Jon's new article

This is how Iowa fans felt until some guy named Lute showed up on campus . It can be done at this program . A competent AD can find the next young coach K who is hungry and looking to prove himself . The school just has to take a chance and give him a shot

Funny thing, I've seen several mentions of Duke and Coack K. Has it occurred to folks that every time--and admittedly, there are very, very few--Duke has a sub-par year, Coach K takes a sabbatical? Always found that blatantly odd.
Fans like me that cheer for them every night, look forward all week to when they play their next game, go to games and stand and cheer despite who is sitting behind me. Someone that yells at the TV when things are going wrong and puts my heart into it. That’s the type of fan I am. I wish we’d be good every year just like you. But I realize the chances of it happening are slim to none

I feel your pain, but while realizing it is one thing we don't have to accept it. While I realize there will be down years, I'm unwilling to accept mediocrity and want whatever it takes to get better whether that means changing coaches or restructuring the program. I'm more accepting of things going sour trying to improve as opposed to watching things spiral out of control but failing to do anything about it out of fear that it may get worse. No fan base should have to accept the fact they're average and should always hope that those in charge will do whatever is necessary to get better.
So every kid that transfers to be closer to home doesn't count, which is a HUGE #. Gotcha. ISU was in a much better place then Iowa at the time. Why didn't he go play for Fred?

Well for one IC is much closer to CR and all his family. He also grew up a Hawk fan. And the obvious being Clowns had way more talent, and PT would've been more difficult to come across in LAmes.
Fans like me that cheer for them every night, look forward all week to when they play their next game, go to games and stand and cheer despite who is sitting behind me. Someone that yells at the TV when things are going wrong and puts my heart into it. That’s the type of fan I am. I wish we’d be good every year just like you. But I realize the chances of it happening are slim to none

You realize what you just posted reveals that your Hawkeye satisfaction comes from irrational cheering, not from program accomplishments?
Applauding mediocrity just gets you more mediocrity.
You realize what you just posted reveals that your Hawkeye satisfaction comes from irrational cheering, not from program accomplishments?
Applauding mediocrity just gets you more mediocrity.

So you don't cheer for Iowa if they aren't winning?
You realize what you just posted reveals that your Hawkeye satisfaction comes from irrational cheering, not from program accomplishments?
Applauding mediocrity just gets you more mediocrity.

Yep. I will always cheer my heart out every year. I will always hope we have a huge year and make a run, no matter what sport. I expect to win and expect success but I don’t lose sleep over it. If it were so easy to be so successful and turn a program into a consistent top 15 program, why can’t every program find a coach to do it??
I can understand it being a matter of perception. I just happen to be of the camp where if it doesn't appear that things are moving forward then it's time to cut losses. Definitely see the risk/reward when it comes to hiring/firing and I definitely think anything's possible with Barta, but unfortunately I think the program is in bad shape and think its time for change.

I think I agree. But last year I didn't even think it was close to being time for a change. That's how bad this year is.
The Duke thing really bugs me.
"We aren't Duke"
That's true. But shouldn't we WANT TO BE LIKE DUKE? Honest to God, the point of competition is to shoot to win, meaning being the best. Just because we aren't Duke doesn't mean our goals should be progressively lower. Sheesh.

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Why do you bother????

To be fair to some of the fan base it’s not totally their fault. I have to think that what some are really saying is that the PRUDES that pull the B1G strings at Iowa really don’t want coaches that could be come bigger than they are. That become so successful that they start to dictate the terms.

They don’t want an Urban Meyer premodonna at the school. They want a nice person who blends in well with the image THEY WANT to put out to the public. Now they are set with the BTN lacing their pockets with sixty million dollars a year. They will get the sixty million whether they finish in first place or in fourteenth place and revenue won’t be factored solely by success.

Kirk had to go chastise Brian for his foul language and Fran got chastised for throwing the chair down. The PRUDES didn’t like it. Cursing in a learned behaviorism and it’s highly likely Brian has been doing it for a long time but not in public like that. It didn’t fit in with the image these nerdish, prudish, mousy people running things at Iowa want.

What struck me after Alabama won another championship was how their coach was getting all choked up after the game. People want to demonize this coach because their own athletic department falls way short of the true competitive nature of sports. So they want to make the coaches of the really successful programs look bad or thuggish because we wouldn’t want those type of coaches at Iowa. That’s the lie. Lute rubbed people in the administration the wrong way and he just got fed up with their BS and left. Some tried to claim it was the fishbowl effect of never having privacy. That was never the real reason.

I know people who personally know Bobby Knight and they say that when he steps on a basketball court his truest competitive juices come alive in him. However off court they say he is one of the softest spoken, polite, and kind people you will ever know.
I bet that would blow some people away. It did me as I thought the guy must be a total a$$h•le all the time.

It’s the prudish people in the administration that are the problem. “Were are Iowa we will always be Iowa.” This is a true statement as long as the same type of people are running the administration, but to claim that it’s the cold winters, the rural environment is just a damn lie! Yep we should be living in areas where they have successful sports programs because it’s such a paradise there. Places like Lincoln Nebraska where they had a dynasty in football for over a decade.Other places like Madison, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, KANSAS, effing Boise, Idaho who has since 1999 had a 12-6 bowl game record including a 3-0 record in the Fiesta Bowl. The “we are Iowa” stick is just getting old.
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Fran couldn't even have a conversation with Uthoff when he decided to transfer. If you can't talk to a recruit how can you say you landed them?

And Fran had multiple conversations and visits with Marble, and you don't count him either. :)
I think I agree. But last year I didn't even think it was close to being time for a change. That's how bad this year is.

