Just difficult to get real excited


Well-Known Member
here we are on October 19th with a mini blizzard in Des Moines and we haven't even started the year. When we do who knows if we will finish it? How many games could get cancelled? No fans is just strange. If we make a bowl what will that look like?
Add to all that the racial quagmire the program finds itself in! I have always been a Ferentz fan as I believed him to be a decent person and successful coach. Unfortunately he seems to be a poor leader of the staff he hires. This stuff starts at the top and ends at the top. I look for him to end his tenure at Iowa at year end and there is no way his kid should be coaching at Iowa next year. Barta also should be convinced retirement is in his best interest
2020 has been a stinker of a year!
I'm stoked for Sat, having a few friends over (spaced out of course), playing bags, smoking a brisket, TV outside on my hand-constructed patio I built over the summer, get the fire pit going - hope we get to see it, 5 days and counting!
I fully support GarBar and BF being sacrificed to make the lawsuit go away. Throw in a couple mil and move on.
I'm stoked for Sat, having a few friends over (spaced out of course), playing bags, smoking a brisket, TV outside on my hand-constructed patio I built over the summer, get the fire pit going - hope we get to see it, 5 days and counting!
My best friend, his wife, and kids are all in quarantine so my customary po' boys for this game are out. I will likely be sitting in my living room with my kid eating puke dip on Tostitos and drinking Coke Zero. Might make a crockpot of meatballs if I feel spunky. My excitement and plans got shot to hell when they had to exile themselves.

His wife works in our elementary school, strep went around her class and everyone had to get a strep test...did a C19 as well since they were already there, and she came back negative or strep and positive for the 'rona. Tested the rest of the family and 3/4 were positive, no symptoms in any of them and they're on day 10. My buddy was the only negative, but he got an antibody test as part of a blood donation in Sioux City and found out he's already had it. He hasn't been sick since last year's thanksgiving. This thing is so weird.
I fully support GarBar and BF being sacrificed to make the lawsuit go away. Throw in a couple mil and move on.
Throw in Seth Wallace and I'm in as well.

Barta, BF, Wallace, and $2.5 million and that's my final offer.

Getting rid of Farta for $2.5 extra large is a bargain.
this is the least stoked I've been for a season. Its 2020. And I have to go to a wedding on Saturday.
Lots of similarities to the baseball season.
Nice to have some entertainment but overall, it'll be an asterisk season.
Lots of similarities to the baseball season.
Nice to have some entertainment but overall, it'll be an asterisk season.
This is where I’m at. We could pull the world’s largest rabbit out of a hat, win the B1G via a miracle, and it still wouldn’t really count because it wasn’t a real season.

People would still say, “Yeah, but that was 2020...” and they’d be right.
First, is there a limit to how many asterisks you could put behind a season, because based on what we've seen already this could be that year where one doesn't cut it.

Secondly, I'm excited for Saturday's game. Sure this years been one shitstorm after another, but after the year we've had I'm more than excited about anything, and I do mean anything, that brings us enjoyment and entertainment. We need it.
I will be excited when that game comes on. I am very looking forward to it because it is the black and old gold, current players we have seen and new players, it is hawkeye football. I hope to see a full year of the Oline blocking for Goodson, a lot of Petras to receiver hookups etc etc.

Let there be asterisks. This season if it goes through well enough solves the recruiting situation of current players not using up a year of eligibility while a new class comes onto campus. Needed money for a lot of programs (not sure why the Iowa program doesnt bank some money when they can).
I'll definitely watch and I'll definitely have fun watching it, but I won't get real invested in wins/losses. This season is a neutered asterisk.
My brother in law really has the "on to the next" down pat. He could watch Wisconsin win the Rose Bowl and ten minutes after the game is over not be able to remember who they played.

When my nephew lost his final high school basketball game we had an hour drive back home and all they talked about was hunting and going to Cabelas.

I'm going to be a basket case when my youngest loses loses his final basketball game.

Unless, of course, they win it all!
this is the least stoked I've been for a season. Its 2020. And I have to go to a wedding on Saturday.

Cell phone, the right app, a discrete ear piece , and your good!

Just don’t get caught saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Do your sir take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife............. guy standing up in the fifth isle....... “run, run, run, run run run, dammit it run!!! :eek: