John Beilein's Available

It s addictive. Who wants to give into aging?

who says he has to give into aging. I have seen it many time through my life and it is sad to me that people’s job has to be their passion their entire life. Too me anyway it’s important to have hobbies and do different things.

I would think there are things in life he couldn’t do because of basketball that he has a chance to do now. There is only one thing in life for sure and that is Father Time always wins.
Beilein left Michigan for basketball “purity”. Maybe you find that in the NBA, but he whiffed big time thinking he would find it taking the Cavalier job.
I hope you're joking with the Michael Jordan comment. The guy is legendary with his effort. He didn't take any nights off and played hard every second on the floor. Listen to interviews with his teammates; he worked harder than any of them in practice. That internal drive is what defined his greatness - he was NEVER outworked.

Yep. Jordan was legendary for his effort. Even when he needed to "rest", he figured out how to do it missing minimal time of the floor.
UNC ? Williams hasn't exactly had his teams back and looks like he could have a stroke any minute. More logical option maybe a Detroit in Horizon League or a UMass?
Meh. He walked away from his contract and still go around 4 million this year. He will be just fine
At 67, he built a nice annuity in Cleveland. Although he probably won’t get the whole nut if he “resigned”.
I hope you're joking with the Michael Jordan comment. The guy is legendary with his effort. He didn't take any nights off and played hard every second on the floor. Listen to interviews with his teammates; he worked harder than any of them in practice. That internal drive is what defined his greatness - he was NEVER outworked.

Completely joking with sarcasm regarding Jordan! Jordan was a beast. These comments from Cavs players are ridiculous. Questioning a coach for details and fundamentals.
Completely joking with sarcasm regarding Jordan! Jordan was a beast. These comments from Cavs players are ridiculous. Questioning a coach for details and fundamentals.
There are a lot of politics involved in the NBA. That's really the only explanation I can come up with why so many turds sit on the end of the bench while guys like Peter Jok and Jarrod Uthoff can't get any traction.

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