JVB's Mechanics

Pointless comment? Riiiight, because Vandy has perfect mechanics up to this point which has been proven by his 2 touchdowns.
You are welcome. I figured as much based on the pointless comment you posted and wanted to help you out so you wouldn't embarrass yourself again. Glad I could pitch in.

Look at those pics again Jon, one thing I have always noticed about JVB is that he leans sideways when he throws. It is so weird and definitely not normal. It looks like he does it to get extra juice on the ball, bince he doesn't throw it hard enough.

But yeah, his hand kinda looks like this.

Let's just all of us agree that the bye week is very much needed.

There is no doubt the Qb and the receivers are still learning the new system. It seems as if the O-Line is settling in and could become dominant by years end.

No doubt Vandy is having problems with accuracy and no doubt he can get better. Only time and the next seven games will tell. If the Hawks on O continue to improve everyone will be pleased and licking our chops for some "great" seasons in the years to come.
I know the different drop steps can get you out of sync...so that's probably part of it. But his mechanics are different...he's not doing that wind up, forward lean thing anymore...or not as pronounced. It's a more pro type set up and delivery now...or more so than ever. He gets the ball out faster...I just wish he would scan the field a bit more when he's not under pressure...he goes to one guy...then looks for the check down. Sometimes you need to extend a play, and go the sandlot route...make it up.

I'm going to equate this to a golfer who as made some swing changes. He starts ripping it in practice...thinks it's the greatest change he's ever made, then tries to do it on the course and he struggles. Add in some pressure from some huge dudes coming at you, and the fan base wanting your head, and I'm sure the changes just aren't coming as easy as he thought.
Pointless comment? Riiiight, because Vandy has perfect mechanics up to this point which has been proven by his 2 touchdowns.

Yes, your derp comment about how he looks was pointless, meaningless and just a chuckle hut audition. Now, you're trying to turn it into something where you were talking about his 'mechanics' as opposed to just making fun of a guy who was caught in the process of throwing the ball and looked goofy.
Podolak talked a lot about JVB's drops yesterday. I opened the show with one criticism of JVB, and that was that his footwork yesterday looked as poor as I have seen him look. Ed agreed, and said that KOK was all 7 step drops..or mostly. Davis is 3 and 5 step drops. You practice 7 step drops for four years and go to something like three or five steps for one year, it's a big change..possibly a bit like being told you have to play left handed.

I think you were fine up to the ellipsis in the last sentence. I disagree that an apt analogy for going from a 7 step system to a 3/5 step system is similar to asking a QB to play left handed. He's a D1 QB...3/5/7 step drops are part of the job. Just because he might have thrown a ton of 7 step over the past several years, we definitely had packages which required both 3 and 5 step drops that would have been practiced. He may be less comfortable in the shorter drops, but it's not like something that is completely foreign to him as a 5th year senior.
This would be more interesting if we were talking about JVB's mom's mechanics.

Take note Jon ^ this is a pointless chuckle hut comment - you leave Sparky alone.
Changing from 7 to 3 and 5-steps drops is a change, but it's not a night and day difference like some on here are making it, and it's not as if there aren't 3, 5, and 7-step drops in basically every playbook. He's also had almost 9 months to work on his drops, so they really shouldn't be an issue. You take 2 or 4 less steps, but your feet should end up in same position. The problem yesterday were JVB's feet, and if a QB's feet aren't right, his accuracy can become very errant. I've never seen JVB not set is feet so much as he did yesterday - a lot of throws off his back foot, a couple throws while he's moving forward (not just his momentum, but as though he's almost jumping forward), and even a couple throws leaving his feet. Also, some of the balls he threw yesterday looked like poor throws, but I think he was throwing balls away to avoid sacks and just to get rid of the ball, and I don't consider those bad decisions.
A problem I do have is JVB's refusal to play vertically. You can see the handful of plays every game designed to go deep...and JVB checks it down. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but he needs to throw it deep, regardless of completing passes, just to back defenses off. W/ Weisman's running, play action should open up some intermediate throws behind the LBs, or maybe running CJF down the seam as they did yesterday. (But do it more than once, and JVB needs to throw it!)
It's not as if JVB can't get things shored up and squared away quickly, but he's running out of time, and yesterday didn't inspire a lot of confidence that he's headed in the right direction.
Yes, your derp comment about how he looks was pointless, meaningless and just a chuckle hut audition. Now, you're trying to turn it into something where you were talking about his 'mechanics' as opposed to just making fun of a guy who was caught in the process of throwing the ball and looked goofy.

I disagree. I am fully aware of my intent when I posted that particular picture. In fact, it was a picture I had to dig a bit to find. You are the one that jumped to conclusions on what I was intending to accomplish and got upset and decided you would be a jerk about it. He doesn't have a normal throwing motion , making him look like a derper. I apologize that you took it how you took it.
Agreed. I also think that's why we kept the 1's in all teh way through, and were still passing in the 4th quarter. Most of the second half was an open scrimmage, concentrating on throwing to backs, horizontal, and short passes, from 2-3 step drops.

I'm not sure what other people see or think, but am I'm as encouraged by this team, given all of its' inherent disadvantages, as I have been by any Iowa team in a long time. New assistants. I'm on board 100%, and willing to give this some time. haven't ever heard that out of me until this season.

Broken record. Cut and paste this comment from me, it's my position for the next season, to two seasons.

The defense has a lot of upside in the next two years, and the O line is developing into a punishing force. Weisman has been terrific, but he hasn't had to be touched (sometimes) until he runs over a safety. I think the future is much brighter than some here believe it to be.

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