Jordan Bohannon Involved in Physical Altercation

I hope he's OK, my heart skips a beat when I see "serious head injury" but my read on this is it's a "serious head injury" of the bad cut/bruise type rather than of the brain damage variety.

Sorry to have to talk trash about my own gender like this but, man, guys can be so damned stupid. Call it toxic masculinity or macho or whatever but the whole scene is just not for me. I'm not talking self defense, I'm talking about guys talking shit and throwing punches all for what amounts to nothing.

I was walking home from school in Jr high with a buddy of mine who had somehow or another made enemies with these couple guys from our class. They tailed us home one day, calling us names, taunting, etc. I didn't even fuckin' know these guys, btw. They eventually caught up to us and I had to decide if I wanted to be shoved in the back or the chest. I turned to face these guys and, indeed, got shoved in the chest and slapped across the face. First and last time I've ever been touched in anger. I literally ran. Dudes loved it, I could hear them yelling and taunting the whole time, calling me every variation of "pussy" you can think of. I have zero shame about it, none. I'd behave the same way today, but I'd call the cops once I was a safe distant away from these anti-social walking skid marks. My safety is infinitely more important than whatever the hell I would supposedly be proving in one of those situations.

My tune would change a bit if it were something like chronic bullying or anything resembling self defense (ie a binary choice between fighting or getting beat up). But if I can run to safety? Bye, I'm out. I like how my face looks if nothing else lol.
Lol you weren’t there bud. Jordan put himself into that position. He got what he deserved even if a sucker punch from the side happened. He earned it by acting like an idiot. Those things happen in College atmospheres. I don’t feel the least bit sorry for him.
Based on your above comment, you weren’t there either. Nothing deserves a sucker punch. If they guy man’d up and confronted him head on that’s one thing. If Jordan got punched at that point, so be it. But it looked like a cheap shot. I’m not defending whatever it is that Jordan may or may not have done. But a bigger dude sucker punched a 6 foot 165 pounder. What a tough guy!
I was aware of this incident before it was released from a few friends who were there that night. Jordan earned everything he got. He was throwing drinks on a wedding party from a balcony above and running his mouth to guys twice his size who were pissed off at him for throwing the drinks. He was not assaulted. He earned a punch. End of story.
Not saying I don't believe a Cyclone fan's secondhand account of the situation buuutttt...
Lol you weren’t there bud. Jordan put himself into that position. He got what he deserved even if a sucker punch from the side happened. He earned it by acting like an idiot. Those things happen in College atmospheres. I don’t feel the least bit sorry for him.

Your a fucking idiot - getting sucker punched is never okay. What if he would have died - would that have been earned?
I love all the macho dicks on here celebrating a felony. I knew a decent portion of fans were not JBo fans, but to think anyone who claims to be an Iowa fan would seem to condone any Iowa player being physically assaulted is pretty fricking sad.

A guy may deserve to get ejected, to get hauled out by his friends in shame, even arrested if he is acting a fool. No one "deserves" to get laid out for being a cocky drunk. Grow up, jackasses.
I love all the macho dicks on here celebrating a felony. I knew a decent portion of fans were not JBo fans, but to think anyone who claims to be an Iowa fan would seem to condone any Iowa player being physically assaulted is pretty fricking sad.

A guy may deserve to get ejected, to get hauled out by his friends in shame, even arrested if he is acting a fool. No one "deserves" to get laid out for being a cocky drunk. Grow up, jackasses.
i know a guy in high school who got sucker punched in a similar fashion - permanent speech problems among other things.
Your a fucking idiot - getting sucker punched is never okay. What if he would have died - would that have been earned?
Lol you dudes on this site have always been a joke. Go downtown and throw drinks on people and talk crap to the same people who are way bigger than you and see what happens. You might get sucker punched. I know multiple people who were in the wedding party who were involved. I don’t think sucker punching someone is right at all, but if you act like that you are asking to get your jaw rocked. From anyone involved even if you aren’t looking. Jordan was running his mouth after starting a scene. Oh he plays Iowa Basketball tho so keep defending moronic behavior and a guy that got what he deserved.
For what this is worth, a colleague of mine has a daughter who was in several of Bohannon’s classes, and one of my assistant coaches did as well. Neither of them know each other, but both had identical stories about how he’s a complete raging douche bag who runs his mouth constantly and acts like the prototypical rich frat boy times a million. They say he’s even worse with booze in him. Both said that about him when he’s on hooch.

