten games, but anyways I really don't care enough to argue about it.

DJK was hurt and it impacting his playing time a great deal early in the season. Not sure how else I can phrase it? You original point was incorrect.
I am guessing you will see more gains in Keenan than any other receiver before next year. I have told my buddies this, and I fully believe it. They will have a hard time keeping him off the field next year. He had very little time with Soup, especially compared to the other WR. A full off-season with Soup and I say Keenan will be a guy that they cannot keep off the field.

I think this has a lot to do with it, once the season starts it's hard for the coaches to spend quality time teaching since their isn't much practice time during game weeks. As for a wasted RS some might view it that way but that is going to happen, plus the reps he got this year in practice is something he wouldn't have had if he had taken a RS.

It's also tough at the beginning of the season to see how things are going to play out at positions. I wish that both Hyde and Davis didn't burn their RS but it's impossible for the coaches to see how things are going to play out, it is what it is and I don't think either of those guys would tell you they wish they would have taken a RS instead of playing this year.

Also look at Hampton burning his RS to back up Greene seemed to work out just fine for him since he was able to use it this year when he got hurt.
Wondered this myself, I know a friend of Angerer and Angerer said that K-Dav has a chance to be the best reciever ever to go to Iowa and is a freak of nature. I've heard nothing but great things from him and excpect him to have a bright future and I believe he gets a lot more playing time next year, possibly jumping Sandeman and Chaney on the Depth Chart!

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