Joe T. Played 7 minutes. Connor played 27

I think Joe should be out there more with JBO. Also anyone else notice Connor seems to have lost his edge from last year as far as competitiveness goes. I remember him being fierce last year this year especially the last few games he seems distant almost apathetic?
I think Joe should be out there more with JBO. Also anyone else notice Connor seems to have lost his edge from last year as far as competitiveness goes. I remember him being fierce last year this year especially the last few games he seems distant almost apathetic?
Look at their starting line up though, they had like four guys over 6'6 in a lot of the time. So jordan and Joe together could have been tough to pull off for this game.

I think perkins or ulisis might have helped taking some minutes. Connor seemed more active on defense last year, at teams he looked like a hockey player last season.
Ulis and perkins need more time, connor and bohannon less. This team looks like a 1 and done right now. In fairness we need a healthy frederick but that makes little difference in the weak defense
JT, Perkins, Uhlis. Why didn’t we play all 3 more? Especially when they started hitting 3s at the end of the game. After the MSU game how do you not play them when the opponent goes on a run? I don’t get it.
I would guess because we were getting hammered on the boards. Lot of long rebounds we were missing. Harder out of a zone to rebound. Our guards need to rebound.

I still think Joe T and Perkins should have been in the game more for defense. I think it is hard for a player to have confidence when they have a good game against Michigan State and don't play much the next game. Practically none in the 2nd half. Bohannon was also hitting shots this game which could have attributed to less time.
I don't understand it and I'm sure the kids sitting on the bench don't either. It's a head scratcher.
Perkins has shown he is a pretty good rebounder for his position. Joe T while prone to the occasional error is also the best defensive guard we have. Really no excuse for not having guys in there who can actually guard the 3 point line.
Really comes down to the various combos which at times baffle us all. We can all agree against athletic teams with have to lean on joe t, perkins, murray and I suppose nunge to play a semblance of defense. Many other teams we match up with we are fine with his normal lineup, and there in lies the problem, with a team of depth, why cant we seem to make smart in game decisions. Patrick is now playing a roll of spark off the bench and aggression at the expense of murray who now is playing tight as a starter. Garza and Jbo should not be on the court together till crunch time, it doesnt work on the defensive end nor does the ball get to garza. With no pt guard penetration weisy also doesnt get the open kick out often enough with this combo as well.
We would have lost that game by 20 without Jordan. Thankfully he showed up and played well, we needed more guys to do the same and they didn't.
Take a look at Hawk Central’s game analysis. I always read their stuff after I look at comments here on a win or a loss. It’s actually pretty painful to read, but makes a lot of sense to me. My agreement sure does get in the way of my “Pollyanna” reputation. Oh well.
We would have lost that game by 20 without Jordan. Thankfully he showed up and played well, we needed more guys to do the same and they didn't.
That is a big assumption. OSU may have been better defended without him and you are assuming who ever was playing in his place wouldn't score? Its not that he shouldn't be playing he is a great guard. However, when he is tired he plays poor defense like most. he should be playing less.
PT, etc. has to be fluid. Not that long ago people wanted JBo benched because he wasn’t making 3s. Now he’s up to 38%. Keegan was shooting it well and is now under 30%. Nunge? I among others cringed when he took a 3. Now he’s over 31%.
Why cant we go JoeT, JBo, CMac, Weis, garza?

Wouldnt JBo be an outstanding 6th man when CJ comes back? 19 points off the bench with Murray and PMac adding spark make for an outstanding team I would think. Throw in Nunge off the bench as well. Then we have 2 really good 3 point shooters and Garza for offense, JoeT for PG defense and penetration and CMac for entry passes.

JBo comes in to spell Weis or CJ and we still have a couple 3 point shooters on the floor. Nunge spells Garza and Murray and PMac spell Cmac and CJ or Weis.

I guess Im overthinking this, but I think there are better combos out there than what we are currently using.
Really comes down to the various combos which at times baffle us all. We can all agree against athletic teams with have to lean on joe t, perkins, murray and I suppose nunge to play a semblance of defense. Many other teams we match up with we are fine with his normal lineup, and there in lies the problem, with a team of depth, why cant we seem to make smart in game decisions. Patrick is now playing a roll of spark off the bench and aggression at the expense of murray who now is playing tight as a starter. Garza and Jbo should not be on the court together till crunch time, it doesnt work on the defensive end nor does the ball get to garza. With no pt guard penetration weisy also doesnt get the open kick out often enough with this combo as well.
We all need to calm down and face the facts: we are not an elite team and have 0 chance of winning the B1G Championship or the National Championship. We all drank the Kool
Aid and believed the hype.
Michigan bball is off again for 2 more weeks. Soon they will have too many games to make up and my hunch is the conference won't force them to play 4, 5 games a week. When the season ends and its B1G Tourney time, they will be forced to cancel the postponed games and call it a season, handing the conf, title to Mich., no matter have many or few games they have played. We're toast.
We would have lost that game by 20 without Jordan. Thankfully he showed up and played well, we needed more guys to do the same and they didn't.
So you're saying NOBODY else would've scored a point? Oh that's right JBo is all-time top 3 in total guard play at Iowa forgot. OK

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