JBo strikes me as someone who has probably banked enough douche baggery over the past four years that he might have deserved a sucker punch KO. Some people are that fucking horrible and just because he’s a basketball player doesn’t change anything. I have literally never heard anything good about the guy from people who e spent time around him.

Maybe when his ears are done ringing and he can remember his birthday again, he’ll remember to shut his fucking mouth next time.

So who gets to decide who deserves a sucker punch that could seriously hurt someone?
Lol you dudes on this site have always been a joke. Go downtown and throw drinks on people and talk crap to the same people who are way bigger than you and see what happens. You might get sucker punched. I know multiple people who were in the wedding party who were involved. I don’t think sucker punching someone is right at all, but if you act like that you are asking to get your jaw rocked. From anyone involved even if you aren’t looking. Jordan was running his mouth after starting a scene. Oh he plays Iowa Basketball tho so keep defending moronic behavior and a guy that got what he deserved.

This is some millenial pussy shit - yeah people get in fights yeah.. punches ect.

But punching someone who is not looking at you is pussy ass bullshit - but acting like its tough makes me laugh.. what a bunch of idiotic bullshit.
This is some millenial pussy shit - yeah people get in fights yeah.. punches ect.

But punching someone who is not looking at you is pussy ass bullshit - but acting like its tough makes me laugh.. what a bunch of idiotic bullshit.
Throw drinks on a wedding party and talk crap. You are gonna get smoked. He asked for it man. Sorry
This is some millenial pussy shit - yeah people get in fights yeah.. punches ect.

But punching someone who is not looking at you is pussy ass bullshit - but acting like its tough makes me laugh.. what a bunch of idiotic bullshit.
How do you even know he got sucker punched? You can’t even tell that from the video. For all you know he shoved someone as he was going to the left. You have no idea? He’s lucky the big dude he’s beefing with in the maroon shirt didn’t take his head off the way he’s sticking that phone in his face and literally asking for an ass whooping.
How do you even know he got sucker punched? You can’t even tell that from the video. For all you know he shoved someone as he was going to the left. You have no idea? He’s lucky the big dude he’s beefing with in the maroon shirt didn’t take his head off the way he’s sticking that phone in his face and literally asking for an ass whooping.

Looks like he got hit from behind/side to me... thats the way the kids do it these days.

Believe me ive seen it many times.

but yeah can't say for sure.

Plus hammering on drunk people who cant even fight isnt tough or teaching anyone any

I'm not defending bohannon - he is an ass... but a lot of athletes are like him. I've met plenty when i was at Iowa that were like him.
Jordan got what he asked for. Who cares if it was a fair punch or somewhat of a blindside. He started the whole thing, didn’t apologize but instead ran his mouth defending his actions and acting like he was better than everyone involved and could get away with acting like that. He learned that’s not the case.
Jordan got what he asked for. Who cares if it was a fair punch or somewhat of a blindside. He started the whole thing, didn’t apologize but instead ran his mouth defending his actions and acting like he was better than everyone involved and could get away with acting like that. He learned that’s not the case.

only cowards punch people from the blindside - way worse than running your mouth.

I can tell you are young if you support that bitch move.
only cowards punch people from the blindside - way worse than running your mouth.

I can tell you are young if you support that bitch move.
Not very young. Don’t support blindsides. That wasn’t much of a blindside. At that point Jordan should’ve been fully aware of his surroundings because it was to the point where a punch was about to get thrown anyways. He was running his mouth. I fully support someone knocking his ass out after acting the way he did.
Jordan if guilty should/could be charged with disorderly conduct or even misdemeanor assault. What happened to him (idiot or not) was possibly felony assault.