Jon- Brett Greenwood rumor??

Seeing rumors that he died in the ER, I pray this is just a rumor way out of control and that he just past out..... please be false.:(
DSM Register is now tweeting it.

DesMoines_Reg Duh Moines_Register
Breaking News: Reggie Pickles reports that Brett Greenwood, former Iowa football player, has passed away. Source; @Dan_Welter

Thats not the DSM Register.

Its the Duh Moines_Register... take it with a grain of salt.
DSM Register is now tweeting it.

DesMoines_Reg Duh Moines_Register
Breaking News: Reggie Pickles reports that Brett Greenwood, former Iowa football player, has passed away. Source; @Dan_Welter

That's fake news you idiot. Look at the name, Twitter bio.

My god, use some intelligence in a situation such as this.
Yeah, i seen that right after I posted it. There is so much flying around twitter right now hard to see what is fact.

Pretty much all confirm that he did calapse while working out. Some say he is in intensive care while others say he has passed.

Why would you generate more traffic to an opposing board?

Doubt very much he would "scold" us about this being the issue is so serious.

I'm praying it's just a rumor, but it's looking like he collapsed, just hoping that he's ok.

The gravity of the situation and the fake twitter feeds above are why I would ask everyone to refrain from putting up info unless they have something concrete.
Now Ron Steele's twitter says still waiting on confirmation that Greenwood collapsed. Looks like he is still trying to figure out if that is even fact...
The gravity of the situation and the fake twitter feeds above are why I would ask everyone to refrain from putting up info unless they have something concrete.

Agreed. This is a kids freaking life and some idiots on twitter are throwing around information without a clue of the situation. sickening.
The gravity of the situation and the fake twitter feeds above are why I would ask everyone to refrain from putting up info unless they have something concrete.

Well the only reason I posted it is because Jon himself retweeted it.

But I have removed that info. Hopefully this whole thing is a joke, a horrible one.
Who exactly is tweeting it??? I mean like "credible people"

This is the only one that seems credible at this point.

ronsteele7 ronsteele7 by marcmorehouse
New info says Brett Greenwood collapsed during at workout at his former high school, Pleasant Valley, after being cut by Steelers.

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