I can't tell a fan how to be a fan. I've been guilty of that. I try not to. But, wanting Fran gone before this year seems to be a tad excessive. I don't personally get that. Doesn't mean I'm right. It just seems unrealistic about the program when looking at it from a large scope. I definitely understand why people want him gone now.
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Why do you bother????

To be fair to some of the fan base it’s not totally their fault. I have to think that what some are really saying is that the PRUDES that pull the B1G strings at Iowa really don’t want coaches that could be come bigger than they are. That become so successful that they start to dictate the terms.

They don’t want an Urban Meyer premodonna at the school. They want a nice person who blends in well with the image THEY WANT to put out to the public. Now they are set with the BTN lacing their pockets with sixty million dollars a year. They will get the sixty million whether they finish in first place or in fourteenth place and revenue won’t be factored solely by success.

Kirk had to go chastise Brian for his foul language and Fran got chastised for throwing the chair down. The PRUDES didn’t like it. Cursing in a learned behaviorism and it’s highly likely Brian has been doing it for a long time but not in public like that. It didn’t fit in with the image these nerdish, prudish, mousy people running things at Iowa want.

What struck me after Alabama won another championship was how their coach was getting all choked up after the game. People want to demonize this coach because their own athletic department falls way short of the true competitive nature of sports. So they want to make the coaches of the really successful programs look bad or thuggish because we wouldn’t want those type of coaches at Iowa. That’s the lie. Lute rubbed people in the administration the wrong way and he just got fed up with their BS and left. Some tried to claim it was the fishbowl effect of never having privacy. That was never the real reason.

I know people who personally know Bobby Knight and they say that when he steps on a basketball court his truest competitive juices come alive in him. However off court they say he is one of the softest spoken, polite, and kind people you will ever know.
I bet that would blow some people away. It did me as I thought the guy must be a total a$$h•le all the time.

It’s the prudish people in the administration that are the problem. “Were are Iowa we will always be Iowa.” This is a true statement as long as the same type of people are running the administration, but to claim that it’s the cold winters, the rural environment is just a damn lie! Yep we should be living in areas where they have successful sports programs because it’s such a paradise their. Places like Lincoln Nebraska where they had a dynasty in football for over a decade.Other places like Madison, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, KANSAS, effing Boise, Idaho who has since 1999 had a 12-6 bowl game record including a 3-0 record in the Fiesta Bowl. The “we are Iowa” stick is just getting old.

You had me at "premodonna".
Seriously though, excellent post.
Yep. I will always cheer my heart out every year. I will always hope we have a huge year and make a run, no matter what sport. I expect to win and expect success but I don’t lose sleep over it. If it were so easy to be so successful and turn a program into a consistent top 15 program, why can’t every program find a coach to do it??

I totally agree with you about how hard it is to be successful and how not all programs are going to find a coach to do it. But with that said doesn't it make the argument for taking risks that much stronger. If there truly are that few coaches out there that can take your program to the next level then why settle for one that can't. Continue to take chances hoping to find that coach if it doesn't pan out your right back where you started. While those elite coaches are hard to find average ones aren't. If you swing and miss on an elite there's a good chance there's an average one waiting for a shot and what do you have to lose.
How does anyone land a transfer then?
Wisconsin blocked Uthoff’s transfer to Iowa. So any schools that weren’t blocked could communicate with him while we couldn’t. He chose to attend Iowa and pay his own way for one year. It was a very unique situation.

Now I think Fran deserves some credit for turning our program around and his playing style helped to attract JU.

The problem with some of the really negative posters, and the troll56, is they won't ever give Fran credit for anything.

For instance if a guy doesn’t improve as much as they’d like they say Fran sucks at developing players. But then when someone brings up a Marble or Olaseni they say well he just got lucky.

Same thing for recruiting. They say he’s lucky White turned out as good as he was. Once you get into that place where you can’t give Fran credit for literally anything it’s hard to have a sane conversation.

I recognize that Fran has done some good here, but I’m ready to move on given everything I’ve seen.
I don’t disagree totally. I do think that even with Tom Davis coaching this squad, it’s blood out of a turnip. Fran’s shortcomings are making it worse no doubt, but I don’t see this team making the NCAA under anyone.

People drank the AAU game film Kool Aid and forgot that these guys were playing high school athletes who in a lot of cases wouldn’t start on Luther’s intramural teams. Of course they all look like LeBron.

Which is why PTL is, to me, worthless. We ALWAYS hear about "The Next Big Thing". Every. Single. Summer.

Seriously, it's basically "State of Iowa Summer League", nothing more. Yet, EVERY year we hear that so-and-so will dominate, thus-and-so will be a "surprise".
I’m saying he should have been on top of shit before this happened. Fran’s in charge of recruiting in addition to coaching, so roster deficits are on him. You realize that, right?

Agree 100% - that's all on Fran. Our Jr and Sr classes (that were recruited to Iowa when we were still not a very good program) are all on Fran. But I have to look at it as a whole, not in microscope of this season only. He developed Marble, White, Uthoff and Jok with other classes and IMO, our frosh classes have players like Jordan, Cook, Nunge and Garza that at least give me hope for development and improvement. Coupled with high recruits signed for the next 2 seasons. Which is why I am willing to give him more time. If it was just this season, without any signs of progress coming before it, and with no signs of progress around it, I'd feel differently.
Fans like me that cheer for them every night, look forward all week to when they play their next game, go to games and stand and cheer despite who is sitting behind me.
You just gave the textbook definition of a homer fan. Which just about nobody here is.

You can't come to a message board like this and not expect everybody to say your point of view is ridiculous.

CyFan is a site suited to whiny homers. They'll take you in and we even have a couple members here who would sign you up and probably preempt you from the approval process waiting period.

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