John Wilkins

I was just about to post the same thing. Wilkins committed on Friday, but apparently they are waiting until Monday to make things "official." Not a huge loss. Wilkins is a 6'9 guy who thinks he is a SG. He has limited to no potential as a big. I think he is in the right place at a mid-major...too bad he chose such a poor school like Illinois St, a team that has underachieved consistently for over a decade.
Please don't use the word "system"....or "way"...EVER again in regards to Iowa basketball...thank you :p
His stock sure has dropped since he committed to ILL. St. A couple of weeks ago when Iowa was still in the mix he was an NBA prospect and Ryan Bowen was going to deliver him to the Iowa program.
His stock sure has dropped since he committed to ILL. St. A couple of weeks ago when Iowa was still in the mix he was an NBA prospect and Ryan Bowen was going to deliver him to the Iowa program.

He went to Ill. St. because his father played there. This does not mean any of the teams listed pulled their offers, including Indiana.
I was just pointing out the sour grapes opinion of some Iowa fans. Wilkins went from having NBA talent to not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time. It's just funny how much his talent level dropped after he signed elsewhere.
I was just pointing out the sour grapes opinion of some Iowa fans. Wilkins went from having NBA talent to not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time. It's just funny how much his talent level dropped after he signed elsewhere.

That might be a valid point if the same fans were quoted as touting him as an NBA prospect are now saying he is not good.
The above detractors might have been saying the same things a month ago about Wilkins.
I was just pointing out the sour grapes opinion of some Iowa fans. Wilkins went from having NBA talent to not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time. It's just funny how much his talent level dropped after he signed elsewhere.

True, but unless the people minimizing him AFTER are the same ones that praised him BEFORE it might just be differing opinions.
True, but unless the people minimizing him AFTER are the same ones that praised him BEFORE it might just be differing opinions.

Funny how that simple logic gets over looked constantly. Someone taunts posters in general for changing opinions without even considering that the people that are posting now are more than likely completely different people and may have never had that opinion. Rather Ironic when you think about it.
Everyone gets too excited over things that didn't happen...this kid went this place etc. Lets get the kids in here that want to be in here like Besabe and move the program forward. FFS it can't get worse than last year's WORST performance in school history. Lickliter lost 3-4 games last year because he had a mental vapor lock and did foolish things vis a vie at home against Michigan.

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