Also, last three games, 3.4 yards per rush.

There's my problem. I have always prided my team on winning in the trenches. They were absolutely owned at the LOS today. This won't get the pub that it should because "we have the DL in the country" and KF is an "OL guru"
This is exactly right. Every time this staff plays too many undersized offensive lineman the system begins to break down. Too small leads to no push off the ball and too many opposing lineman shooting through into our back field. Offensive continuity begins to break down. Its no coincidence that the drop in our offensive cohesiveness began late in the MSU game when we started playing Ferentz-Koeppel-VanDeVelde together. Just look at our production before and after this occurred to see the difference. SpecialK is right Wisconsin is winning the Big 10 because they have the best offensive line this year(and one of the largest).
I've never seen such an emotionless team or coaching staff.

Even my wife, a non-football fan if there ever was one, noticed KF does nothing to fire up the team or get in anyone's ear -- players or coaches -- about the way the game is going. Towards the end of the game I thought the several shots of an emotionless KF standing alone, not surrounded by anyone, were telling.

I would like to know WTF happened to this staff and team this season. Something's not right.
Even my wife, a non-football fan if there ever was one, noticed KF does nothing to fire up the team or get in anyone's ear -- players or coaches -- about the way the game is going. Towards the end of the game I thought the several shots of an emotionless KF standing alone, not surrounded by anyone, were telling.

I would like to know WTF happened to this staff and team this season. Something's not right.

Ferentz hasnt changed, and isnt about to.
This is exactly right. Every time this staff plays too many undersized offensive lineman the system begins to break down. Too small leads to no push off the ball and too many opposing lineman shooting through into our back field. Offensive continuity begins to break down. Its no coincidence that the drop in our offensive cohesiveness began late in the MSU game when we started playing Ferentz-Koeppel-VanDeVelde together. Just look at our production before and after this occurred to see the difference. SpecialK is right Wisconsin is winning the Big 10 because they have the best offensive line this year(and one of the largest).

You're on to something, and it's not rocket science - Nolan Mac and Gettis get hurt and suddenly the OL isn't playing quite as well. I thought the OL was progressing really, really well until those 2 went out. I commented after IU losing those 2 may have been more important than losing A-Rob, and maybe there was something to that, maybe not. Definitely something that seems to be noteworthy, though.
Ferentz hasnt changed, and isnt about to.

I watched the '02 PSU game BHGP had on their site. I was shocked how much more emotion and energy Ferentz seemed to have, in particular really chewing on officials much, much more. I love how Ferentz keeps his composure, but at some point you'd think the team could use some fire and emotion. I certainly don't want Mike Stoops-level dramatics, but I could go for at least a little more energy.
I watched the '02 PSU game BHGP had on their site. I was shocked how much more emotion and energy Ferentz seemed to have, in particular really chewing on officials much, much more. I love how Ferentz keeps his composure, but at some point you'd think the team could use some fire and emotion. I certainly don't want Mike Stoops-level dramatics, but I could go for at least a little more energy.

PSU is a different animal. Also was that the game after his dad passed away?
Starting corner out, starting RB out, complete lack of execution on defense.
I always luv the excuses. I mean it's a fact that no other team besides Iowa has to deal with injuries or graduating seniors.
PSU is a different animal. Also was that the game after his dad passed away?

This was the game IA was up big (kind of shockingly) and almost blew it, going into OT. There were also a number of suspect officiating calls in the game. I think his dad passing was in '04 (whenever the 6-4 game was). I really thought Ferentz was always pretty even-keeled and didn't blow his top too often, but watching that '02 game really, really surprised me. He was much, much more emotional and animated a few years ago than what he is now. I was trying to think of a time this season in which he completely went nuts on an official, and I really can't think of any...and I'm not sure that's a good thing. As foolish as it is, it fired me up seeing him go crazy, and I'll never have any impact on the IA program. I figure it if gets me going, should also get the players riled.
This team changed when the coaching staff put the team in Neutral the second half of the MSU game, unlike Wisky. The air was let out of the offense and we have not scored more than 18 since (today we had a special team TD). The players attitude changed. These are 18-22 year-olds, not pros-you have to motivate!
Ferenz is a matter of fact, execute your assignment, no emotional guy. He failed to recognize this since MSU second half shut down!
I tend to defend Norm's scheme because it requires a team to put together long, sustainable drives and most O's tend to have a hiccup along the way. That being said, our lack of conditioning this season was a glaring weakness and is completely uncalled for. I guess since we lost the natural reaction is to start pointing fingers and place blame. I can't blame NP because...well he wasn't around for the most of the season. I think it is merely a time for a D coordinator change, not a reflection of Norm's deficiencies because he has been very good for Iowa Football. But Iowa is in need of some fresh perspective and needs some new faces both as DC and OC, not necessarily new schemes but some fresh perspective that may be capable of throwing in some wrinkles that will keep people on their toes a little more and actually be a little more difficult to scheme against for once. We are way too predictable on both sides of the ball. We were in every game this year, all 5 losses, so I can't buy the argument that we have inferior talent.
I think that's a great point VenturaAce...we don't have inferior talent we have played inferior based on our talent level. Somewhere along the line the coaching staff lost this team and are either too old, ignorant, or recalcitrant to know when that has happened....look at Texas this year.
I tend to defend Norm's scheme because it requires a team to put together long, sustainable drives and most O's tend to have a hiccup along the way. That being said, our lack of conditioning this season was a glaring weakness and is completely uncalled for. I guess since we lost the natural reaction is to start pointing fingers and place blame. I can't blame NP because...well he wasn't around for the most of the season. I think it is merely a time for a D coordinator change, not a reflection of Norm's deficiencies because he has been very good for Iowa Football. But Iowa is in need of some fresh perspective and needs some new faces both as DC and OC, not necessarily new schemes but some fresh perspective that may be capable of throwing in some wrinkles that will keep people on their toes a little more and actually be a little more difficult to scheme against for once. We are way too predictable on both sides of the ball. We were in every game this year, all 5 losses, so I can't buy the argument that we have inferior talent.

Agreed. As much as i hate to say it, we cant let assistants run the D while Norm recovering.
Seattle Hawk - too your earlier reply: what was the size of that 2002 line? If my memory serves me right wasn't Nelson(center) the small one at about 6 4". How did that line do? Yes I know there are other factors. You can play one small individual in a line(especially at center) and get away with it. However side by side individuals that are not big is often attacked by defensive coordnators for a reason.
Seattle Hawk - too your earlier reply: what was the size of that 2002 line? If my memory serves me right wasn't Nelson(center) the small one at about 6 4". How did that line do? Yes I know there are other factors. You can play one small individual in a line(especially at center) and get away with it. However side by side individuals that are not big is often attacked by defensive coordnators for a reason.

Maybe I wasn't clear, but I'm w/ you 100% (and I was worried re this issue after IU when people were frustrated by red zone drives stalling). Having 1 undersized interior OL isn't particularly good, but you can get away w/ it. Having 2 side by side seems to be a recipe for disaster, though Ferentz and Koeppel have held up fairly well the past 4 games - not overly successful and definitely some mistakes here and there, but there's plenty of blame to go around to the point that they're not the sole issue. I wish Boffelli, Orne or Casey Mc would've gotten some reps, as I think they all have more bulk, but I'll trust the coaches re the OL.
So if we think the coaches and players gave up on this game...what about us? Were the fans into this game as much as we could have been, or did we give up as well?

I'm not blaming the fans or anything; I'm just curious.

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