Kansas/KSU Classin' It Up in the Big 12

Punishments were announced by the NCAA this morning. KSU must forfeit the rest of this season and all of next season and will receive a 20 year postseason ban including the B12 Tourney.

KU may donate 2 used game balls to a charity of their choice if they get around to it.
Bah god King! He just hit him with a chair!!!

#22 from Kansas should be thanking whatever coach grabbed that chair from behind (at the 27 second mark in the video) right before he was going to let it fly. Will the Big 12 and NCAA be soft on KU again???

I didn't see Moss in the middle of any of it. He was smart enough to stay away. Ole Self has to be on thin ice this sure doesn't add to his 'legacy' at all.
From what I've seen I think Silvio should be getting a hefty suspension. The KSU player was shoving, yeah it knocked him down eventually, but Silvio came back with some haymakers.
DeSousa received an indefinite suspension from the college. Not sure how they'll replace those 8 minutes and 2 ppg. Probably a case of "we'll take care of this NCAA, stay away from our good players".
I would kick #22 off my team, that photo of him getting ready to launch that chair...no excuse for that. From KU under NCAA investigation, to the Snoop Dog/hookers on a dance pole at the mid night practice and now this huge brawl,, if I were the President at KU I'd personally fire Bill Self asap.
you're up 22 points and you can't let that go steal/dunk go .... punk-ass loser