Original (black tube, unflavored) Chap-Stick is teh best evar. But you keep using that chicky stuff, brah.


I once got a virus from this site...

Except it was from a poster and not the site...

And it was a parasite not a virus...

Nothing some topical cream couldn't handle.
I am going to do it, if my arm falls off, I donate it to science and my HN brethren, may they put it to good use. Maybe turn it into a Star Wars bionic arm.
I bought one of these SOB's a few weeks ago to get rid of a skin tag under my armpit, the package made it seem like it was the perfect thing. Damn thing cost like $20, I get home and open it up and first thing in directions says "Don't use under armpit". AGGHHHH!

We're men, we don't need to follow directions.

That blow-up doll also said "not for use as a flotation device", but she did just fine in the pool.
I bought one of these SOB's a few weeks ago to get rid of a skin tag under my armpit, the package made it seem like it was the perfect thing. Damn thing cost like $20, I get home and open it up and first thing in directions says "Don't use under armpit". AGGHHHH!

You mean under your nuts?